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Another page from MoO2: Custom races?

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 6:44:35 AM
Looking at how the layout for the races are currently, I feel this game is set up very easily for the custom race function in Master of Orion 2. The custom race option was so well balanced in that game, it was quite amazing. You were given a very large list of traits and abilities, all of which had positive or negative point values based on their usefulness, and then were given 10 points to spend. However, you couldn't spend more than 10 points of negative value, so you weren't able to overstep the bounds of the rules and break the game as it were. You could pick Intolerant (no diplomacy options), which was something like -7, and then maybe -20% to Spying (-3) and then you were unable to pick any more negative traits. There was no way to make an overpowered race, not that I could ever find anyway. And, oh, the list of abilities! Everything from lithovore, mechanical life forms, trans-dimensional life forms, omniscient (were able to view the whole galaxy at the start of the game), and so many other buffs/debuffs, even the wealth and gravity type of your homeworld. I'd very much like to see this sort of thing implemented in ES.
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