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Boarding ships!

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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 11:10:27 PM
Perhaps a simplification. There could be a battle action (from a hero) that uses the melee score of the Hero.

The battle action would involve one or more of the following on a success:

Prevent the some number of ship(s) from taking actions for 1 turn //while they fight of the invading party

Damage the ship //As the damage from internal fighting/sabotage

Capture the ship //The boarder succeeded, probably appropriate for a crit success.

Animation wise you would see a bunch of small, missile or shuttle like objects fly out and attach to the enemy ship.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 11:15:16 PM
maceman wrote:
This reminds me most of Sid Meiers Pirates. If you would go up against a Pirate with lots of men on board you would shellack him from afar. Now if you were said pirate with lots of men you would do your best to board and 'take' the ship.

Why can't we have space marines, tractor beams, boarding parties/away teams and a string of freighters we've captured to carry all our ill gotten 'Dust'?

After reading that incredible background 'Universe' posted in the stickys I can imagine several different levels of sub games fitting within the same universe... from a more CivAlpha Centauri focused (The Endless wars) to the Dust wars (I more and more like the potential of Dust being everywhere as an unknown/untapped resource) which would likely be more Galaxy wide with Jedi-like powered individuals running around?

Then again boarding in pirates was only half the fun. Can't see a 4X breaking down to the cutlass to rapier level of combat.

Why not. Was capturing ships all the time in MOO2. May have been capturing crap ships, but you could refit the hulls with your own tech. Way to work stealing tech into a game too.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 11:17:54 PM
TrashMan wrote:
Civilian captains would surrender. Military captains? Unlikely. Not only is it a compeltely different mindeset, but you dont' get to be a captain wihout proving yourself and being willing to die.

Military mind set not to the last man. If a battle is lost and it pointless to die they surrender. That kinda why they have terms like POW, prisoner exchange, wave the white flag. They been surrendering in hopeless situations since they have been making armies.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 11:25:28 PM
TrashMan wrote:
Eh? Pirates aren't miltiary. And pirates don't engage military ships. They go after civilian ships.

Being a pirate in space would be next to impossible. You'll never be a match for any military ship. Spaceships will never be cheap and plentifull. Your "prey" will see you coming from a million miles away. You can't hide easily. You can't land on any planet or even approach it.

Umm, right. It's kinda hard to see a speck from hundreds of thousands, never mind millions of kilometers away. Is why it so hard to find even asteroids coming toward Earth now. Sure, you have sensors, but then you have light-speed lag. And there is also flying doggo so you keep your emissions down. And not engaging the military presupposes the military ISN'T actively hunting them down. Which happens to be a primary job of any military throughout time.

And given that you have to travel by string, you have bottlenecks to patrol, not every angle of approach. Sure, you have the tech that lets you direct warp, nice big fancy expensive engines, that the pirates wont be able to afford, in theory, and practice since have yet to see them fly straight anywhere.
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12 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 3:59:53 PM
This thread is the origin of all boarding vessels/abilities discussions.

Other threads about this have been archived:





Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 4:14:24 PM
Obviously, there is gonna be a lot of ships in an armada. Maybe the board feature only applies to mother ships???
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 5:22:21 PM
Create terrestrial units ?

It may be a good idea. If a pilot died in his ship, the ship could be automatically destroyed easily by enemies !

And on another view, a unit could control or capture an enemy ship !!
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 5:32:43 PM
In my opinion you can just board a ship after destroying its engine.

When he flys at 0.1 or 0.05c. You can't board it without destroying the two ship. And he can easily dodge by making random movement.

But board battle can be fun.

escuse me if my english is quite aproximative.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 6:41:34 PM
it may be difficult to add in our current battle system, but it is too cool not to add it at some point smiley: smile

definitely added to our wish list!
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 6:51:37 PM
Well, we have the hopes you guys wil make it sooner rather than later.

Just do remember to have the self-destruct-button ready as an available counter...
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 7:26:34 PM
Is there any 4X that is this feature ?

In X3:TC you can actually board a ship, but it's a really difficult move.

In my opinion you can just board a ship after destroying its engine.

And the shield. I do not think your little soldiers will love being shocked by an high-density energy field smiley: wink

Ion cannon ftw.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 8:43:43 PM
If you can conquer planet or colony why not ship or space station. This is not FPP. All you need is proper equipment and opportunity.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 10:32:31 PM
If you've disabled a ship and shields, you should be able to board and take whatever cargo the ship has. However... upon stealing said cargo, there should be a random chance that you trip a self destruct and are blown to bits
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 11:23:10 PM
If you've disabled a ship and shields, you should be able to board and take whatever cargo the ship has. However... upon stealing said cargo, there should be a random chance that you trip a self destruct and are blown to bits

Yaaaaaaa...... rather not have that feature. It's impractical that a ship has a "cleverly concealed self destruct button" somewhere, unless it's the bridge. And even then, it would be like a star trek self destruct.

I would love to have a "Board" feature. You could also have fighter ships that are full of troops that can be sent to attempt to board. (Think BF2 style space gunships)
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 5:07:58 AM
This reminds me most of Sid Meiers Pirates. If you would go up against a Pirate with lots of men on board you would shellack him from afar. Now if you were said pirate with lots of men you would do your best to board and 'take' the ship.

Why can't we have space marines, tractor beams, boarding parties/away teams and a string of freighters we've captured to carry all our ill gotten 'Dust'?

After reading that incredible background 'Universe' posted in the stickys I can imagine several different levels of sub games fitting within the same universe... from a more CivAlpha Centauri focused (The Endless wars) to the Dust wars (I more and more like the potential of Dust being everywhere as an unknown/untapped resource) which would likely be more Galaxy wide with Jedi-like powered individuals running around?

Then again boarding in pirates was only half the fun. Can't see a 4X breaking down to the cutlass to rapier level of combat.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 7:23:52 AM
Boarding is a nice option for fights, true enough.

Albeit I rather expect boarding to be something else than ships matching velocity and going at it. Perhaps something more along the lines of a technology (Boarding torpedoes) with an extra-prerequisite in ship-building (more life support due to the boarding troops).

That being said, that is for me a nice to have feature and not a must.

P.S. : In Pirates, I also usually favored boarding. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 4:02:26 PM
Danne wrote:
Yaaaaaaa...... rather not have that feature. It's impractical that a ship has a "cleverly concealed self destruct button" somewhere, unless it's the bridge. And even then, it would be like a star trek self destruct.

I would love to have a "Board" feature. You could also have fighter ships that are full of troops that can be sent to attempt to board. (Think BF2 style space gunships)

Well perhaps the chance of tripping the self destruct would lessen if your crew had invested in "engineers" of some sort... as an outfit to your ship... thus making boarding another ship not just a click of a button or key but rather something you have to invest time and money into. I know from past games, once you're able to board ships, its really easy to get into the habit of just pirating the galaxies and forgetting about the rest of the ways in which to earn a living, amass an empire...
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 4:10:38 PM
Hey. New member, like your idea a lot. the thing i as a gamer would like to see the most in a space orientated game that i have yet to see done properly in a game would be boarding battles. The closest that springs to mind would be star wars battlefront 2 (space battles). for me its the most fun part of any space battle. imagine your ship in a dog fight with a much bigger ship a fight you could never win with projectile weaponry alone. your loosing the fight and decide to risk boarding the enemy ship. you get into a fighter class or smaller ship, anything around you really. you manage to safely reach the enemy ship during all the chaos caused from two ships firing upon each other. you enter the hangar, navigating your way through these alien corridors, some with enemy troops in that you have to skirmish with. gun fights in these narrow corridors. where there is danger of flanking troops. after fighting your way past all that, then to finally reach a vital area of he ship plant an explosive devise. Not wanting to risk an enemy discover your device and disarm it. you decide to hold off until it detonates. winning the UN-winnable battle!

You could add boarding ability to the 'skill tree' and depending on how high your level is you may or may not succeed. If your afraid your enemy might attempt to board your ship you could invest in interior security (turrets, more guards) and less on your ships gunnery. think star wars and star gate. I've seen various clips in the films and series when the good guys are on the bad guys ship trying to take it down from the inside as its their ownly option. or in starwars case the rbels desperately trying to hold off the storm troopers in the narrow confinements of a ship.
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