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Formation cards/Fleet formations

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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 10:47:37 PM
Hey everybody,

after playing the game for a while I noticed taht while the combat is largely automatic with some player input, there is not a lot of interactivity betwen the ships. Mostly fleets are just added numbers of hull points and weapon damage. I know there is repair modules and weapon modules taht buff the entire fleet but it's very little. I would just like to see a little more... how do I put it.. synergy between ships.

What I think would really improve the game is the option to fly in formations. This would not have to be a big tweak to the combat system (the system is fine as it is), just that it redistributes the hit cahnce betwen different ships or something in that area. This could either be done in the Galaxy window (pick a formation) or by battle cards in phase 1 (Formation cards).

I know it'S propably not gonna happen since it would be a bigger change but I saw a lot of palyers talk about something like this and I thought I'd put in the suggestion.

thanks for everybodies time


Badyuyu : )

P.S: also I forgot to put [Suggestion] in the actual title. Sorry : (
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:13:22 AM
This sounds like a cool idea. Perhaps this could include or imply specific targeting decisions as well. Maybe it would add a few more than just 3 phase cards into the tactical play of fleet battles. Then fleet composition could be a bigger strategic decision instead of fleets of the same class with the same setup.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:29:45 AM
I agree and fleet formations should be in 3D space not just 2D, like in the original Homeworld. This would also allow you to protect Capital ships with smaller ships. As well as defending support ships e.g. a repair ship.

It would also be nice if ships could protect other ships e.g. Flak on one ship could protect another ship
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 7:21:29 AM
I think having a set formation for each phase would work great, in the expansion. Simple things like being able to specify big ships in front, little in back. Or move to make a flank attempt, etc.
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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 9:06:51 AM
As long as you can have only 1 fleet in any given fight at a time, it makes no sense for formations. In homeworld you could mass as many ships of different types as your max ship cap allowed you to, and since they were actually moving in the 3d space formations were a necesity so you can control how they move (ie have the escort ships on the flanks and ahead with the missile boats and cruisers in the middle etc).

Here? Well ummm the cap is very limited, highest cap being 24 if am not mistaken at the very end stage of the game (which means 6 dreadnoughts if you want for example). So what formation? What would it help with? The way battle takes place is each ship is given a number let's say from 1 to 10 on both sides. Your ship 1 fires at his ship 1, 2 at 2 etc. Now you have 6 ships and he got 3. Your ship 4 will fire at his nr 1, your 5 will fire at his 2, and your 6 will fire at his 3, so you end up with 2 ships attacking 1. Something like this oh well smiley: smile So having a formation won't have any slightest difference in how ships are targeted or anything. For how the game is now, I believe it's for the best, otherwise you wouldn't want your dreadnought to fire all his missiles and beams at that destroyer and ignoring his dreadnought no? smiley: biggrin
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