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Automatic Fleet Merging

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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 2:04:09 PM
It's all in the title. Basically the idea is to have a way to automatically merge fleets together. This would greatly reduce the amount of time I spend merging fleets by hand. Sorry if this has already been suggested.

What do you guys think?
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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 3:15:15 PM
vote!ervry round i must send the produced ships too a meeting point...in late game this iss a lot of work and lost time.Waypoint will be help her easily.
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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 6:22:04 PM
Oops, my mistake! Yes, it's a suggestion. I'm so tired of merging 50+ ships every couple turns. Wouldn't have to be anything too fancy, the point would be convenience over optimal composition of fleets.
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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 6:34:52 PM
OddOneOut wrote:
Oops, my mistake! Yes, it's a suggestion. I'm so tired of merging 50+ ships every couple turns. Wouldn't have to be anything too fancy, the point would be convenience over optimal composition of fleets.

I don't see how it's hard; you can select two or more fleets and there's a Merge Fleets button, or you can just select all of the ships and drag them like that; you don't need to do it one-by-one.
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12 years ago
Aug 28, 2012, 11:41:15 PM
In multiplayer games you dont have much time per round, and you must do a lot espicalyy in lategame.

Production, ship sending to meet piont(before you get out ther from the hangar!), researches, battles....soemtime the heroes level up.

Some things in the interface can made much easyer as yet.Why i must click to every single hangar to get the fleet out of ot?Why no button, create all availabel fleet from hangar?And why no waypoints?This 2 things can be

added very easy and will help a lot to make multiplayer games faster and easyer.It is only stupid work to do this every round.

The problem is her, that if your ships are all coem to a meeting point, ther are too much ships in this small interface.It is easyer if they all come togehter automaticly.But it give in some situations truly some disadvantages.

As example, you have a nice fleet on point "A", they will defend this point.

Now a fleet reach point "A", but he will only fligh to point "B".What does the system then?Or you split some ships out from a fleet to change something.Whats then?
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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 10:42:24 AM
There even are buttons for all this. But they are greyed out when you don't manually select the ships.

Just use the same routines the AI uses to launch and merge their ships once you click those buttons without having anything selected.

The amount of micromanagement here is just mind-numbing.
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12 years ago
Sep 1, 2012, 3:13:01 PM
Lots of people have suggested rally points, which is directing each newly built ship to travel to a given system. This way, if you have multiple forge planets, the fleets will assemble at the rally point on their own. This thread seems to request something more; if N ships arrive at a rally point, the request is to automatically merge them into fleets. How should this work? Suppose my fleet CP cap is 11 and I have 3 DN, 4 BS and 10 DD. Would you accept any random result which gives the fewest fleets, such as (1 DN + 7 DD), (1 DN + 2 BS), (1 DN + 2 BS + 3 DD)? This seems pretty dangerous to try, and it seems like for any rule, there will be players who complain this takes *more* time to un-make and then re-make the fleets the way they want.

What I do is for each forge planet, set it to build one fleet of what I want. Then when the build order is done, I have one assembled fleet.

If there is an auto-merge rule that everybody can agree will save time, let us try to agree on the details.

EDIT: also, it is not clear when you think auto-merging should trigger. Suppose I have carefully organized my three fleets in a system, which happen to be 90% full. Now I move a scout into the system. Should this trigger the game's default rule and reorganize all the fleets? I can see a lot of danger in this rule, so I hope it can be designed very clearly in a way that everybody can agree.
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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 4:23:09 PM
I was just about to post this idea, but I found this topic so instead I'll just give it a little bump of support. smiley: wink

I think that having a 'move and merge' button for fleet movement would help solve part of the problem people have with wanting to use multiple fleets in combat. If you can move two smaller fleets into one spot and have them automatically merge before a battle, then the problem (in some, limited, circumstances) is solved. At other times, this would just be a convenient feature to have.
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