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A fourth line of weapons.

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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 10:07:48 PM
Currently we have Kinetics, Missiles and "Lasers". Problem is, our Lasers aren't, yet they fall under "Beam" in ship designs. I think there is room for a new line of weapons in this game.

So here i propose to have a real line of beam weapons, and change the current laser line to be Blasters (would fit more what they look like in game). The new beam line could be Laser beams, Particle cannons or something along those line. Not sure what counter would be more fitting though, Shields are already used for the "blasters", or we could have a different type of shield for them. As for their accuracy, i think beams should not suffer much accuracy issues (you are basically hosing them, very easy to hit stuff), but damage should be more potent at close range than at long one. Maybe those beams, to make them different from the other weapons, only fire every 2 turns (ie they need to charge up before firing) but do more damage because of this...

Anyway, feel free to comment.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 10:10:14 PM
I'd like the idea of an new type of weapons, e.g.: not bound to range or expensive, but not counterable, and other gimmicks smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 10:31:59 PM
Tredecim wrote:
I'd like the idea of an new type of weapons, e.g.: not bound to range or expensive, but not counterable, and other gimmicks smiley: smile

Not counterable would mean everyone would rush them. Less affected by range, hard hitting, expensive, sure. Drawback; expensive, use more space, fire only twice per battle range... Hum, need more thoughts on that.

Maybe someone else can figure out what appropriate counter would fit beam like weapons...
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 10:44:33 PM
Foraven wrote:
Not counterable would mean everyone would rush them. Less affected by range, hard hitting, expensive, sure. Drawback; expensive, use more space, fire only twice per battle range... Hum, need more thoughts on that.

Maybe someone else can figure out what appropriate counter would fit beam like weapons...

I'm just throwing in what pops up in my mind lol

Ofc we would have to regulate the new weapons by limits of usage, high price, shots per battle, etc
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 10:45:45 PM
new weapons arent needed, but a total revamp of the combat system would be welcome first before worrying about new weapon types to upset the current rock-paper-scissors dynamic
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12 years ago
Feb 11, 2013, 9:15:28 PM
Total revamp is off the list for now at least, according the stickies. :/

And as we know lasers as it is have increasing trouble more thick the weather, as such cloud/mist/whatnot affects them to great degree. Some form of 'flak' that deploys shells that burst into thick cloud of.... Maybe Dust based material that then scatters the beam thus weakening it, reducing the damage dealt, rather than outright reflecting?

Just an tought since it is the current largest problem for laser-based weaponry. =)
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