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[Discussion] Custom Faction Ship Selection?

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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 2:56:26 AM
This question occurred to me when I was dreaming up the various custom factions I'd create once the full game is released. Will you be able to 'pick and choose' which ship hulls you want from the races available, or will you have to select a template from one of the existing races and work only off that?

For example, say I create a race largely based off the United Empire but I like the look of a few of the Craver vessels. Would I then be able to select those Craver hulls over the United Empire equivalents?
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 6:06:26 AM
My assumption, terrible I know, is that the ship design will be based on your affinity. However I see no reason that it shouldn't be its own option. It would also be cool to have a large selection of community approved models, and perhaps even pick and choose for each class!
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7 years ago
Dec 25, 2017, 10:45:46 AM

Well I was searching for the same thing! I like to play with humans but thier ships are ugly. Why cant I choose vodyani ships to my faction? Stellaris allows that why not ES2?

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