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Defense / ship-fleet movement

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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 8:11:23 AM
NobleIre wrote:
I admit that I don't much like the idea. Not because of the idea itself, but because of the lore/logic in implementing it story-wise. The 'no entry' rule makes sense when you are at peace with someone and don't have open borders, as moving into your territory effectively declares war on them. If one country moves aircraft into another country's airspace, they are going to have imminent problems. So its a diplomatic issue that blocks the borders.

This would seem to imply some sort of galactic force-field that prevents entry altogether. And that I have trouble with.

Let's take on that the region of influence is "like a galactic force field" - as you said - generated by each race automatically. The Diplomacy is just the agreement how both parties handle it.

In time of peace, the other side cannot pass the region of influence without an open borders treaty, otherwise it means declaring war. Thus it's just a diplomatic clause which provides that others don't move into your systems. The "galactic force field" don't prevent anything without diplomacy.

(However, you have to adapt "cold war", as the "galactic force field" - regarding the current diplomatic mechanics - still prevent your opponents to pass your border. In my opinion it's a misconception to assume that in times of cold war your enemy isn't able to cross your border! Cold war is rather war than peace. With the current game mechanics my hands are tied though.)

Beside that diplomatic issus, you are able to harden your border by researching something via the tech tree whats called "hardened borders". You can apply these tech to every star system you whant. Its costly, but it enables you to extend your diplomatic agreements by something new without breaking diplomatic rules. It's like to provision for the future!

If you have an open borders treaty your opponent still can pass your star systems despite the new tech. If you declare war, your opponent now can only pass with special vessels, equipped with new tech. (for further explanation see first post)

Isn't it a good enhancement of the existing diplomatic mechanics / ship-fleet movement strategies?

NobleIre wrote:
However, while i'm not a fan of the exact idea.. I do like the concept of being able to restrict movement. Perhaps, as an alternative, a system that enabled you to restrict movement within your system. A system upgrade that would slow movement speed of enemy ships. Some sort of 'Spacial Disruptor' or some similar device, which your own ships are obviously designed to be able to ignore.

Nevertheless I like your idea! It's less complicated than mine and still provides kind of the same logic.

All I am trying to suggest is to prevent the enemy reaching your "border-systems" to fast! Especially in the late game fleets are huge! With these huge fleets invading star systems is done in just a few rounds... With the new improvements it's more strategic, because you have to set up a plan beforehand and can't just rush your opponent.

The lore aspect

The idea adds

1. new tech you have to research on your tech trees

2. new ship modules / variety of ships

3. new system improvements like devices / structures

4. more strategic choices
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 9:58:05 PM
I admit that I don't much like the idea. Not because of the idea itself, but because of the lore/logic in implementing it story-wise. The 'no entry' rule makes sense when you are at peace with someone and don't have open borders, as moving into your territory effectively declares war on them. If one country moves aircraft into another country's airspace, they are going to have imminent problems. So its a diplomatic issue that blocks the borders.

This would seem to imply some sort of galactic force-field that prevents entry altogether. And that I have trouble with.

However, while i'm not a fan of the exact idea.. I do like the concept of being able to restrict movement. Perhaps, as an alternative, a system that enabled you to restrict movement within your system. A system upgrade that would slow movement speed of enemy ships. Some sort of 'Spacial Disruptor' or some similar device, which your own ships are obviously designed to be able to ignore.
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 3:57:36 PM
YellowSock wrote:
Since "Ships can not reverse direction once travel along a Cosmic String has commenced, they must continue to the opposite system", if some ship/fleet without needed countermeasure enters the cosmic string or wormhole on another end, which is not under yours system influence, is it goind to "hit the wall" and explode/evaporate or something?

Maybe the border or region of influence triggers the end of the cosmic string, causes the ship/fleet to stop. It's like a new end point of the cosmic string. When your ship stops in the middle of the string, for example, you can give your ship a new command (e.g. turn back). As the extension of your region of influence is still affected by population and system improvements the new end point is also moving.
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 3:35:36 PM
Since "Ships can not reverse direction once travel along a Cosmic String has commenced, they must continue to the opposite system", if some ship/fleet without needed countermeasure enters the cosmic string or wormhole on another end, which is not under yours system influence, is it goind to "hit the wall" and explode/evaporate or something?
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