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Technologys: New Ones

Strike Crafts
Galactic Council
New Weapons
Ground Combat
Planetary Defense
Space Stations
Interaction with Pirates
Capital Ships
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 12:25:56 AM
You can choose more then one new technology that you favor and would like to be implemented.

Strike Crafts: This includes all Techs necessary for small Ships, Carrier Ships and support Techs.

Galactic Council: This could be a new diplomatic tech-tree, allowing deeper interaction with other factions.

New Weapons: This stands for all possible new implements of weapons.

Ground Combat: Troop Research, Troop Carrier Ships, Defense Techs etc. for land invasions

Planetary Defense: Anti Ship Weapons that interact with hostile fleets near the System

Space Stations: New stationary defense structure for systems with many possible techs.

Interactions with Pirates: Diplomatic tech options to interact with pirates

Capital Ships: Greater sized ships and weapon systems
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 3:31:47 AM
Most of these sound great, but I do have a few questions.

Strike Crafts: I'm not sure why this would be necessary. We already have ships that reduce weapon weight, why would we need "small ships"? Carrier ships sound nice, but I'm not sure I see their function either.

Galactic Council: I don't think we need another tech tree. 4 is certainly enough, and you could easily add this in on the western arm. That said, I do think it would be interesting to make a few modifications to galactic diplomacy, in the style of the UN or something. You could vote alongside the other races on more complex treaties, like ones restricting certain technologies/weapons, and use them as a big stick if you're playing for a diplomacy victory. Excellent idea in that regard.

New Weapons: I don't see the point. The way weapons are handled now is simplistic, but solid. You can't really go too crazy with weapons or else the tree starts looking a little wonky.

Ground Combat: Also don't see the point. When you invade a system now, you are invading through ground forces. "Troop Carrier Ships" sound really cool, but that's all an invasion module is.

Planetary Defense: YES. Just yes. I don't really have anything to add here, except, for good measure, YES.

Space Stations: Same as above, but we may need to be a little more specific. Would they be added on for each individual planet under the exploitation menu, or would they be completely independent?

Interactions with Pirates: Interesting, but no. Pirates lose their intrigue if they become too relatable. Or relatable at all. The random event with the ABC pirates is perfect, but I really don't want to get any more chummy with them than that.

Capital Ships: I like the idea, but I think it could be better integrated with the dreadnoughts we already have. Like a module that weighs nothing but gives the equivalent of a morale boost to other ships in the fleet, and you can only have one per ship per fleet. I don't think you really need a new class of ship to express that idea.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 9:56:25 AM
Meclodar wrote:
You can choose more then one new technology that you favor and would like to be implemented.

Strike Crafts: This includes all Techs necessary for small Ships, Carrier Ships and support Techs.

Why do we need to research these as specific techs?

Small ships? maybe hanger modules, but the factions already know how to build shuttles, so strikecraft are a given.

Carrier ships? Why not use the medium or large ship hulls?

Support techs? Why isn't that included? Invasion technology is built in to every ship, so strikecraft support tech would be as well.

Galactic Council: This could be a new diplomatic tech-tree, allowing deeper interaction with other factions.

I still don't like the idea of a galactic council, as it makes no sense. It took humans around 5000 years before things like the UE and the league of nations happened, so why would space with different species be any different?

New Weapons: This stands for all possible new implements of weapons.

Not really necessary under the current combat model.

Ground Combat: Troop Research, Troop Carrier Ships, Defense Techs etc. for land invasions

We don't need more tech for invasions and invasion defense, we already have enough.

Planetary Defense: Anti Ship Weapons that interact with hostile fleets near the System

Possibly, but then again a suggestion for a tech based on the success of another suggestion.

Space Stations: New stationary defense structure for systems with many possible techs.

Possibly, but then again a suggestion for a tech based on the success of another suggestion.

Interactions with Pirates: Diplomatic tech options to interact with pirates

You don't do diplomacy with pirates, money is the language they speak, no technology is needed.

Capital Ships: Greater sized ships and weapon systems

Not needed, just use dreadnaughts.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 8:28:42 PM
I basically agree with Igncom1, and have a comment about pirates:

It is realistic to sponsor the pirates that act against your opponents.

However, that rises the question of technical implementation - how do you know what system/part of galaxy should you sponsor them at, if you don't have the full galaxy explored? What interface can handle such feature? Wouldn't it take time that could be spent for another features?
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 6:03:34 PM
Well, imagine that you just giving 1k dust to pirates and couple pirate fleets occur somewhere in the galaxy.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 1:19:35 PM
Hmmm... I would like to see some Planetary Defense structures so you could transform strategic systems into fortresses without using fleets... I play ES with the Mod Imperium Aeterna... It has some system defense improments they work like Space Stations most of the time...

About the Capital Ships Idea we already have the Dreadnought, unless they would be Flagships with specific modules for morale or other kinds of bonuses... hmmm... I don't know.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 5:28:16 PM
I have the feeling that our list smells YOBA . .

But still, Space Stations are good idea. They are already employed in Mods. However, without proper graphical files, they feel . . virtual.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 7:14:47 PM
If we're going to have carriers, I'd like to see a variety of strike craft up for research. Perhaps on a per faction basis.

Fighters that deal straight up damage.

Fighters that neutralize enemy ship defenses.

Fighters that land on the enemy ships and board them, and if successful capture the ship for you to use.

Heavy bombers or light bombers.

Unmanned drones and all that stuff.

I think carriers need to be more than just 'that ship which can carry some fighters'. There should be a variety, and utility, to their capabilities. Maybe they can fit drop pods instead of a hangar bay, allowing for extremely rapid planet invasions. Maybe they can be fitted as repair bays, healing damaged ships at a far greater rate because they can accommodate a dry dock.

There's a lot to offer.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 7:20:07 PM
So transport ships?

Like the ones already in the game?
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