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[Suggestion] Changes to Diplomacy

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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 2:35:33 PM
After a few days playing this game I noticed a few things regarding diplomacy and your communications with other races. I couldn't find this suggestion anywhere or on the list of things Amplitude wants to do.

In most 4x games the ability to request certain things from your neighbors is available from the moment you meet them, not through research. Currently, Endless Space requires you to go down the Diplomacy and Trade tree before you can open these options. My suggestion is to have basic options available without the need for research but still allow the ability to research those options to get better trade agreements with other races. Example:

You're at war with another race. Until you research Cease Fire you're locked in. I propose that you should always have the option to request a cease fire but if you have technology in the diplomacy tree it improves you chances of getting a cease fire without having to exchange too much to get it. This should also take into account how successful the war is going for either side. So if you're getting destroyed the chances the enemy would want to stop are less than if they were on the receiving end.

Another example of this is trade. We should be able to freely exchange technology and resources with other races but having tech in the diplomacy tree allows you to request better deals. You might be able to get that Tier 4 tech for a Tier 3 tech.

I'm really loving this game and look forward to the final product.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 2:47:17 PM
The fact is these technos aren't so expensive.

Normally, at the beginning, your faction doesn't know other races exist. I prefer see the researches like the scientists, diplomats, politics try to find how they could talk with potential alien races (or with actual alien races if they already met them). In order to trade, even to ask a cease fire, they have to know how to ask it. They are aliens, not them. Other procedures, other way may be necessary.

That's why I think the system now is good enough.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:16:14 PM
Early in the game these technologies can be expensive yet later they complete in a few turns. My issue is more with being forced to research something that most 4x games give you access to from the beginning. You pose a good reason for it though. It's space; filled with aliens who have no knowledge of one another. How can we possibly know how to form trade when we have no understanding of their culture or language.

My solution to this is to have a Tier 1 research in diplomacy called Xeno Linguistics. This opens up universal translators which allow access to the standard diplomacy options.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:29:13 PM
neokabookie wrote:
After a few days playing this game I noticed a few things regarding diplomacy and your communications with other races. I couldn't find this suggestion anywhere or on the list of things Amplitude wants to do.

In most 4x games the ability to request certain things from your neighbors is available from the moment you meet them, not through research. Currently, Endless Space requires you to go down the Diplomacy and Trade tree before you can open these options. My suggestion is to have basic options available without the need for research but still allow the ability to research those options to get better trade agreements with other races. Example:

You're at war with another race. Until you research Cease Fire you're locked in. I propose that you should always have the option to request a cease fire but if you have technology in the diplomacy tree it improves you chances of getting a cease fire without having to exchange too much to get it. This should also take into account how successful the war is going for either side. So if you're getting destroyed the chances the enemy would want to stop are less than if they were on the receiving end.

Another example of this is trade. We should be able to freely exchange technology and resources with other races but having tech in the diplomacy tree allows you to request better deals. You might be able to get that Tier 4 tech for a Tier 3 tech.

I'm really loving this game and look forward to the final product.

Just a not the Diplomacy AI is currently being worked with new suggestions and ideas sourrounding this being added to Suggestions Summary list (Linked below on my signature panel). If you feel you have any ideas or suggestion thats not already been suggested then create detail thread of your idea and link it with a summary to the summary discussion thread (also linked below) so that I can add it for the Dev Team to consider.
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