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[Discussion] Politics and Endless space

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 9:24:30 PM
With ever expanding empires across the cosmos will there be freedom to found and create political structures or maybe even the freedom to proclaim yourself a Merc, Pirate, Guardian or Corp. Basically factions within races? Or are all empires the same and without different political or occupational identity.

I just came across Amplitude today so I am sorry if my question is WAAYYYYYYYY off.

Hello and Regards to you all.

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13 years ago
Mar 7, 2012, 11:37:02 PM
As I do not want to flood the forum with random new post, I'll use that thread for my question which is somehow related to politics.

When will we have more information about the Diplomacy aspect in EP ?

I'm kinda curious because I read on the Economy thread that you thought about a "Cold War" state between 2 faction. It suggests (unless I'm totally wrong) that 2 players into "Cold War" would be able to do discrete low blows to one another. Will it be possible, like SWRebellion, Haegemonia, Total War, Empire at War, etc., to have specific units (and heroes) who can set up different kind of mission (sabotage, kidnapping, uprisings, spying and so on..). It would be really great smiley: wink

Another question : will the relationships of a faction between the others have an impact in game other than "ok I can attack you" ? I mean for instance, being in an open war with its neighbour is not really good for the citizens' spirit, especially those who are close to the frontline !

This leads to another question : will it be possible to take over a colony without attacking it ?

Anyway, maybe I'll just wait for a Diplomacy / War / Thing thread.
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13 years ago
Mar 8, 2012, 12:13:53 AM
I would like to see a sophisticated diplomacy system like you get in Paradox games with casus belli and the internal factors involved.Most 4X games tend to copy the Civ model and that never really matches my view on how space opera politics should work.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 2:29:34 AM
There are a lot more states than just "At War" - "At peace", obviously. And this should be totally addressed.

Obviously, it would have to be tweaked for multiplayer games, with expanded options. You just can't program the AI to act like a real person would (or can you...? :P).

I'm not really sure if it is already in the game, but is there a senate? Like, an United Nations of sorts where leaders discuss international politics? Something you might want to consider. Backstabbing would occur like, daily.
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 5:59:34 PM
And what about the poilitical choice for your empire like in CIV 4 ? Is it planned ?
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 6:43:16 PM
Lets see what race types we have before we try to predict their levels of interactivity.

So far United vs. Cravers... not so sympatico
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 6:55:45 PM
That's the good thing about having 8 races, everything is possible. Unlike the Cravers and the UE who don't know each other, there might be 2 or more races that have common story, be it of cooperation or of war and hatred. I also hope there will be more bad guys, the Cravers are not enough smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Apr 4, 2012, 8:47:13 PM
I always figured "cold war" was just a fancy title for neutral. You're not at war, so you're not shooting each other. You have no treaties or ties of friendship so you don't trust each other. And even though you're not shooting each other, you're probably not going to be cheering the other empire when they surpass you in strength.

You don't trust them, and you certainly don't want to see them succeed. "Cold War" seems fitting. But that's just my interpretation.
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13 years ago
Apr 5, 2012, 5:25:33 AM
I wasn't talking about extern politics, but intern politics. What if within the cravers there would exists different kind of political party ? And for instance it would interesting to play with things like: you want to go to war but the political party in charge is a pacifist. You can go to war, but you'll have serious drawbacks. Same thing with economy politic, with the right aparty you could get negligeable unrest when you have high tax rates, but as a drawback they wouldn't be encline to go at war.

What I'm talking about are things that would force the player to adapt not only with enemey but also with his own faction.

There was a 4X space game that did that, but I don't remember the name. (There was some kind of galactic parliament)

And what about laws ? (like in King Arthur the roleplaying wargame)
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13 years ago
Apr 5, 2012, 11:32:17 AM
Hi all,

A lot of the questions of internal political structure of the factions are explained in the faction documents; these are detailed lore docs that don't really have anything to do with ES gameplay but explain the origins, history, and society of the different factions. We should be making them available eventually...

As far as Diplomacy goes, there are a range of possible relationships and negotiations that can be done between factions. War, Cold War, Peace, Alliance... the details are not 100% worked out yet, but we want Diplomacy to be powerful and meaningful in Endless Space. Trading of resources, Dust, technology, and maybe even star systems could be possible in the final version. We'll see about trying to get a game design document posted that presents this.
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13 years ago
Apr 5, 2012, 11:39:33 AM
What about territorial disputes? Will that be something that's possible? An example is with Israel ect. always fighting over territory...

Another example is the Falklands where 2 people believe it belongs to them. Territorial disputes are a very common thing and i don;t think i've ever seen a game actually portray it.

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13 years ago
Apr 5, 2012, 5:05:21 PM
Slowhands wrote:
Hi all,

A lot of the questions of internal political structure of the factions are explained in the faction documents; these are detailed lore docs that don't really have anything to do with ES gameplay but explain the origins, history, and society of the different factions. We should be making them available eventually...

As far as Diplomacy goes, there are a range of possible relationships and negotiations that can be done between factions. War, Cold War, Peace, Alliance... the details are not 100% worked out yet, but we want Diplomacy to be powerful and meaningful in Endless Space. Trading of resources, Dust, technology, and maybe even star systems could be possible in the final version. We'll see about trying to get a game design document posted that presents this.

And what about internal politics (like different parties that have different pros/cons) ?
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13 years ago
Apr 5, 2012, 11:24:17 PM
Slowhands wrote:
Hi all,

As far as Diplomacy goes, there are a range of possible relationships and negotiations that can be done between factions. War, Cold War, Peace, Alliance... the details are not 100% worked out yet, but we want Diplomacy to be powerful and meaningful in Endless Space. Trading of resources, Dust, technology, and maybe even star systems could be possible in the final version. We'll see about trying to get a game design document posted that presents this.

Sounds pretty good, Slowhands. Posting the details on the diplomacy system would be great if you guys can swing it!
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 8:48:33 AM
Hi, when you are asking about Political Parties, how about Form of Goverment or Kind of Empire... i.e. a democratic federation, authoritarian empire or totalitarian systems...
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