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Space Stations

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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 12:52:46 AM
It's just a bold idea...

What about a possibility to build a limited number of space stations in star systems?

They could have their own pop cap, produce some dust and science, and even more industry and defense.

Of course they should cost a huge amount of industry, high upkeep and some strategic resources.

Maybe they could be upgraded to higher levels after unlocking some techs (from smaller stations to huge ones like Death Star smiley: smile ).

Well, I'm not sure I meant this, it's just an idea.
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 12:57:46 AM
I'm pretty sure this was proposed before. And I think..? They might be adding this in the expansion...? Maybe not...

And anyway, if you played Sins, you would know how overpowered space stations are :P Another problem, as shown in what you're suggesting, you're basically saying to have artificial planets beyond the max of 6
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 2:17:46 AM

Hopefully by expansion you mean free, or at least after they fix the massive bugs they may decide to release a paid expansion for our amusement.

Anyway space stations make more sense to me as an immovable combat unit that isn't limited by CP.
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 4:17:03 AM
Gosh. Why on earth would it not be limited by CP? CP would be required to make sure you can't turtle forever.
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 3:12:45 PM
The space station could need an orbit in the system. A system can only have 6 planets.

For example a system with 3 planets could have 3 space station. One with 6 can't have space station because all the orbits are already used by planets
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 4:28:35 PM
tali3sin wrote:
Gosh. Why on earth would it not be limited by CP? CP would be required to make sure you can't turtle forever.

To further clarify, as I see it more like a military unit, you could only build one space station per system.

Currently players have 5 ships types they can build, so let's say you'd have the same option with space stations and could upgrade them (make them bigger basically). Generally speaking they should have something like 4 times the capacity as a similar ship, be easier to hit, not require engines, and thus have more hull and defenses.

Basically they'd be used for several things;

=to prevent the very stupidly annoying 20 MP fleets from sieging systems... you would have to defeat the space station before you could invade or blockade.

=as an added layer of defence that can be used with your fleets for system defense.

=to help garrison strong/choke points

=as it is now, systems have no way to defend themselves which is funny as space combat only takes places at fixed points and a system can easily build moon bases, satellite defences, et ceteras.

Thoughts anyway.
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12 years ago
Feb 12, 2013, 9:09:30 PM
I very much want space stations. I don't however, see a reason to make it take an orbit. A spacestation would likely orbit a planet anyway... Maybe make there be multiple different types of stations you can build, that have varying degrees of upkeep?
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12 years ago
Feb 13, 2013, 10:09:32 PM
jgbaxter wrote:
To further clarify, as I see it more like a military unit, you could only build one space station per system.

Ohh, gotcha. That makes more sense.
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 12:40:16 AM
jgbaxter wrote:
To further clarify, as I see it more like a military unit, you could only build one space station per system.

Currently players have 5 ships types they can build, so let's say you'd have the same option with space stations and could upgrade them (make them bigger basically). Generally speaking they should have something like 4 times the capacity as a similar ship, be easier to hit, not require engines, and thus have more hull and defenses.

Basically they'd be used for several things;

=to prevent the very stupidly annoying 20 MP fleets from sieging systems... you would have to defeat the space station before you could invade or blockade.

=as an added layer of defence that can be used with your fleets for system defense.

=to help garrison strong/choke points

=as it is now, systems have no way to defend themselves which is funny as space combat only takes places at fixed points and a system can easily build moon bases, satellite defences, et ceteras.

Thoughts anyway.

Well I guess it'd depend on how the stations are. Sins of a solar empire had nearly invincible space stations, while in MOO2, they were basically just another... dreadnaught that was immobile. But I still think it should appear during the first battle, but then it'd have to force all your fleets to go below their max CP. Lets say a T1 SS is.. 2 CP. You have a fleet in orbit that is 7/7. In the battle, it becomes 5/7 CP + a SS supporting (but it can still be shot down by the ships if your fleet was shot down before that)
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 10:58:09 AM
stasik28 wrote:
Sins of a solar empire had nearly invincible space stations

Buddy, that's why they added in seige vessles for the advent and tec, so you won't need to expend a fleet on them.

And as for the vasari? They just fire more of their shield skiping missiles. smiley: stickouttongue

As for defencive stations in ES, I would personally leave them as a backgrouns supporting asset for your local fleets, supportting them with addtional battle card choices and more weapons to fire (Like the station provides 5 of you most high tech missile module to a battle).

Then when it comes to an invasion (Your fleet is destroyed) the station will become inert as the attckers siege the system and the station (You don't just blow up that kind of hardware, its the systems castle!)
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12 years ago
Feb 14, 2013, 10:52:28 PM
there are already improvements to defense based on population...

not space station, but can delay invasions much more (i guess, i never nuild them)
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12 years ago
Feb 15, 2013, 12:35:02 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Buddy, that's why they added in seige vessles for the advent and tec, so you won't need to expend a fleet on them.

And as for the vasari? They just fire more of their shield skiping missiles. smiley: stickouttongue

As for defencive stations in ES, I would personally leave them as a backgrouns supporting asset for your local fleets, supportting them with addtional battle card choices and more weapons to fire (Like the station provides 5 of you most high tech missile module to a battle).

Then when it comes to an invasion (Your fleet is destroyed) the station will become inert as the attckers siege the system and the station (You don't just blow up that kind of hardware, its the systems castle!)

I thought siege vessels were to kill population faster? And I heard that you can 1v1 with a titan, or at least tank with one
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12 years ago
Feb 15, 2013, 12:42:59 AM
A Titan can 1v1 a fleet.

But you have 2 types of siege vessel, one for shooting planets, one for shooting buildings like stations.
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