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[discussion] research tree

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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 6:44:11 AM
I play only few days but i think that research in this game is flat.

Research is not bad but it is similar to many other games, i hoped something better.

All races have same techs and tech tree has not real choices.

I can choose what tech research but advanced tech cost so much than basic ones that i pick techs from every tree.

So in advanced games all equally strong races have about the same techs.

I read the idea in previous posts of randomized research tree and perhaps this is a good idea to improve reserch.

But perhaps a better idea is research like master of orion, when you chose a research you lose other researches of the same level.

it is very difficult to balance (every research of a level must be equally strong to others, or all always choose stronger research) but there are many advantages.

1) you decision in reserch really are important ( now it is only a clik)

2) races becomes different each other (some have tech that others not have), with different weapons, ecc ecc

3) spy become very important, i can spy tech that i cannot research.

4) every game is different from previous one
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 8:42:33 PM
I agree on most points you make but we already have a lot of suggestions for research ongoing, you should rather post there than making a new thread. Before making any new research suggestion threads I think we should look what the devs do to the research tree.
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