Sobert, in How do I claim my free copy?
3 years ago
Just highlighting this here: https://www.games2gether.com/forums/85-help/threads/47359-endless-space-collection-already-claimed-issue?page=1#post-348334
Sobert, in How do I claim my free copy?
3 years ago
Just highlighting this here: https://www.games2gether.com/forums/85-help/threads/47359-endless-space-collection-already-claimed-issue?page=1#post-348334
LeSelmer, in Amplitude Studios Gaming Content Guidelines
4 years ago
We are passionate about allowing streamers and content creators the freedom to express themselves whilst enjoying the games we create. To ensure that you do so fairly, and in line with intellectual property and specifically copyright rules, we have set out the following guidelines for the use of gameplay and screenshots from our games (“Gaming Content”).
1. You may create, upload, livestream and monetise videos on online streaming platforms using our Gaming Content, but only using the authorised Monetization Methods (including advertising and partner programs of live streaming services and available to the public for free). Other forms of monetization of our intellectual property for commercial purposes are not permitted (including limiting access to our content for payment of any kind) or licensing our content to another company for a fee of any kind.
2. You may only use our Gaming Content which has been officially released to the public, or from promotional materials officially released (such as product trailers) and please do not post spoilers which ruin the experience for others.
3. You should include your own creative input and commentary on our Gaming Content. It is not permitted to make videos and images that just contain mere copies of our Gaming Content without any of your creative input or commentary.
4. If you want to use the intellectual property of a third party (e.g., music) together with our Gaming Content, you are responsible for obtaining any necessary third-party permissions. Please note that some game soundtracks or songs may not be owned by us, but instead are licensed from an artist. As this varies from game to game, please be aware that music may trigger content flags and potential removal of the video. Game soundtracks may not be posted or distributed separately and apart from game footage.
5. You are not permitted to imply or state that your videos are officially affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed, or approved by us – if you are participating in a collaboration with us, you are however obliged to disclose this information.
6. We reserve the right to remove any content that we believe is unlawful, infringing, inappropriate, or not in line with these Guidelines at any time.
We will update these Guidelines from time to time. Please refer to the latest version before sharing your content.
[Last updated: April 29, 2021]
We hope that the above Guidelines are set out clearly. However, please understand that we will not be able to respond to individual enquiries regarding these Guidelines. If you still have questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions set out below:
Sobert, in Something is wrong here [Steam] (Game) Endless Space Gold Edition games2gether.com
6 years ago
We will enable you to redeem it once again, can you test it and try again?
Sobert, in Something is wrong here [Steam] (Game) Endless Space Gold Edition games2gether.com
6 years ago
From what I can saw you seem to have endless space? Can you be more precise on what's missing please?
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, in Something is wrong here [Steam] (Game) Endless Space Gold Edition games2gether.com
6 years ago
Hello everone, and welcome to all newcomers,
We're sorry that you have not been able to receive your rewards yet. We unfortunately encountered some technical difficulties, but we are already working on a fix, which will hopefully be delivered soon.
Frogsquadron, in play Endless Space in Chinese
9 years ago
Unfortunately, we have concluded development on Endless Space after we started work on Endless Legend.
However, with us now being a part of the Sega family, there is a good chance of Endless Space 2 being released with a Chinese language pack. :)
Frogsquadron, in Huge galaxy subdued — some remarks and bugs
9 years ago
Frogsquadron, in Hiding from inspection?
9 years ago
Frogsquadron, in Hiding from inspection?
9 years ago
Frogsquadron, in Sieging systems in the early game?
9 years ago