Layer one = Let's see empire modus is good.

Layer two = Solar modus is nice.(All planets visible)

Layer three = Planet modus needs more work/Needs to be removed/information(Moon explored?/temple?)= needs to go to solar modus?

Let me explain.

With a small map and all your planets colonized. You will hit the examine the moon in all your solar systems tedium.

The user will go from Empire modus to solar modus to planet modus. Because it isn't shown that a moon is examined or has a temple on it. (not vissible in solar modus)

My personal opinion is that this will be hell if you play on a big map.

It would be better for the gameplay to remove or merge the second and third layer (Solar and Planet modus) from the game to speed up the gameplay. And it will make all information easier accesible. This will make the interaction with your empire more fluid. And make decisions of improvements more logical.

If not this set up will be a game breaker in huge empires.

The game interaction is A to B to C and back to A to B to C rinse and repeat al lot. It would be better to get a game setup with only A and C or A and B interactions.

At least for planet and solar systems. Most of the time I want to get from Empire modus to planet modus. The Solar system modus lacks a feedback loop of user defined changes applied in planet modus. Conclusion this game has one layer of none interaction to many.