I feel the battle system could be improved by adding battle strategies for fleets. This idea came to my mind while I read other topics in this forum regarding the battle system and mentioning the game Birth Of The Federation multiple times.

I imagine the following: Like battle cards, you can select a strategy for your fleet. I think one strategy for the whole battle will be enough. This is either defined before entering combat (like battle cards can be selected, implemented as additional button) or while in the first combat phase (before long range phase is started). If no strategy is selected, the default strategy (which leads to current behaviour) will be applied.

I'd like to have the following strategies:

  • Target weakest - all ships target the ship with the least MP. When this is destroyed, the next one is chosen by the same criteria.
  • Target least HP - self explaining :-)
  • Target all (This is the default)
  • Target strongest - all ships target the ship with the most MP.
  • Target defenseless - all own ships target all enemy ships which have no defense against the installed weapons.

Maybe targetting certain ships could be implemented more intelligently like calculating the needed amount of damage and targetting the next one automatically with other weapons.

The idea behind this suggestion is a combat situation that I had in one of my games. I had a fleet of 4 Leviathans and my opponent had so too. We had multiple draws because damage was distributed over all ships of both fleets and the ships where too strong to be destroyed this way. It would have been possible to destroy one ship per battle though if all ships would have chosen the same target ship. I found this situation very frustrating because my fleet got stuck as it was intercepted by the enemy fleet so I had no possibilty to withdraw it for retrofitting. And the combat site was far away off my territory so it took many turns to send improved vessels.