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[Discussion] Relativistic ship speed effects

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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 2:08:30 PM
Does anyone know the speed that would have a ship?

Do the speed will be the same for interplanetar and interstellar deplacement?

Because if the speed let the ships fight in a battlefield light-hour-long. We must see enemy ships where they were hours ago.

And then come my question. Is there temporal warp?

When the light comming from the enemy ships reach our fleet. We see distant ship where they were. So maybe we see the enemy where they were one or two turn ago.

Or they will be a way faster than light to see the other ships?
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 3:00:00 PM
For simplisity sake i assume that no temporal warp things will be present (easily explained by some high tech sensors or similar techs). In fact - in ES ships travel only per system, there is no interplanetary travel.

On the second thougt it would be nice to start with higly inaccurate sensors that show you aproximate fleet position on global map. And some tech to better calculate its aproximation. Though this is wont get much support IMHO and will be very confusing.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 10:27:07 PM
Turn based game so..its not about seeing ship coming in real time..
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 11:31:20 PM
The Master of Orion games have always had a tactical combat portion that's reasonably small scale (where "reasonably" is certainly up for date, relative to the size of the rest of the game), or at least fits well with the pacing. MOO2 had turn based tactical combat with grid spaces that let ships intermingle and get up in each others' faces. MOO3 had a real time tactical bit where ships would maneuver and duel, but also could get very close and surround. The speeds were never relativistic, nor were the distances (either real or perceived) much larger than (hazarding a rough guess) a few score kilometers on a side. I'm confident that this will have a decent, most importantly fun to play scale that won't strain believability too much, leaving aside pedants who are bound to tell me that space combat on the order of closer range than several light seconds/minutes is already wrong.
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 1:49:56 AM
As per what I gather from screenshots and some imagination on ships size(to measure relative distances), I believe this game will approach it the standard way; as in having some rough cool looking distance when ships start firing. Allowing both "long" range engagements, as well as "close" ones; in the almost ramming sense. In RL terms the ships would be some tens of kilometers apart when engaging with standard weapons. I am basing these assumptions on a 1km long cruisers average.
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