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[Discussion] Research

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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 10:58:12 AM

So I just want to point some problems with the research system:

-First, the problem is to know quickly what does a research unlock. You have to zoom and to put your mouse in the squarre (oftenly there are 2 squares) to know what the research un lock, just under the name... It's very long, and when you search a special kind of research, you have to keep zooming and it's very difficult to search with this zoom.

-Second, the queues aren't very smart. It will be better to have the possibility to click in each research we want in the queue, because when you clik in a fa research, the game chooses the faster way, but sometimes i just want to unlock other researchs in another way, so I have to unlock my researches one by one... Is it possible to make our own queue? With multiple researchs which aren't necessary linked between them?

-Third, sometimes, when I want to colonize a planet I have the red message saying that I have not the requirments, but they don't show me it, I just have the name but I can't use it to find the research i need... A link bringing you to the right research would be better... And when you want (for the first time) to travl trhought wormholes, they don't tell you anything, and you don't understand why!

Sorry for my bad english, I'm french^^ I hope you'll understand me!
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 11:45:44 AM
Hey there, for the first one, I think it is just a design improvement you're looking for and not a proper bug.

Second: other have requested the ability to edit the research queue. Making your own queue could be a suggested improvement for the next build, but then again, it's a design related matter. smiley: biggrin

Third: a design / UI related matter again! smiley: biggrin But anyway, yeah, more tooltips and interactions with the UI have been requested by the Alpha players. I'm taking note, and we will consider it.

I'm French too, and your English isn't bad, don't worry! smiley: smile And thanks for giving us your feedback on the research!
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 1:42:33 PM
Ok, thanks for taking note, I wasn't sure if any dev member were present in this forum, I'm glad to see that you take care of our suggestions!

Good luck for next stages!
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 5:29:10 PM
Im supporting this.

Also: I wont copy paste, but please refer to my blog entry. Leave your thoughts and if you agree with me, keep on posting the link around. I hope to get the devs attention somehow.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 5:41:17 PM
Randeng wrote:

-Second, the queues aren't very smart. It will be better to have the possibility to click in each research we want in the queue, because when you clik in a fa research, the game chooses the faster way, but sometimes i just want to unlock other researchs in another way, so I have to unlock my researches one by one... Is it possible to make our own queue? With multiple researchs which aren't necessary linked between them?

Not sure I understand what you want it to do, but you can shift click an item to add it your research queue.

Randeng wrote:

-Third, sometimes, when I want to colonize a planet I have the red message saying that I have not the requirments, but they don't show me it, I just have the name but I can't use it to find the research i need... A link bringing you to the right research would be better... And when you want (for the first time) to travl trhought wormholes, they don't tell you anything, and you don't understand why!

You can search the research by searching for colonize . I know it's a pain but at least it's something. I also totally agree with the wormhole traveling, still not sure how they work.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 7:47:48 PM
I post this in another tread, bu probably makes more sense here.

I played a little, about 80 turns, 2 games, 2 races, slow pace, and i felt that science is too quick to archive. Most discovers i ignored because production pace is slower... I like very long games, chess like style, where is needed several battles to conquer a system. Right now, i felt my games like counter-clock ones. Does anyone agrees with my opinion?
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