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[Suggestion] Dead Space Outposts

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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 2:44:26 PM
Calico wrote:
That doesn't sound like a bad idea..... Outposts that generate a "Warp Disruption Field", cutting down Warp speed by 25%-50%, giving you more time to react to invasions in far away arms of your Empire. The Range would have to be limited, lets say 30-50% of the Sensor Range? Although Warp Speed is quite slow already, but i guess that could be balanced by a little increase in Warpspeed overall, if this was to be implemented. It would also open up the possibility for a Planet Upgrade that works the same way.

Not a small thing to implement, but it could add more Deepth to the Deep Space. Devs will have to make the final choice, as always.

That's right Calico, exactly what I was thinking: all it would take is that some kind of outpost or listening post generates some kind of disruption field which slows ships travelling through deep space down, giving you time to see them coming. This would also lead to factions which are at war using spacelanes after all since you can travel along them quicker, resulting in major battles at bottleneck points connecting empires rather than the enemy simply keeping attacking remote systems located far from where the action is taking place... And major battles is exactly what we all want, right? smiley: smile

Point remains how the devs, should they want it integrated in the game, would do it? I think a simple system improvement called "listening post" or something like that would be a bit boring, it would be great to actually see some form of listening post appear on the galaxy map don't you think?
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 7:20:47 PM
Dinadan wrote:
I do like the idea of the sensor outposts, but fighting grounds in deep space would imho be impossible to manage on larger maps. Also, if I destroy a deep space battle ground, where does my fleet go? To the next planet (maybe heavily guarded, possibly the death of my fleet)?

hmmm... especially on larger maps dead space outposts that add some sensor range (and maybe the warp-disruptor) would be very useful. I don't really see any need for them on smaller maps, its mostly large maps with spiral arms and their also huge holes of dead space between them i'm concerned about. Outposts don't provide anything to your Empire, at least not in the way of FIDS. They will provide a tool to cover dead space holes and maybe some spying on your Enemies. For most game purposes you could ignore them completly... unless you are worried about sneak attacks. Or want to do some sneak attacking of your own.

If you destroy a Outpost, my guess would be that your Fleet stays there, waiting for orders. Creating a outpost would also create a corresponding, artificial star system (for game purposes, not a real one). It will stay that way until the Outpost is destroyed and will vanish once it's left.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 7:03:07 PM
I do like the idea of the sensor outposts, but fighting grounds in deep space would imho be impossible to manage on larger maps. Also, if I destroy a deep space battle ground, where does my fleet go? To the next planet (maybe heavily guarded, possibly the death of my fleet)?
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 5:49:51 PM
Maybe give the outposts a field of fire where they could be set with parameters such as no-friendly fire to such drastic things as a basic "no-fly zone" of modern times where anything would be shot down in the area. +1 to the overall idea though. Think they could be a nice addition.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 4:20:00 PM
and yet as often as not it's a mere lone enemy scout ship blockading one of your remote systems... even weak outpost weapons and HP would be sufficient to destroy it, which in my eyes is good enough!
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 11:08:54 AM
n18991c wrote:
You're right it would be quite cool if you could play actual battles against outposts. Also, the outposts could of course win a battle and wipe out the attacking force, leading to systems not actually always being blockaded immediately since you have to overcome system defences first... would help avoided system sieges through weak puny enemy fleets.

Well the Outposts would have weak weapons and HP, it would only be able to take on 1-2 ships, 3 max on it's own. It is a OUTPOST and not a battle station. Fighting with an outpost is a very minor way to delay a attack to your planets and other fleets.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 10:29:29 AM
MrDemonic wrote:
There should be a option available to destroy the outposts by an enemy fleet as well, it could happen in 2 ways, the simple "invasion" mode in which 2 or 3 turns are needed to destroy the outpost, or it can go into the fleet battle mode, with the outpost have basic defensive guns and cards and if a friendly fleet is nearby, they are included in the battle as well.

You're right it would be quite cool if you could play actual battles against outposts. Also, the outposts could of course win a battle and wipe out the attacking force, leading to systems not actually always being blockaded immediately since you have to overcome system defences first... would help avoiding system sieges through weak & puny enemy fleets.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 9:24:05 AM
There should be a option available to destroy the outposts by an enemy fleet as well, it could happen in 2 ways, the simple "invasion" mode in which 2 or 3 turns are needed to destroy the outpost, or it can go into the fleet battle mode, with the outpost have basic defensive guns and cards and if a friendly fleet is nearby, they are included in the battle as well.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:08:14 PM
That would be nice..... i also hope they get rid (or nerf it) of that event that reduces your sensor range..... last game i had even a fully upgraded Star System barely had enough range to reach to his very close direct neighbour. with multiplayer coming soon, we really have to get rid of such unbalancing stuff. And we need a way to control the vast areas between Spiral Arms.... Outposts or not, something has to be done, otherwise Multiplayer will be a mess.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 6:27:28 PM
you're right in that any improvement in the direction of either dead space outposts or some form of warp disruption tech would be most welcome, although I intend to keep my hopes up that the devs in the end implement some actual constructable and map-visible outposts smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 8:29:38 PM
Well, the original idea by MrDemonic goes along the lines of a Dead Space Outpost, not a System improvement. If this is possible, only the devs can tell. It certainly would add a few more options how to defend against sneak attacks from warp-capable Species.... Anyway, even if we don't get Dead Space Ouposts, a tech like Warp-Field Disruption as Systems Improvement still could buy a few valuable Turns preparing a Defense.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 11:55:25 AM
This feature is similar to what others have suggested about space stations and such but here is my idea on it.

When you get the ability to travel through dead space (I don't like that mechanic in general), maybe there can be another research area in which allows you to build outposts in dead space areas that aren't within another factions borders. These outposts could provide a staging area for an offensive against a particular faction, or give early warnings to enemy factions trying to do sneak attacks from Dead Space. It will have basic defences against factions who try to destroy it (similar to how fleet battles happen but it would just have your space station instead, possibly with their own set of cards).

The outposts could have improvements built for them, such as:

A repair station which would heal a certain amount of HP for ships stationed in orbit or in the hangar of the outpost.

Damage boosters that would increase damage of the outpost's defences and for ships stationed in orbit or in the hangar of the outpost.

Sensor boosters that would increase the scanner range of the outpost, allowing them to spot incoming enemy fleet's earlier.

Fortification, which would increase the HP and defensive ability of the outpost.

This could be a interesting way to defend against annoying AI which always attack me through dead space sneak attacks.

The idea is quite basic and just fleshing it out for others to give their opinions and suggestions on this idea.

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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 11:00:12 PM
MrDemonic wrote:
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea to add onto the outposts, it would make Dead Space feel less...dead aha, there could maybe be pirate outposts as well, their sole reason: To annoy you through Dead Space haha.

Ya I agree. There is plenty of potential for dead space outposts/hideouts that the idea definitely deserves a look at.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 10:54:01 PM
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea to add onto the outposts, it would make Dead Space feel less...dead aha, there could maybe be pirate outposts as well, their sole reason: To annoy you through Dead Space haha.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 6:13:35 PM
That doesn't sound like a bad idea..... Outposts that generate a "Warp Disruption Field", cutting down Warp speed by 25%-50%, giving you more time to react to invasions in far away arms of your Empire. The Range would have to be limited, lets say 30-50% of the Sensor Range? Although Warp Speed is quite slow already, but i guess that could be balanced by a little increase in Warpspeed overall, if this was to be implemented. It would also open up the possibility for a Planet Upgrade that works the same way.

Not a small thing to implement, but it could add more Deepth to the Deep Space. Devs will have to make the final choice, as always.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 5:02:13 PM
I haven't quite pondered the logic behind what I am about to propose or thought about how you would go about implementing it into the game, I merely wish to get you guys to pitch in with your own thoughts and ideas, but does anyone else think that sending your ships through dead space is a little bit too easy? I totally understand it when you're in your own space or that of an ally because it allows for faster routes, but perhaps warping around enemy territory at will should be somehow restricted?

Perhaps warping through dead space could be restricted through some kind of field which listening posts /sensor arrays generate (should the faction have built these in its outlyin systems)? That way, factions which are at war would mostly have to use the existing space lanes after all... ?
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:19:11 AM
Calico wrote:
hmmm, don't think we had this idea yet. to keep it simple, i would focus on the Listening Post/Sensor Array approach. basically a very small outpost that has a own radius of scan, but does not produce an area of influence. I had a few maps (small disks) that had a rather large "hole" around the galactic core region. would be nice to keep an eye out on neighbours without the use of scout ships.

A defensive outpost in dead space makes no sense at all, since you can't intercept fleets travelling in space. A staging area also does not really make sense, you could just assemble that fleet within your territory and send it out into warp from there. Unless you want to hide that fleet, which could make sense in multiplayer, not so much against the current AI.

But it's really a question if these are any useful in most scenarios, right now there aren't that many "dead space" pockets.

I'm inclined to agree with that, small outposts with a sensor range would work pretty well, they could be cheap(ish) to build with a small sensor range, but slightly expensive to upgrade the sensor range.

Possibly another suggestion for the Devs as well, maybe have an option to make the dead space areas larger? The option can go into the pre-game menu where you select the size of the galaxy and the options could be similar to;

Dead Space Spacing (how big do you want the dead space areas to be in the galaxy):





This could make the players wanting to build outposts if they have a reason to, such as in a medium or large dead space spacing setting.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 9:57:01 PM
hmmm, don't think we had this idea yet. to keep it simple, i would focus on the Listening Post/Sensor Array approach. basically a very small outpost that has a own radius of scan, but does not produce an area of influence. I had a few maps (small disks) that had a rather large "hole" around the galactic core region. would be nice to keep an eye out on neighbours without the use of scout ships.

A defensive outpost in dead space makes no sense at all, since you can't intercept fleets travelling in space. A staging area also does not really make sense, you could just assemble that fleet within your territory and send it out into warp from there. Unless you want to hide that fleet, which could make sense in multiplayer, not so much against the current AI.

But it's really a question if these are any useful in most scenarios, right now there aren't that many "dead space" pockets.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 2:21:09 PM
Virus wrote:
But why should they travel to an dead space out post? The can ignore it and travel to your system directly.

I think it is useless it they can travel travel through dead space.

As I stated in my first post, the point of the outpost could be a staging area for a offensive and a way to detect and defend against sneak attacks by dead space fleets. If your outpost detects a fleet, you can send your fleet to intercept it. Sort of like a deterrent.

There could be a research tech that allows you to hide your outposts within the outer borders of a enemy faction. Sort of like a large cloaking device.

This could make outposts as a staging area for offensives more interesting to people.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 2:07:35 PM
Virus wrote:
But why should they travel to an dead space out post? The can ignore it and travel to your system directly.

It's not that the travel to the outpost, just that the outpost blocks the route. Now that I think about it more, though, there isn't any real way to make sure that where you place the outpost is where they would pass through. I still like the idea, just...not so sure how exactly it would work now.

I think it is useless it they can travel travel through dead space.

I actually like being able to travel through dead space. It's a high enough tech to research that it takes a decent bit of time to get it, and ships don't always use it if using strings and wormholes is faster. When I do have it, though, it saves me some trouble with navigation and invasions. Mainly when there are neighboring constellations, but they aren't connected by a wormhole.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 1:59:20 PM
But why should they travel to an dead space out post? The can ignore it and travel to your system directly.

I think it is useless it they can travel travel through dead space.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 12:26:28 PM
Heh, seeing this after dragging myself to work still half-asleep, my first thought was: "Oh no...Not more necromorphs! I haven't researched the plasma cutter yet!"

Back on topic, I like the idea. It's interesting, but I think these outposts would have to do something more than just serve as the forts from Total War did. Around mid-game my system area of influence and sight bubbles are usually large enough to detect anyone coming close to me for a decent size of space. And, even when playing on the biggest galaxies, I've never see that much dead space. Nothing that a ship couldn't get through in about two turns, which isn't much of a heads up for an invading force.

Unless it was mandatory for hostile fleets to enter battle with the outposts, that would be useful to prevent the AI's sneak attacks.
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