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Victory progress screen

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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 11:45:11 AM
I think the game could benefit from having the kind of Victory screen you see in Civilization V. That is, a single screen that lists each player's progress towards each of the victory types. This would let you conveniently see where people stand and who you should be wary of getting a Wonder, Tech or Economic victory, so that they don't sneak up on you with those.

To get a better idea of what I'm talking about, here's a screenshot.

For each of these items, clicking "details" will show the progress towards that victory type for each player.
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 4:28:26 PM
I never liked seeing an enemy's progress without reason, but ties it with the later addition of espionage, thats one detail that might become an important thing to obtain.

Fortunately as of now, browsing over the different menus at the top of the screen will shed light of who is close to a victory type, if you have met them.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 3:02:30 PM
A defenit must have to make the game more fun on long evenings. I realy love to view statistics!
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 12:01:29 AM
I would second this suggestion. For example, i'll be playing along, on about turn 160, building my fleets, and all of a sudden I see a screen telling me that I lost due to a wonder victory. I had no idea another race had started building wonders. It would be nice if a message popped up telling me so and so race has started building a wonder, or just finished one, that way I know who to go after. I'm sure there are other victory conditions that could utilize this behavior, this is just the only one I have encountered. I realize that hovering over the top icons will tell you some info, but I don't think it will tell you how close another race is to building wonders.

Thanks all.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 12:09:16 AM
Absolutely. I don't mind losing, but I really want to have a chance to see it coming and struggle against it.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 11:18:14 AM
I agree and I absolutely think this should be tied in to an espionage/intelligence system. This would be the right direction to move, and be a catalyst for alliances and conflict between players that actually seems dire. Using spies against an enemy, being able to see more detailed information based on the skill of your spies, counter-spying, providing false information (you could set a skilled spy to defend and make it seem as if you were close to a scientific victory, when in fact you are nowhere near, causing wasted effort to other players whose spies failed to see through the ruse). The possibilities are endless (haha).
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12 years ago
Feb 5, 2013, 1:55:43 AM
Just finished playing my first game when suddenly on turn 200~ someone wins with Diplomatic Victory. Oh boy, what an anti-climax.

This needs to be fixed. I like the concept that you have to research some kind of espionage. Any interaction with other empires and their progress would be very appreciated.

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12 years ago
Feb 6, 2013, 12:38:48 PM
With all due respect, I think that far as the OP's suggestion goes, no. Enemies should be enigmatic to you in a game such as this, far as Im concerned.

Far as espionage goes, ehh maybe. I don't know whats the build time on the wonders tho as I've never liked wonder / scientific victories in any games similiar to civ, ES and so on, so me 'n my friends always play with the options off. Just seems a bit ridiculous that we got several fleets full of dreadnoughts and what have you sieging their planet, they finish a wonder/research and win. But it would seem unlikely that you'd be able to do much after your spies finally get a whim on whats goin' on.

If something, you'd imagine a project so vast that it will actually mean galactic domination over everyone else would be a project so large it'd pop up in galactic map like a flare in Day Z, quite literally provoking everyone and their aunt attacking that region of space. Similiar to starting wonders in Rise of Nations where after something has been started, it simply shows up in everyone's map.
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