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Filling vacent planet slots.

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11 years ago
Aug 9, 2013, 2:21:17 AM
Hello! I'm not sure if this idea has been proposed yet, has anyone though about creating a tech that fills empty planet spots with either a Gas giant or Asteroid belt? That way you can take small 1 or 2 planet systems and fill them out eventually. I suspect this tech would be deep in the exploration tree.
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11 years ago
Aug 9, 2013, 4:15:42 AM
Kind of goes against the flavor of the game though. Terraforming is one thing, but to actually create a planet isn't something to take lightly.

The closest I could see would be the ability to create a giant colony ship that acted as a colony itself, instead of letting you colonize a planet, and, in game terms, was a tiny planet. Food would have to be low, and dust would be 0, but industry and science could be reasonable.
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11 years ago
Aug 9, 2013, 6:40:51 AM
We all like full-planet systems especially without those pesky asteroids but this is why some systems are worth fighting over and puts em in demand.

Creating planets out of nothing.....thats a little over the top in my opinion. I dont want to bring "god" into this but thats what I was thinking off. I love high-tech dont get me wrong and once the tech is advanced enough it can appear like magic sure....copying a natural phenomena....okay.

So I guess if that tech would take 200+ (or more) turns to form a planet I d say go for it.....otherwise its way too much.
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11 years ago
Aug 9, 2013, 10:29:47 AM
Stargem wrote:
I wouldn't mind being able to create planets. 100,000 production cost?
So 5 Turns?

Because I've broken the 20k Industry mark before IIRC. Took like over 200 turns but I did it. Oh and I had to use Harmony to do it lol.

In all seriousness "Planetary Stations" that come in two flavors and require an Endless wonder of the appropriate flavor to produce (wit ha 1Pop cap and considered a medium planet) wouldn't be too bad.
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11 years ago
Aug 9, 2013, 11:36:56 PM
I think it's perfectly in line with the flavor of the game, each empire is chasing the secrets of the Endless, and they would do wondrous things.

That said, I agree it should be deep tech tree research to form the tiny planetoid (like a barrens or asteroid with a one population to start with, not including any population expanding tech), or the creation of a planetary station that could be 'expanded' (using the usual planetary population tech) is also very imaginative.
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11 years ago
Aug 11, 2013, 2:49:06 AM
All for it.... dyson spheres and ring worlds FTW!!!!

This is not a something for nothing, there could be sufficient junk in the system allow the formation of the type of world you want, but I it best reserved for obvious constructs - hence dyson spheres and ring worlds.
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11 years ago
Aug 11, 2013, 5:10:28 AM
How building ring worlds using existing planets as "material".

Or maybe just take pieces of the sun. Assuming ES black magic let's you get close enough to the sun.
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11 years ago
Aug 11, 2013, 5:46:49 AM
I would love to create Dyson Spheres. To me, it is all about being able to revise the universe into a more pleasing form.

DYSON SPHERE (Requires the technology "Dyson's Ambition" to be researched.)

Costs 1,000,000 production to create, and is irreversible. It removes all planets in the system and their anomalies, including wonders and resources. Eliminates all moons. The Dyson Sphere counts as a wonder. Considered to be a Class Zero planet.

60 Base Population

+5 Happiness

+5 Food

+5 Industry

+5 Dust

+5 Science

No natural resources

ARTIFICIAL MOONS (Requires Dyson Sphere)

Costs 1,000,000 production to create, and are placed in orbit around a Dyson Sphere. Counts as 6 moons for the purpose of increasing FIDS and population. Cannot be removed.

BASIC RESOURCES (Requires Dyson Sphere)

Costs 1,000,000 production to create. Adds six different resources to the system, their base deposit size is 1. Cannot be removed.

DEVELOPED RESOURCES (requires Basic Resources)

Costs 2,000,000 production to create. Increases base resource deposits to 2. Cannot be removed.

EXTREME RESOURCES (requires Developed Resources)

Costs 3,000,000 production to create. Increases base resource deposits to 3. Cannot be removed.
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11 years ago
Aug 11, 2013, 7:03:08 AM
still folks even with Dyson spheres and ring worlds creating such a thing would take more then 1 year or even 10. If you d manage to create a new world within 5 turns it would be "unrealistic" for me and spoil the feeling but thats me smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Aug 11, 2013, 1:08:50 PM
MTB-Fritz wrote:
still folks even with Dyson spheres and ring worlds creating such a thing would take more then 1 year or even 10. If you d manage to create a new world within 5 turns it would be "unrealistic" for me and spoil the feeling but thats me smiley: smile
But complete terraforming from a Tundra world to a Jungle world in 5 turns is okay?

Edit: Hell I can terraform a Lava world into an Arctic world in one turn with enough industry leftoever to build several colony ships. Yet it takes 3-4 turns to build my dreadnought class super cruisers. But Dyson Spheres and Ring worlds are too impossible.
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11 years ago
Aug 12, 2013, 10:05:23 AM
Creating new planets is not that dead idea, though only if you can't improve those further, So you may only create tiny barrens, volcanics and asteroid belts that are not affected by the endothermic population upgrade and cannot have moons, resources or anomalies.

I really dislike those ideas that said it should cost 1000000 or even more to build high tech lol things. Best industry I ever reached was ~6000 (though I am just a noob with basic understanding of the game), and creating one of those fancy mega-worlds would need 167 turns at that rate.. my games usually end around turn 200 (normal speed).

We can solve the industry and turn problem, there are fixed turn cost improvements like the automaton space stations or the Harmony contamination barriers. let's say you need 10-15 turns to create a tiny world and that would be OK for me.
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11 years ago
Aug 12, 2013, 6:34:00 PM
Maybe get a poll running for this. Work out the details later, overall I think this would be great. I really hate late game when you systems with one planet that feel worthless in the scheme of things.

Autocthon wrote:
So 5 Turns?

Because I've broken the 20k Industry mark before IIRC. Took like over 200 turns but I did it. Oh and I had to use Harmony to do it lol.

How many system did you own and what were fraction traits? I don't know how you could have gotten over 20k... have hit 14k but nothing close to 20k+.
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11 years ago
Aug 16, 2013, 10:04:40 AM
I did have another thought maybe instead of another planet you could have ship yard that produces ships for your fleets. This takes one planetary slot in the system produces industry and have a couple of population slots which could be upgraded.

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11 years ago
Aug 16, 2013, 10:06:35 AM
I did have another thought maybe instead of another planet you could have ship yard that produces ships for your fleets. This takes one planetary slot in the system produces industry and have a couple of population slots which could be upgraded.

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