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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 5:51:59 PM
Even then you can't just say "sorry, the results didn't count, we will reopen past votes again".
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:25:07 AM
On the main site, look under the Endless Space tab. It is in the Game2Gether tab that you will see.

Private message me if you need any more help!

Edit: I can see that I am in the minority, so I am taking a break from this issue. I hope Amplitude will consider my arguments, but I am fine if they disagree with me smiley: cool
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:23:33 AM
Woodface wrote:
This feels like a rather dumb question, and I'm sure I'll be embarrassed when I realise it's been somewhere obvious all along, but where can I find the new vote that Steph'nie‎ mentioned? I'm still a bit lost around here. smiley: confused

ETA: Oh d'oh. It's the 'Hero Creation Competition - the Sophons' isn't it? smiley: ohh

Always here: http://endless-space.amplitude-studios.com/Games2gether
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 11:53:54 PM
This feels like a rather dumb question, and I'm sure I'll be embarrassed when I realise it's been somewhere obvious all along, but where can I find the new vote that Steph'nie‎ mentioned? I'm still a bit lost around here. smiley: confused

ETA: Oh d'oh. It's the 'Hero Creation Competition - the Sophons' isn't it? smiley: ohh
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 11:04:23 PM
Zougkla wrote:
I am not saying that we should revote simply because the community grew, no matter how you misconstrue my arguments.

I am saying that it was illegitimate because the game was unknown. Only a virtual handful of "Space Ninjas" had found the site, leaving the hundreds who would have participated in the vote in the dark.

Now that it is featured on Steam and has gotten coverage on gaming sites, the choice of whether to join the community is a real choice for the vast majority of gamers. Thus the votes after the game was released are, and will continue to be, legitimate.

PS: The argument from authority that Amplitude knows better than us is not a real reason why they couldn't have waited until the game was released to start voting.

First off: There is no right for a vote on something, but it is a privilege to be able to do so, unless you have a contract or a constitution stating otherwise. This is just my personal opinion.

Second: The few ninjas were several hundred registered forum users, even for the first post. The ninjas and VIPs have not held a games2gether-vote amongst themselves even once, as far as I know.

Third: A lot of magazines and specialized internet sites had preview announcements that led e.g. me to this forum where I could participate in the first vote. The game was not in any state to be released as an alpha at that point. The release ultimately triggered the surge of 10k new users. Before the release, there were about 2000 registered users. However, design decisions had to be made and amplitude apparently opted to allow the early birds, as you might call them, to vote on a few rather minor design decisions.

In terms of representativity, several hundred to two thousand of now 12k users is better than any election forecast. There's no statistical reason for a revote.

If you allowed people to revote for any reason X, it would be legitimate for anyone to again request a revote for the same reason X. Since you say that there was no chance for players to vote, since the game was not publicly announced, what do you say to:

  • People without internet connection who buy the physical version
  • People in whose language the game is not translated at this point, who do not speak english, but get a localized version in the future
  • People who were in hospital at the time or had any other valid and reproducable reason not to be able to log into steam for a while.
  • People who had a vacation without internet connection, come back now and are able to learn of the game this minute.
  • People working in antarctica for a year, coming back soon.

and so on...

I would only opt to hold a revote if the vote itself had been flawed due to procedural or technical reasons.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 5:53:24 AM
I am not saying that we should revote simply because the community grew, no matter how you misconstrue my arguments.

I am saying that it was illegitimate because the game was unknown. Only a virtual handful of "Space Ninjas" had found the site, leaving the hundreds who would have participated in the vote in the dark.

Now that it is featured on Steam and has gotten coverage on gaming sites, the choice of whether to join the community is a real choice for the vast majority of gamers. Thus the votes after the game was released are, and will continue to be, legitimate.

PS: The argument from authority that Amplitude knows better than us is not a real reason why they couldn't have waited until the game was released to start voting.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 5:28:32 AM
Zougkla wrote:
I am not saying they should redo every vote whenever someone joins the forums. I am saying that, at that point, the game wasn't well known or on sale and the community consisted of a few dozen at most, as opposed to many thousands now.

No, you are actually saying that. When game enters beta and gets more people, by your logic, we should "revote".

They don't have to involve players at all. But they openly choose to do so on small matters. And this decision also involves launching the system before getting the game on Steam, they could've delayed it. You think they wouldn't think about that?
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:34:47 PM
I'm surprised all this revote talk has surfaced. I'm a latecomer and I'm glad I'm here now to contribute for the rest, whatevers left to contribute on!
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:31:53 PM
As the old saying goes "The early bird gets the worm". I just entered the community recently, thanks to steam, and I'm happy with the decisions so far. Obviously, the people who got on here first and started making decisions have good noggins on their heads (I hear many are moderators now, so good for them).

The problem with adding a larger community to a re-vote is that many people who join large groups like to stir the pot a little and add a little chaos to the mix. Now, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when it comes to voting for the livelihood and reputation of the game developers, especially when they're using a system many haven't seen before (biasly pointing at myself), a little bit of professionalism would do the whole community a huge favor.

Also, I just can't see a powerhouse faction or DLC race being called "The Fuzzy-Wubblekins" and think that everyone voting was being serious about the name if a vote was called for.

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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:34:56 PM
indeed, it was voted on by the community then, and current votes do now.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:31:11 PM
Being angry for being excluded from votes which took place before they bought the game, registered here or even knew about the game would be a bit ridiculous, wouldn't it?

And don't get me wrong, with "you" in "it seems like you aren't content with the vote " I didn't mean you in particular, I meant the one(s) who redo the vote.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 7:27:58 PM
I am not calling for a revote because I disagree with the results or because of any malice. I just think that this is unfair for those who aren't "Space Ninjas". This is a very special circumstance and I am sure that many who are with the community now love the game just as much.

I think that many more people are angry for being excluded from those decisions than would be for losing. If most people like what those less than 30 people chose, then they will choose the same.

By not redoing these few votes, they are dismissing the votes of the many thousands who have bought the game.

Ren_Shredder wrote:
Why should their vote be dismissed?
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 6:10:05 PM
Deltron3O3O wrote:
sweet pirate A wins \o/

Great name! Bad taste though... ;P

I think redoing votes is almost always a bad thing. It makes people angry, and it seems like you aren't content with the vote and try to redo the vote until you're happy with it.

The people who stuck with the game from the beginning were its community back then, its first fans and supporters. Why should their vote be dismissed?

Redoing the first votes would be an unfair, even mean act, and I'm quite sure the people responsible for G2G see it the same way.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 6:04:20 PM
Perhaps we could ask those who were here at that point if they would be fine with it. Many of them seem to be moderators.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:26:58 PM
Hey everyone,

This week, you have chosen your favourite Hissho faction logo: Logo A won with 859700 points!

And for the second vote, you chose your favourite Pirate medium size Spaceship concept: the Pirate Medium Ship A with 779700 points.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

There's already a new G2G vote up for the Sophon Hero biographies.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 5:47:38 PM
It is not a question of deserving it, it is a question of involving the community!

You could say that the developer deserve to make all the choices because they are making the game. But, again, the point is not who deserves to make the choice, but in involving the players.

I am not saying they should redo every vote whenever someone joins the forums. I am saying that, at that point, the game wasn't well known or on sale and the community consisted of a few dozen at most, as opposed to many thousands now.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 4:52:22 PM
Double win for me, tehheheh :P

Zougkla wrote:
I just think that it is ridiculous that there were, at the very most, 30 people who voted for the winners whereas at least 800 voted in these latest decisions.

PS: Those votes were before the game went on sale or was widely known. It isn't really community involvement when so few get to make the choice, even if they were here first.

And no. They deserved it, since they were the first ones to discover here before we saw the game on Steam and such.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 4:46:19 PM
I just think that it is ridiculous that there were, at the very most, 30 people who voted for the winners whereas at least 800 voted in these latest decisions.

PS: Those votes were before the game went on sale or was widely known. It isn't really community involvement when so few get to make the choice, even if they were here first.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:51:49 AM
I don't think a revote is a good idea. The few people who have bought the game or at least made an amplitude account early on deserved to vote on those issues. All of us who registered/bought later on earned to vote on the issues that were up to vote since then. I think that's fair.

I actually believe that if there still were fewer people to vote then better choices (in my opinion smiley: wink ) would be made. Although I'm happy of course that so many people bought the game and are actively participating in the community here.

Great I could help and the G2G problem could be solved btw =)
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:00:28 PM
I wouldnt mind seeing a revote for some of the past things even though I know it may not happen seeing as its probably already fully designed and put into the game. As for pirate ship A I like it. Its simple, pirateish for a scifi universe and to me is even a little intimadating which is a good thing. I dont know about you but no matter how big the ship is if its pink and looks fluffy I'm just going to laugh at it.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 5:12:57 PM
Zougkla wrote:
Just as a suggestion, could we see the points for the ones that are not winning. I want to see how close it is.

Yes, I want that feature too. We are still working on improving the website+forums.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 5:01:26 PM
Just as a suggestion, could we see the points for the ones that are not winning. I want to see how close it is.

PS: What do you think about doing a revote of the Sophon logo and Hisso hero bios, as well as those before them? It looks like less than 30 people voted for the ones that won.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:38:34 PM
It seems there has been some issue that we managed to solve thanks to Ren_Shredder who pointed this out.

Hissho faction logo A won with 859700 points.

We apologise for this issue, and thank our dear community for helping us in such important matter: we wouldn't have noticed it without you! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:20:38 AM
Lol, I had difficulties choosing between Pirate Ship B and C and between Logo A and C...^^
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 6:05:23 AM
The pirate ship seemed a sure win for most of the voting, but I wasn't sure which Hissho logo would make it, it would bounce back and forward throughout the day.

Good choices!
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 6:04:27 AM
I had difficulty choosing between medum pirate A and C. C had nice looking rammer on it but I chose A in the end as it looked more practical. Well, for a pirate ship anyway.

Bit surprised Hissho B won as it had tusk looking appendages on it. Not very "bird-like", but that's democracy for ya.
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