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UI/UX improvements

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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 10:42:02 PM

after tens of hours of not being able to get away from the computer because the next turn will definitely be really important and I just can't play it later, I've decided to dump a list of minor issues that I've found during this amazing game. Most of bugs I've found is already somewhere in this forum, but my perfectionism helped me to find some new ones smiley: wink

I've tried hard to find what's been already reported and removed it from my list unless I feel it's really important and needs to be repeated smiley: smile

  • As mentioned before, system screen desperately needs moon info (if it's colonized or not).
  • I'd love to see a "Show in galaxy" button from System screen, my usual workflow is Empire overview -> System screen, do some stuff, right button back to Empire. But sometimes I need to decide what to build based on system location and it's hard to keep track of it in later phases of the game smiley: smile.
  • The same goes for Empire overview, eg. system status icon (protected/no fleet/blockade) can lead to galaxy with system centered.
  • Remember sorting for Empire.
  • Terraforming - show the "Terraform to X" button even for planet of type X. When there's a terraforming option that requires a resource I don't have, it's displayed, just grayed out. Do the same for terraforming to the same type, people navigate just by location and it's confusing when buttons keep disappering. (Or also hide terraforming I can't do because of missing resource - but keep it unified).
  • Already mentioned before, but I can't find it - warn me if I'm cancelling something from build queue that's already in progress (first item).
  • Previous also applies to planetary exploit - warn me if I'm trying to build one when there's another being built right now.
  • Also reported - add items to build queue before infinite (ind2sci, ind2dust) items
  • On battle screen, display health for each ship (or at least ship type) separately (ideally closeable for those who don't want it). If I'm going into battle with two ship types, it's important to know whether my crown jewels shields are holding and it's the support ships that aren't going to last or if I'm, in fact, in huge trouble because lasers are tearing my Annihilato[SUP]1
  • [/SUP] apart.
  • Display a fleet icon even for systems without a fleet, but with ships in hangar to be able to create a new fleet right away.

[SUP]1[/SUP] Yep, that's a reference to short ship names.

PS: Having bought the Emperor version of Steam, where do I send my photo? smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 10:53:36 PM
Those Annihalatoes do some work don't they. All of these features would feel good to me and wouldn't add clutter.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 5:21:23 AM
The proper battle reporting is my main dream for the UI. I love to do a manual battle. But I want to know what my ships are and what their ships are. a hover window that shows a more detailed view such as what weapons they have equipped would be great.
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