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[Suggestion] Warp Gates

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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 2:41:16 AM
So, I was thinking that there could be a late game tech that would allow a player to build warp gates that would allow fleets to instantly warp between two planets with the gates, in a similar fashion that worm holes do i.e. in one turn but it would use all of your movement points. This would be used to prevent the late game problem of having your main production systems way behind the front lines, which causes your new fleets take several turns to get any where useful. I know that you can modify your ships to give them increased movement points but on a galaxy size medium or larger they still take forever to get anywhere. The gates could work in three ways:

1. The gates create a network where all systems with a gate are linked which would allow fleets to jump freely between them. Each system would only needs one gate.

2. The gates can be only linked to one other gate, the player would be able to select which systems to link. A player would be able to change the linked planets but it would take a couple of turns 2 or 3 (which would be how long it would take to link new gates). (One gate per system)

3. Multiple gates can be built in any system but each gate can only link to one other system. These gates links could be changed in the same way as option 2.

The gates would have a low dust upkeep when inactive (not linked) and a high dust upkeep when active (linked) and maybe a production upkeep for maintenance costs. Also, you can only link to your own gates not your enemies. However, allies would be able to link their gates after both players research the necessary tech (Warp Gate Protocol Standardization or something like that). Oh and gates can be turned off to prevent your enemies from using them against you if they take a system with one of your warp gates in it, but that gate could be added to their system if they have the aforementioned tech.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 2:58:37 AM
there is a high level tech that allows instantaneous travel between ALL wormholes. is become very powerful late game (which is when you can research it) because you effectively become able to defend whole constalations with one or two fleets. this eliminates the need to patrol or garrison planets within a constalation. you can let your original forge worlds pump out fleets on one side of the galaxy and (as long as the forge world is near a wormhole) those fleets can instantly jump to the front lines on the other side.

also by that point in the tech tree you have researched a number of techs that increase move distance of all ships considerably and fleets can useualy travel between multiple systems (unless it is a huge galaxy) in a single turn without engine mods. late game engine mods afford ridiculous movement bonuses on ships as well and anyone who has played as sophon with their stupid awesome movement bonus know that fleets become amazingly manuverable mid-late game.

i think perhaps jump/warp gate might be a tad redundant in the system as it stands now... all that said jump gates would be very cool as a faction specific movement system/an option in the custom races.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 6:14:02 AM
DaysOfDoom wrote:
So, I was thinking that there could be a late game tech that would allow a player to build warp gates that would allow fleets to instantly warp between two planets with the gates, in a similar fashion that worm holes do i.e. in one turn but it would use all of your movement points. This would be used to prevent the late game problem of having your main production systems way behind the front lines, which causes your new fleets take several turns to get any where useful. I know that you can modify your ships to give them increased movement points but on a galaxy size medium or larger they still take forever to get anywhere. The gates could work in three ways:

1. The gates create a network where all systems with a gate are linked which would allow fleets to jump freely between them. Each system would only needs one gate.

2. The gates can be only linked to one other gate, the player would be able to select which systems to link. A player would be able to change the linked planets but it would take a couple of turns 2 or 3 (which would be how long it would take to link new gates). (One gate per system)

3. Multiple gates can be built in any system but each gate can only link to one other system. These gates links could be changed in the same way as option 2.

The gates would have a low dust upkeep when inactive (not linked) and a high dust upkeep when active (linked) and maybe a production upkeep for maintenance costs. Also, you can only link to your own gates not your enemies. However, allies would be able to link their gates after both players research the necessary tech (Warp Gate Protocol Standardization or something like that). Oh and gates can be turned off to prevent your enemies from using them against you if they take a system with one of your warp gates in it, but that gate could be added to their system if they have the aforementioned tech.

Hey DaysofDoom welcome aboard old friend. Anyway this is a similar suggestion that has been suggested and is listed on summary list (linked on my signature planel). If you feel you have any sugestion or ideas for the game create a detailed thread and link it with a summary of your suggestion to the discussion thread (linked on my signature panel) where I can add it to the summary list so that the Devs Team to look at for possible development into the game.
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