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Multiplayer chat upon entering active game

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12 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 6:54:50 PM
I noticed when entering a multiplayer game already in progress, after selecting the race I plan to play, there can be a huge wait as players complete the turn.

It would ease so much heartache if the chat window was available during that wait. The chat window already announces a player added to the game to those already playing, but the poor player waiting to enter is completely cut off from all feedback and social interaction.
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12 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 10:45:41 AM
I think it's to prevent the new player from going into the game and doing all his stuff (removing Ai governor, improvements, science, etc) while the others just finished, or undoing what AI has just done. But I guess it couldn't hurt if the new player get into the game, as long as he can't change anything during this turn.
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