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Improving immersion (suggestion)

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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 11:59:24 AM

I never really read the forums so sorry in advance if my idea has been discussed 746338 times already

I recently started a new game after a long break and I've noticed that random exploration events (the ones you get when exploring a new system at the beginning of the game) are terribly generic. You basically get the same general description text and, literally, "option 1/2/3" to choose from.

I'd really rather have fewer events but with more story behind them. In my game I just basically got more dust for several turns out of nowhere, which is not that great immersion wise imo.

Also - pirate ships got strange names like "piratesystemraider1" That's not really important, but maybe you could give them something well, less generic as well?

Pirates could benefit from some dev love by the way. Maybe creating some pirate clans, with different ship names/specs? Pirate-colonised systems/minor factions? Atm you see a pirate and you think "meh, it will be kinetic damage all along, without any surprises".

Thanks for reading!
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12 years ago
Dec 22, 2012, 10:46:13 PM
I completely agree... in fact, I just recently embarrassed myself by posting about this in the 'Tech support' forum, since the lack of flavor-text for exploration-events seemed so ridiculous, I was convinced it was a bug. >_>;

Well, regardless, it DOES need to get fixed. The early hours of the game, when you don't have many planets to develop and your science is growing slowly, you spend most of your time exploring, and all you get for it is 10 repetitions of the same generic image and generic text, with some utterly random and unexplained effect or choice tacked at the end of it.

But, as one moderator pointed out in my erroneous bug-thread, this game is based on 'Games2Gether'... and I have a bit of writing-experience. If I could get my hands on a full list of all the random exploration-events, I could write a full selection of flavor-texts for them. Making appropriate images, however, is beyond my skill - I can spin worlds out of words, but I can't draw a straight line without a ruler. smiley: draw

Oh, if some of the events are highly common, I could even write a small selection of different explanations for them, to add variety. '+10 smiley: science' could come from a lot of places, after all.
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 7:32:09 AM
Ahah, yes, I actually also thought it was a bug at first smiley: smile

Would love to see it fixed and/or participate in fixing as well and also have same troubles with lines and rulers.

Are...are we twins separated at birth?! We have too much in common for an internet forum! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 8:05:45 AM
Ghargan wrote:
Ahah, yes, I actually also thought it was a bug at first smiley: smile

Would love to see it fixed and/or participate in fixing as well and also have same troubles with lines and rulers.

Are...are we twins separated at birth?! We have too much in common for an internet forum! smiley: smile

I grab the cake.
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 9:08:53 AM
Ghargan wrote:
Ahah, yes, I actually also thought it was a bug at first smiley: smile

Would love to see it fixed and/or participate in fixing as well and also have same troubles with lines and rulers.

Are...are we twins separated at birth?! We have too much in common for an internet forum! smiley: smile

My money's on you being a recently-developed split personality of mine. Though I'm not yet sure which of us is the evil one. smiley: twisted
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 6:33:14 PM
I've puttered around with rpg design, so flavor text is something I could help with as well. There are always more ancient empires to unearth you know.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 1:26:08 AM
Sounds like there's plenty of volunteers - but how do we get a list of possible events and probabilities (assuming there even is such a thing as 'common' and 'rare' exploration-events)? It's probably inside the game-files somewhere, but programming isn't part of my skillset...
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 7:13:38 PM
Well, some sort of official reaction would be nice, otherwise we will just be getting a mod.

But it would seem the devs have other priorities, with the addon incoming and etc.
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 2:38:27 PM
Well, a mod might not be so bad. Except... enabling one disables the achievement-system, doesn't it? That's a bit of a big-ass minus, at least to me. >_> Still, making a good mod might make the devs take notice, and maybe incorporate it at some point in the future. Hmm. Quite a dilemma...
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