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[Suggestion] Stop the Off-road action

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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 4:06:28 AM
I too have had a very annoying time with off-road travel and I would like to see it eliminated from the game myself. I think it would create seriously awesome hot zones in border wars.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 5:04:14 PM
I think will be better not to completely forbid "off road" travels, but make them about 25% of star lane speed. And also I dislike research that gain transfer to every wormhole - it's make game too chaotic. Will be better to enable "star gates" that player can build in system and this allow to travel from one gate to another in any system.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:23:06 PM
Just a thought but what if the warp drive was bounded by constellations. You have 'off road' all through a constellation but if the stars were in separate constellations you had to use a wormhole.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:08:24 PM
Off-road should be within your own planets only. Invent a reason such as "synchronzation of warp fields on both ends" or something, just make it happen. Full off-road is retarded.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:01:32 PM
I like the "off-road" travel..... and with the beta starting monday, i don't see any possibility to completly remove it at this point of development.

Sure, the AI really needs to adopt a lot better to this, but so far it's not very shiny in any aspect of the game. I don't make use of Warp until late game usally, sometimes in mid game for a couple of Scouts to fully map the Galaxy, but thats about it. In the late-game it serves a nice purpose, allowing for some shorter distance off-road travel when there is no lane between two very close systems. Or to go through Space of another Empire that you don't have a Open Borders Treaty with. I really would hate it if i have to declare War on my Sophon Friends just because i want to hit the Cravers behind them. Even if my Sophon Friends hate me now cause we share a border and forgotten the 100 years of peaceful trade we had... I still remember. Did i say that the AI pretty much sucks in any aspect of the game right now?^^

BTT: I'm not saying that Warp-Travel is perfect at the moment.... and defending against sneak attacks in far away arms of your Empire might prove a problem in Multiplayer. In this Thread we discussed the possibility of Dead Space Listening Posts/Sensor Arrays. A side idea was a Warp-Disruption Field, allowing to slow down Fleets that are using Warp-Travel in the area of those Listening Posts. Even without Dead-Space Ouposts, there is still the possibility of creating the W-Disruptor as a System Improvement.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 1:13:45 PM
Oliolli wrote:
Maybe just an option when creating a game?

"Allow warp travel: Yes/No"

Besides, when in war I need my choke points!

This would create more problems then it solves.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 11:39:48 AM
I've also been thinking about something similar. I first thought of it while reading the "Unique 'hero' Planets" thread, thought that maybe some planets could be home to Endless portals, all interconnected.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 8:27:24 AM
Oliolli wrote:
Maybe just an option when creating a game?

"Allow warp travel: Yes/No"

Besides, when in war I need my choke points!

That should be start of whatever changes could be made. If people prefer the vanilla-warptravel, they should have the option to maintain that gameplay. And far more logical: why remove a system that already functions properly (talking about the technical aspect of course, not gameplay-wise).

Perhaps an other suggestion: In many Sci-Fi novels and games their exists a form of travel that is superlative to the "standard" warptravel. There are many forms, but could it be possible to make a systemmodule, called (for example) Travel Node, that enables a fleet to travel to one node to another in one turn? This has to be major expensive and has to take a long time to build, even with a good production rating.

I know, it is similar to many other things (the more Sci-Fi known Wormholes, Mass Relays, Stargates etc. etc.), but it hastens inner-empire travel but doesn't effect interempire-travel.

And of course it would serve as a perfect step-up for a great deal of mods.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 4:39:24 AM
Maybe just an option when creating a game?

"Allow warp travel: Yes/No"

Besides, when in war I need my choke points!
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 12:32:30 PM
After a number of play-throughs, I'm starting to get annoyed with the "off-road" space-travel. To summarize briefly: at the moment we have 3 ways of traveling: Star Lanes, Worm Holes and "However we (censored) like Off-Road". Although the AI makes use of the "Off-road"-option, it doesn't fully exploit this option. As such it remains an annoyance, but a managable one. But as soon as multiplayer arrives, this wil become very annoying. It means that every planet can be targeted from every approach, unless you choose a Galaxyform that inhibits such movement.

Although many think the "off-road"-travel is very realistic, in my opinion it is the exact opposite. Realistically, if FTL-travel would be possible, navigational charts for travel would be needed to safely coordinate ships past gravitational bodies and other possible hostile obstacles, hence the "Starlanes". What research would not only allow computers to act quickly enough to adjust the course, but also would allow a human body to survive the unsurmountable G-forces that these split-seconds adjustments would entail?

Also the gameplay is affected with this kind of travel. I don't know how others feel about this, but I feel I must have a way to force enemy along certain paths.


- Lose the off-road travel. Instead turn the research around and make it a permanent movement bonus, like adding a permanent 25% or 50% movement bonus.

EDIT: Certainly, this is only one way of dealing with this "issue", if you got another idea how to creatively circumvent or alternatively approach this idea, than lets hear it.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 2:41:51 AM
I like the off road because it opens the map in the mid game, if you turn it off then it'll be even more annoying having to spend 10x more turns moving a fleet just because you cant go directly to it. It's a game play mechanic that makes life easier later on.

Perhaps one way to appease this concern would be to allow warp lanes to open up as the game progressed; however possible that may be for the devs.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 12:18:48 AM
To travel off-road (or off-lane), you still need to know where you go and see the destination star.

Clever scouting at the beginning, improvements of the sensors can achieve this goal.

On the other side, you need to watch out your lane already at the beginning, build better sensors...

I like this kind of fight all along the game to not let other players see your systems. For me it's one of the key to win at the end, you planned froom the beginning.

That's why I wouldn't like they change it.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 11:06:53 PM
Instead we could possibly introduce longer range worm holes or one way Black hole-White holes as a late game traveling option.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 10:56:45 PM
or perhaps make it so that you have to end in a system after let's say 2 turns otherwise the fleet is lost in deep space, i.e. you can go out into deeps space but have to return to a planet (or space lane?) in the next turn? That way at least you could not go around any number of (possibly defended) systems to e.g. get to an undefended backwater system.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 1:17:51 PM
Cadoras wrote:

For example: the suggestion from AtoningUnifex is quite good. More honestly: better than my suggestion.

Lol, thanks!
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 1:00:24 PM
Yes, very good. But that's exactly my point. My suggestion is only one way of dealing with the "issue". There are multiple options available to limit the off-road action!

For example: the suggestion from AtoningUnifex is quite good. More honestly: better than my suggestion.

I'll edit my post accordingly.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 12:53:04 PM
I'm not sure either. I can go either way, but as it is, I do like being able to get to some areas quickly. And my ships rarely go off-road as it is, but then again, I've never remembered to use the pathfinder override to give it a try more often.

I do know that if off-roading is gotten rid of, I would like some system to replace it where I can get any of my fleets, from anywhere in my empire, to another spot in my empire very quickly.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 12:43:15 PM
Hmmm I dunno. I could go either way on this. It's nice to be able to move between some planets that are physically close but separated by long star lanes but it's not essential.

Another benefit of 'off lane' travel is that it would be required for the suggestion of hidden/isolated systems not on star lanes.

Maybe you could limit what ships have the capability by introducing it as a special support module. And maybe instead of it being a drive that lets you go anywhere make it a drive that creates a temporary star lane/wormhole that you can move through (possibly enabling other ships to move through it too)
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