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Diplomacy/Trade and AI Stupidity?

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12 years ago
Jan 8, 2013, 5:38:16 PM
Is anyone else noticing that when it comes to making trade proposals, the AI seems to be amazingly stupid?

Even with an AI that I'm on decent terms with, they tend to disapprove of completely fair and balanced trade agreements. Even when it is trading a technology for another technology of the same research value, I'd often have to stack several other things with it before they'll like it.

That's annoying, but far worse.. are the inane trade requests that I am constantly getting from the AI. They are consistently asking me for like 150 dust/turn for 5 of a resource that I already have in abundance. Or, asking me for a rare resource for 4-5 of a resource that I already have in abundance. I have it in abundance, I have very little need for more..and they keep trying to offer it to me.
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12 years ago
Jan 8, 2013, 6:20:55 PM
NobleIre wrote:
They are consistently asking me for like 150 dust/turn for 5 of a resource that I already have in abundance. Or, asking me for a rare resource for 4-5 of a resource that I already have in abundance. I have it in abundance, I have very little need for more..and they keep trying to offer it to me.

This one should really be fixed. At the moment, it doesn't look like AI even checks how many resources a certain empire has before offering them more.

As for tech trade, I think it's quite fine at the moment. AI should not ever accept 1:1 tech trades from human (whether it should accept it in an AI-AI trade is debatable), because that will be certainly abusable (like, a human player keeping his "research buddy" AI in some dark pocket of the galaxy only to use him as a tech booster).
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12 years ago
Jan 8, 2013, 6:39:38 PM
NobleIre wrote:
Is anyone else noticing that when it comes to making trade proposals, the AI seems to be amazingly stupid?

Even with an AI that I'm on decent terms with, they tend to disapprove of completely fair and balanced trade agreements. Even when it is trading a technology for another technology of the same research value, I'd often have to stack several other things with it before they'll like it.

That's annoying, but far worse.. are the inane trade requests that I am constantly getting from the AI. They are consistently asking me for like 150 dust/turn for 5 of a resource that I already have in abundance. Or, asking me for a rare resource for 4-5 of a resource that I already have in abundance. I have it in abundance, I have very little need for more..and they keep trying to offer it to me.

yupp, and also I get totally spammed with peace offers some times, until I accept or declare war.
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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 12:25:51 AM
NobleIre wrote:
Is anyone else noticing that when it comes to making trade proposals, the AI seems to be amazingly stupid?

Even with an AI that I'm on decent terms with, they tend to disapprove of completely fair and balanced trade agreements. Even when it is trading a technology for another technology of the same research value, I'd often have to stack several other things with it before they'll like it.

This seems to depend on difficulty: on normal, they'll accept 1:1. On Endless, it's about 5:1.

For it to be balanced, it should be NumberOfPlayers : 1, really. Unless AI trades with itself.

Tech trading, even on Endless with 5:1, is STILL obscenely broken. Further checks should be placed, actually - like having a full-running Agreement of Cooperation, or possibly alliance, and perhaps even making it research said tech at double or quad speed instead of giving it outright.

The thing the AI really needs is two diverse modes, though. "Behaving like a 'real' space empire" and "Playing to win". As it stands, the AI never takes win into consideration, especially in regards to letting you gain non-military victories without contesting at all.
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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 9:21:58 AM
Aureon wrote:
Tech trading, even on Endless with 5:1, is STILL obscenely broken. Further checks should be placed, actually - like having a full-running Agreement of Cooperation, or possibly alliance, and perhaps even making it research said tech at double or quad speed instead of giving it outright.

On trading tech topic, I very much like the Civ5 approach. No. Tech. Trade. Ever. Period.

Instead, you'll be getting a tech-boosting agreement that you can use in diplomacy.
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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 4:18:12 PM
It seems to me that warp engines should enable any faction to trade with any other faction, preventing someone from pocketing another faction. You just move around them, unless you've waited far too late and let them somehow completely envelope them in their zone of control. I can live with slightly unbalanced trades, though I'm not a fan of the AI promoting them; but, some of the trade terms are ridiculous.

Mostly though, I would be glad if the AI would just offer me something worthwhile instead of constantly offering me things I have no more need of. Also, (and i've seen the suggestion somewhere), a counter-offer feature would be nice.
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