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Military planet exploitation

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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 11:48:28 PM
It should be possible to entrench a planet with military defenses, instead of focusing on FIDS.

I think that those modifiers should apply:

+10% to planet defense,

+10% turns until planet takeover,

+5% production towards ships and military,

-20% production towards other stuff,

+5% ship repair,

+5% ship attack/defense

would be a good starting value.

Later tech upgrades would raise those values up to

+50% to planet defense,

+50% turns until planet takeover,

+20% production towards ships and military,

-0% production towards other stuff,

+20% ship repair,

+20% ship attack/defense

in several steps of course.
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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 1:03:34 AM
Defence is calculated as a stat for a system, not an individual planet. Admittedly many of the tool-tips are vague/incorrect in terms of syntax when defining how an effect like that is handled.

That entirely aside, I don't see something like this making into the game in the form you've suggested. The "+20% Ship Attack/Defence" alone is imbalanced to the point of making combat a redundant artefact of spamming this exploitation, none of the current game mechanics nor the functionality of the game as it stands is conducive to something like that ever being implemented.

Perhaps as part of a much larger overhaul, which completely does away with a whole slew of current mechanics, but not as an individual element.
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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 4:14:53 PM
I like the idea of adding another exploitation (could follow with other non-resource based examples as well), but I do agree that I´d find it unlikely that it will be used in the presented form. I think you should make it more like the other exploitations, based on the population of a planet and planet type, but instead of increased values, various planet types could offer different bonuses. Maybe like this:

+1 hp/turn for friendly fleets per population unit on Asteroid Fields (representing easy access to orbital bases and hangars where fleets can rest repair without having to go planetside)

+50 system defense per population unit on Ocean, Arctic and Jungle worlds (representing submerged or well-camouflaged shelters and storages, as well as worlds that offer significant combat advantage for those prepared to fight in them)

+1 sensor range on system per population unit on Tundra, Desert or Barren worlds (representing the usage of open clear fields to rig powerful sensor arrays and networks)

+5% to production of military units per population unit on Lava (representing using the mineral richness of such worlds to exclusively build military vessels, bonus needs to be big enough to outweigh the benefit of just building a Industry exploit instead)

and so on...

I just took these numbers out of the air, but hopefully it enough to give you and idea of what I mean
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