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[Suggestion] UI: "Launch All Fleets" button

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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 2:15:29 AM
Zenicetus wrote:
Right, a rally point designated for each system would take care of this. Multiple systems could share the same rally point. It's the classic way in strategy games to reduce micro for military unit production in the late game, or in "war crunch" mode.

One complication though, is the way travel in ES is limited to strings between planets until you have warp. That's strategically limiting for a rally point, compared to just placing a point anywhere on the map.

I don't see why that would be so complicated. One just targets a system instead of a random point in the map, and the ships move there. Or maybe I misunderstood the point you were trying to make? (Stupid headache)
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 8:52:44 PM
Meliki wrote:
+1 to the launch all fleets idea and also to the rally points (sans deep space)

+1 to this, although I see the need to be able to move ships to deep space. Simple example: a line of scouts to detect incoming warping ships, or even along a string, or setting up an attack on a system just outside detection range from the target.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 11:40:46 AM
Meliki wrote:
+1 to the launch all fleets idea and also to the rally points (sans deep space)

+1 to what he said
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 10:43:02 PM
+1 to the launch all fleets idea and also to the rally points (sans deep space)
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 5:42:51 PM
I agree with Hollow : a feature to manually force infinite production of ships could come in handy. (especially at the end of the game) I already see a thread where to post that !

However, I'm still strongly against rally point in deep space (except if you have ability to set up big, almost auto-sufficient station like Babylon 5 or Point Central in Valérian et Laureline)
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 2:43:57 PM
Hollow wrote:
While we're at it, is there currently a feature to auto-repeat a build action, such as repeatedly building a particular battleship until you stop it? If not, that would be a handy addition in conjunction with the rally point idea. Ships automatically built and sent out to a certain point until you cease it.

I think you can, can't you? Don't you have to shift-click or something like that?

Don't quote me on this, but maybe, MAYBE if you assign a certain type of AI governor to a system. I haven't played too much with those governors, as I like to choose what and where to build myself, but it might be that the option to auto-build ships to infinity is indeed there.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 10:12:50 PM
Taking the GalCiv rally system, you make a point on the map (be it a system, or just empty space) into a rally point and it's marked as such. When you go into what a system is producing you can set a rally point for the system from a drop-down of ones you've already set on the universe map. Easy enough.

While we're at it, is there currently a feature to auto-repeat a build action, such as repeatedly building a particular battleship until you stop it? If not, that would be a handy addition in conjunction with the rally point idea. Ships automatically built and sent out to a certain point until you cease it.

Evil4Zerggin wrote:
How are you supposed to have deep space rally points, when you can't even move to arbitrary points in deep space normally?

I think you can, can't you? Don't you have to shift-click or something like that?
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 9:56:17 PM
How are you supposed to have deep space rally points, when you can't even move to arbitrary points in deep space normally?
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 4:34:32 PM
Zenicetus wrote:

Using star systems as rally points will work, and it's much better than just having new production stack up in hangars. It's just not ideal. Maybe we could have additional rally points accessible if you've researched Warp, to get a little more flexibility?

I must disagree with you: there is absolutely NO reason to allow deep space rally point.

The systems and string lanes are the structure supporting the game as in terrestrial strategy game (as civ or total war) the landscape features support it. Erase the limitations due to terrains and you break the game.

Besides, who would put his fleets in deep space where there is nothing to resupply them?
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 3:55:57 PM
StormX wrote:
I don't see why that would be so complicated. One just targets a system instead of a random point in the map, and the ships move there. Or maybe I misunderstood the point you were trying to make?

I meant that only having a star system as a rally point is limited compared to free placement anywhere on the map, as it is in many other games that use rally points. For example, the classic use for rally points is sending new military units somewhere close to a war front, but not actually to the front lines. You want to gather forces from different production centers, then arrange and split them into useful army stacks (or in this case, fleets) before actually sending them into battle. That can be done on a map with free movement, like Total War games. Here, you have to use a star system that's either right in the conflict area, or might be some considerable travel distance behind it. Not to mention, stacking up fleets in a system when you might want other fleets stationed there for point defense.

Using star systems as rally points will work, and it's much better than just having new production stack up in hangars. It's just not ideal. Maybe we could have additional rally points accessible if you've researched Warp, to get a little more flexibility?

P.S. And yes, we need more than one rally point. Every game I've seen that has this feature lets you designate more than one, since you might be working two or more war fronts.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 6:40:46 AM
As StormX I don't see any issue with being limited to string-lanes. It's part of the strategic options.

And I add this: we should be able to place several rally points (in case we have two group of mass producing systems) and we should be able to see them and the connected systems (maybe not always, only when we select the rally points)
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 4:49:36 PM
So, I just finished a game that escalated, near the end, into an all-out war between me and my last remaining oponent, the Hissho. When I feel that war is about to happen, I just switch all my high-production systems to ship-making overdrive, and wait. Which usually leads, sometimes in as little as a single turn, to multiple systems spitting out a lot of ships every turn.

Unlike system improvements, where you need to evaluate the best option for each case, mass-producing ships requires little thought regarding what to do afterwards - you want to get them all in the air and move them to their designated positions, while the systems crank out yet more ships to feed your warmongering. Which is why I thought of a little something: In the Notifications screen, there should be a "Launch All Fleets" button, which would immediately launch all the ships that were just finished from their respective hangars, sparing the player of the (quite tedious) of clicking on every ship/system and launching them individually.

How about it?
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 3:29:53 PM
FraktuRe wrote:
Yep, we really need a waypoint system for new ships.

Right, a rally point designated for each system would take care of this. Multiple systems could share the same rally point. It's the classic way in strategy games to reduce micro for military unit production in the late game, or in "war crunch" mode.

One complication though, is the way travel in ES is limited to strings between planets until you have warp. That's strategically limiting for a rally point, compared to just placing a point anywhere on the map.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:18:17 AM
- Launch all fleets button ? Can use that !

- Automated rendez-vous point for newly made ships ? CAN use that too.

- I add:

Ability to select several system in the Empire view and give them grouped orders (useful not only to mass product ships)
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 9:05:34 AM
+1. You mean something to make automated fleets from the ships and send them to a destinated

location. I would like that.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 6:39:57 PM
+ 1 this would be very useful during the endgame. Perhaps the button could appear if you've built more than 25+ ships in 5+ systems?
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 5:05:08 PM
Yup sounds good to me as well, though I manage to keep everything organized neatly that would reduce the tedious work a lot.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 5:00:12 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
I, too, would like to have such a button. In the end game it can be a nightmare to check every planet, even with using the main interface for the empire.

Truth. The worst part is when sometimes you just forget about a system altogether and, 20 turns later, you check it out (since you noticed it's not producing anything) and see you have 4-5 old and outdated ships in its hangar. Drives me mad, it just does.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 4:57:00 PM
I, too, would like to have such a button. In the end game it can be a nightmare to check every planet, even with using the main interface for the empire.
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