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My Personal Anomalies and Wonders. Please tell if Good, bad, or needs improvments.

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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 5:14:14 PM
Mr.Spartan126 wrote:

Constant Quicksand Dunes: (Desert and Arid only)

Although it is accepted that this planet is normally cover with sand, this goes beyonod the norm of that notion. There are very large dunes of quicksand that are completely indistinguishable from the regular landscape that will take almost anything down to the deep crust of the planet. This severely impacts industry and the quality of life for colonists.

-20 Approval

-3 Industry

Can you remove the penalty?

And also, nicely done.
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 12:31:26 PM
Javarino wrote:
I like Living Cities, but it seems like a pain to colonize at first making the likelihood of it being useful in the endgame suspect. I think that it should provide a small science bonus, not affect food production, but keep the other modifiers. (Noone wants to get killed on vacation, and yes to space and industry cut off.) Repaired would then give less science, no food, smaller (maybe) approval boost, but the rest would stay the same. Can we add our own to the list?

Sure, just PM it to me and will repost it with your screen name giving credit. Also I want you to PM me with what your changes to Living cities are so I can adjust the values, I will give you credit.
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 10:18:19 PM
I like Living Cities, but it seems like a pain to colonize at first making the likelihood of it being useful in the endgame suspect. I think that it should provide a small science bonus, not affect food production, but keep the other modifiers. (Noone wants to get killed on vacation, and yes to space and industry cut off.) Repaired would then give less science, no food, smaller (maybe) approval boost, but the rest would stay the same. Can we add our own to the list?
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12 years ago
Jan 12, 2013, 9:28:54 PM
Romeo wrote:
As a word of advice, Leviathans were on Tor, and believe me, they would not have had a positive effect on happiness. They have a habit of eating entire cities at a time, and being borderline impossible to stop.

Personally I have not went deep into the lore about the Endless, but now that I know this, should I rename it? My usage of the word leviathan was not intended to mean "destructive and large" just a large, intelligent, mysterious being.
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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 9:48:59 PM
As a word of advice, Leviathans were on Tor, and believe me, they would not have had a positive effect on happiness. They have a habit of eating entire cities at a time, and being borderline impossible to stop.
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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 5:29:53 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Can you remove the penalty?

And also, nicely done.

Yes, I'm just wondering how to "word" the text when it is fixed.
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 7:31:44 AM
IMPORTANT: Since some poeple have asked, this will no longer be just my Ideas, I will post the ideas of other people that send their ideas to me via PM, If something is OP or underpowered I will ask if that individual can adjust it.

Also, If anyone has suggestions on how to improve upon my own ideas, please tell me. The goal of this thread is to make great content that I hope will be considered for the game.

These are some of the anomalies and wonders that I have come up with in my spare time. I really want people to dig in and tell me what they think and if they would like them in the game. I have pulled some of my suggestions from threads I have posted on before and put them here. Also, I will be drawing on inspiration from many other forms of science fiction media(ex. Star Wars).

I will be updating this as often as possible.

-Natural Wonders-

The Great Leviathan: (Oceans only)

As far as large alien creatures go, this is very far from what has been observed previously. Below the gentle waves of this planet swims a leviathan of great size, far larger than even a dreadnaught class vessel. The creature can be seen but is unable to be approached, but it seems that it has a very unique telepathy ability in which it uses to communicate and influence the populace. It gives us its knowledge that it has gathered from its long age, thus giving us gigantic leaps in our science; also it seems to "sense and feed" on the emotion of happiness, as it influences the population to keep itself alive.

+25 Approval

+10 Science

-Endless Wonders-

Living Cities:

This planet was clearly under control of the Endless as there are vast, still standing, cites that are scattered around the planet. Unfortunately, the cities are "alive" with defense drones that attack anything coming within the cities borders with a seemingly never ending supply. While the cities are magnificent in scale and beauty, they are built around all the hot spots of resources on the planet. Until there is a way to shut down the drones or turn them under our control, colonies will suffer a lack of resources and space.

}- The values have been adjusted based on a suggestion by Javarino( I agree with it)


Approval -15

Population -2

Science +4

Industry -4

Dust -2

End Tier Resources 2000 Industry


Approval +20

Population +2 (in addition to loss of previous population)

Science +6

Industry +4

Dust +4

+400 defense


"Endless Cloud Cities": (Gas Giants only) - Moved to Wonder section. Suggestion by treizoz. (I agree with it)

Scattered around this giant are various floating cities that looks to be the remains of a "concrete" endless colony. While many of the technologies and resources are gone they do provide plenty of safe places for upstart colonies on a normally unwelcoming planet.

+ 25smiley: approval

+ 2 smiley: stickouttongueopulation: Cap on Gas Giant


Frozen Specimens: (Arctic and Tundra only)

Across the long frozen landscapes are the many bodies of frozen fauna that once roamed this planet. This will attract many tourists and provide great leaps in our science.

+15 smiley: approval

+3 smiley: dust per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

+3 smiley: science per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

Constant Quicksand Dunes: (Desert and Arid only)

Although it is accepted that this planet is normally cover with sand, this goes beyonod the norm of that notion. There are very large dunes of quicksand that are completely indistinguishable from the regular landscape that will take almost anything down to the deep crust of the planet. This severely impacts industry and the quality of life for colonists.

-20 Approval

-3 Industry
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12 years ago
Dec 25, 2012, 11:01:03 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I like them, got any negative anomaly's you can then later reduce?

Yes, I'm brainstorming them while I am at work and will update within the next day or so.
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12 years ago
Dec 25, 2012, 1:04:45 AM
Nomas wrote:
I like then both actually. Especially Hive City like, old Endless colony lore wise reminding Coruscant from Star Wars. smiley: cool

Same here, so many good Star Wars / Star Trek memories flood my mind... smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 24, 2012, 2:01:08 PM
I like then both actually. Especially Hive City like, old Endless colony lore wise reminding Coruscant from Star Wars. smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Dec 24, 2012, 1:48:45 PM
I like them, got any negative anomaly's you can then later reduce?
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12 years ago
Dec 24, 2012, 12:43:49 AM
Space_Derp123 wrote:
I really Like the "Endless Cloud Cities".

Agreed, but I think you should remove the morale bonus and simply leave the population increase. Living in ruins shouldnt really affect someone's mood positively, especially if all that's left is the foundations; therefore its the same as living in any other place really.

Gameplay wise +2 population is a solid enough improvement. That said the anomaly should be pretty rare, so perhaps it would be better off as a wonder? Maybe that would be a good way to keep the morale bonus and this anomaly scarce.
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 3:40:18 PM
Waylander1982 wrote:
I liked the look of the first one, but then I saw you could "reduce" it. Good initiative overall though!

How much should it be reduced to and which part?
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 10:57:41 AM
I liked the look of the first one, but then I saw you could "reduce" it. Good initiative overall though!
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