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[Discussion - Poll] Navigation Cards after conventional combat ends.

I approve of the Idea and the Navigation Cards.
I approve of the idea, but the Navigation Cards can be improved.
I don't approve of the idea; keep combat the way it is.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 4:51:23 PM
This is a poll for the Navigation Card suggestion after all combat phases have been played out. A re-paste of the info:


At the end of a full cycle (after close-range weapons) the draw phase is actually a navigation phase. In the navigation phase there are three cards that can be played: Withdraw, Re-position, and Pursue cards. Since most battles end before this I don't see something like this being priority, but it can certainly give more immersion from a tactical perspective. Further explanation below.

Tactical Cards:

Withdraw Card: Push all remaining energy to the thrusters, attempting to leave the battlefield. If the enemy pursues you suffer a -40% penalty to weapons due to power redistribution to the engines, and must fight one long-range (or middle) phase before you can successfully withdraw.

Re-position Card: Reposition the fleet back into battle formation, circling around back into long-range phase to fight against your opponent. You suffer no penalties with this card. If the opponent withdraws the fight ends in a tie. If the opponent pursues the battle will be joined in only two phases; the mid range phase and the close range phase. Your pursuing opponent will suffer a -25% weapon penalty and a +5% HP boost for one round.

Pursue Card: Push much of your energy into thrusters and some extra power into the hull, giving you the ability to chase down withdrawing targets for one long-range phase or to ignore the long-range phase against repositioning targets. If you play this card you get a -25% weapon penalty and +5% health boots of your maximum HP for one turn. Full HP pursuing ships gain a +5% health bonus if at full HP.

So basically:

Withdraw C vs Re-position C: Withdrawing fleet leaves the field ending the fight in a draw.

Withdraw C vs Withdraw C: Withdrawing fleet leaves the field ending the fight in a draw.

Withdraw C vs Pursue C: One last phase is fought (long/middle range). Withdrawing fleet suffers -40% weapon penalty and pursuing fleet suffers -25% weapon penalty with a +5% HP boost.

Re-position C vs Withdraw C: Withdrawing fleet leaves the field ending the fight in a draw.

Re-position C vs Re-position C: Both fleets re-position themselves into fighting formation, beginning at long range.

Re-position C vs Pursue C: Pursuing fleet is positioned much closer than normal, skipping the long range phase and starting off at middle range. Pursuing fleet has -25% weapon penalty and +5% HP boost for one turn.

Pursue C vs Withdraw C: One last phase is fought (long/middle range). Withdrawing fleet suffers -40% weapon penalty and pursuing fleet suffers -25% weapon penalty with a +5% health boost.

Pursue C vs Re-position C: Pursuing fleet is positioned much closer than normal, skipping the long range phase and starting off at middle range. Pursuing fleet has -25% weapon penalty and +5% HP for one turn.

Pursue C vs. Pursue C: Both sides suffer a -25% weapon penalty and +5% HP boost for one turn, and fight one (or two) close ranged phases.


Link to original thread: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13492-suggestion-navigation-cards-after-conventional-combat-ends.

Number bonuses will have to be balanced if introduced. Let us know what you think!
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 5:08:03 PM
Pursue Card: Push much of your energy into thrusters and minimal power into the hull, giving you [a] +5% health boost


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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 6:20:57 PM
I also don't see how the stated bonus to using pursuit gets worse when the enemy repositions. They're both -25% weapons +5% health.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 6:34:35 PM
Draco18s wrote:
I also don't see how the stated bonus to using pursuit gets worse when the enemy repositions. They're both -25% weapons +5% health.

It's there to show something consistent (as an example, basically). for instance, if your fighting against a player using missiles (long-range) then it wouldn't be a bad decision to use pursuit if you utilize kinetic/beam weapons. though you have a -25% weapon penalty you're in much closer range to your enemy; allowing your kinetic and beam weapons to land much more often. The poll however is for the idea of the navigation cards, not the number bonuses with them. As I stated in the top post these numbers will have to be balanced (or taken out) if the idea is introduced.
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