The mission systhem.

Unlocking relativistic economies could grant access to system improvement «*office*» that cost 3 dust per turn allowing creating missions.

When built on a system, owner could set missions and not owned fleet in system, access mission

for quest creation

  • owner player choose a mission availability (neutral, friend, ally, someone, anyone)
  • secondly choose mission type (colonise, invade, destroy, defend system, destroy ship, intel system, system disrupt)

      four case
    • colonise/invade(for): then choose the planet and the ownership. Will the system belong to you or the one doing the mission. taking ownership of a system should be more expensive than letting missioner own system.
    • destroy: then choose the system. really expensive.
    • defend/intel/disrupt system: then choose the system and the length in turn. more turn will be more expensive. (intel is meant to give you the sight of view around a system. Disrupt is meant to block enemy ship from leaving a systhem)
    • destroy ship: then choose an enemy and the number of ship. more ship will be more expensive.

  • in the third step player define reward.

    player do not have control over reward directly but can set one of the four option, the basic reward is rep betwin involved party

    poor (something like -15%), normal (0%), important (+20%), capital (+50%).

  • [/LIST]

    for missioning

    1. enter a system with an office and a quest set in office.

    2. Choose mission

    3. complete mission

    • colonise/invade: go to the mission location and colonise or invade (if the mission is colonise/invade «*for*» you will not own the system afterwards.
    • destroy: go to the mission location and destroy colonies set on it.
    • Defend: go to the mission location and attack any enemy ship within system.
    • Intel: go to the mission location and stay here until mission completion.
    • disrupt system: got to the mission location with a disruptor ship and disrupt it.
    • destroy ship: roam around and destroy designed faction ship.

    Reward will be granted as soon as mission will be completed