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Revamp Cloning to be Competative as an Afinity

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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:38:39 PM
ArrowLance wrote:
That is petty. The cost isn't enormous at all and its exactly that we want to get rid of the other heroes if we want to change gears. This flexibility is one of the huge benifits the Horatio have, they have no need to start with a bunch of lv1 admirals if they need to switch to a military front and they can have 10 Administrators with all the food and production bonuses to max new systems in a few years if they aren't in need of the admirals. They can continually switch between the two gaining huge FIDS advantages.

First off not sure where "petty" came in, why you need to use personal insults in a discussion where I in no way insulted you is concerning.

Secondly, While in the end cloning may be powerful it is very lackluster in the beginning which is what I'm worried about. I'm worried about that because other factions get bonuses that are always powerful the best example is the Sophons which with there scientific advantage. This gets exponentially better the longer you play, as the faster you can gain tech the faster you can increase population/industry/science which in turn grows tech, which in turn grows population/industry/science, ad infinitum... While cloning does have this exponential effect, eventually, it is much more stepped and has very little effect at the beginning.

If all growth in the game was linear this wouldn't be as much of a problem, but because growth is exponential not being able to fully utilize cloning until you get more academy slots is not as useful as an affinity traits that gives the full benefit from the start of the game.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:21:55 PM
Nycidian wrote:
Yes but doing so is offset by the enormous cost and having to get rid of the heroes you already had. See option number one.

The cost is nothing. It should either increase exponentially, or by a flat amount- tenfold maybe. Seriously, that cost is nothing compared to the benefits you get.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:14:21 PM
Nycidian wrote:
Yes but doing so is offset by the enormous cost and having to get rid of the heroes you already had. See option number one.
That is petty. The cost isn't enormous at all and its exactly that we want to get rid of the other heroes if we want to change gears. This flexibility is one of the huge benifits the Horatio have, they have no need to start with a bunch of lv1 admirals if they need to switch to a military front and they can have 10 Administrators with all the food and production bonuses to max new systems in a few years if they aren't in need of the admirals. They can continually switch between the two gaining huge FIDS advantages.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:54:54 PM
Clones/cloning are/is already overpowered. What are you talking about?

33% more academic slots?

No cloning cost?

Are you serious? Have you checked the tech tree for Horatio? They can have 11 clones of the same hero. And if you think cloning cost is high, or clones are useless alltogether, you are playing Horatio wrong.

If cloning is going to make 1:1 copy of the chosen hero, they should add an exponentially increasing cost to it. So the more you clone a hero, it becomes much more costly. Clone or not, doesn't matter, it adds up to the same thing.

But if you ask me, clones should start from level 1, as a fresh version of the said hero.

In addition to example above, where Arrowlance talks about military side of it, I'd like to talk about management side of it. I was able to colonize 5-6 systems at the same time, and thanks to clones they were getting to 10 pop. cap within 20 turns or something like that. Having a level 15 hero, then with a small fee, getting another of it is ridiculously OP. If you think otherwise, you either don't enjoy balanced stuff, or you are playing Horatio wrong as I've said.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:49:01 PM
Yes but doing so is offset by the enormous cost and having to get rid of the heroes you already had. See option number one.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:43:12 PM
I think you underestimate the ability to clone Heroes. You only have to have two heroes to become so efficient its hard to compete. I usually prioritize academy slot upgrades when I play them so I can have even more awesome clones. The benefit comes not in choice but in you don't have to level up heroes individually. Cloning a lvl 20 fleet admiral several times when a war starts almost guarantees fleet supremacy with this current build. You just can't beat +130% resistances and +120% damages then you can warp warp warp and win all but the most dismal of matchups.
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