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Cannons, Beam, Beams and Missiles.

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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 9:23:27 PM
I am extremely sorry if this has been brought up before but nevertheless...

It would be great if there was more weapons, who doesn't love customization? Lets begin with 3, which are perhaps refreshingly needed. Loads of Dakka missiles, heavier kinetics and proper laser beams. And so the rant begins.

When people think of beams... how I think of beams. It is not the "pinch guns" ball of colored light but of a beam of light. Yes, yes, its very nice and round and bright... and kinda OP. But of a beam, hull cutters, laser pointers, flashlights and the works. Actual beams which would allow awesome lasers of destruction coming forth from the maw of ships. Could have useful Space to Ground use, lets just say glassing planets. Higher accuracy but varied damage depending on range.

Cannons, Kannons, battle cannons, really *big* guns. Verging on missiles but not quite. Technically just a higher caliber of round than normal kinetic weapons. Basically large rocket propelled explosive rounds that fire at a slower rate but higher damage and perhaps accuracy, maybe 1st round shoot, 3rd round shoot etc. I see you have a rail-guns so... why not have really big rail-guns that make loud, death sounds at you enemies.

But finally missiles, missiles that forgo payload for a nice fast fire rate. Yes, certainly more dakka. Pretty self explanatory. Would fire each round, impact after 2 rounds. Expanding on that, we could also have faster missiles that make face smash much more quickly as well, firing and hitting on the same round... much too like kinetics but unfortunately get caught in flak so... its OK.

These would hold hands with each of the existing tech for said so tech, more variety in options, more interesting ships. The last thing I would like to see in the future is going to probably be on the application of boarding other ships, and fighters, bomber carriers and the works, but that will have to wait until they release said so additions. Could be a module for ships to include a fighter bay. But boarding craft would be... very awesome to watch. Especially ground warfare.

This is mostly an offload from my mind, so it has a thought process feel to it. Really sorry if its that hard to read.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 10:54:53 PM
No love... really. Started reading through the improvements that may be implemented... thought this had been mentioned before. Oh well. Well i spent my time well!
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 11:01:23 PM
Its been here an hour, no need to start complaining.

As for weapon variation, considering the current combat system, they would be highly un-balanced and wouldn't really contribute much.

And yes this has been brought up a few times before.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 11:24:20 PM
True, the current combat does not really suite more weapon types, still i think it would be a key feature that needs adding. Combat needs rework in any case i recon, so they might as well do it right this time and make it more complex the whole way. It does fit nicely with my tech posting btw.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 11:44:48 PM
Yeah, but i don't like flooding forums with a repeat posts, need to be original and add to the discussion. Still, once the combat is rebalanced, the new weapon types will be a glory to behold and cause new problems... i mean *fun*.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 4:31:12 AM
I think you're looking for a nice little game called Eve. smiley: smile

The current game wouldn't really support any more weapon types, but I'm completely with you on how lasers should be expressed. They need to look like phasers from Star Trek, not fast glowy bullets.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 12:03:25 PM
hadrius wrote:
I think you're looking for a nice little game called Eve. smiley: smile

The current game wouldn't really support any more weapon types, but I'm completely with you on how lasers should be expressed. They need to look like phasers from Star Trek, not fast glowy bullets.

Eve is overly complicated... if you decide to play Eve, you have decided to live a second life. That second life is your clan in which you are fodder, a small part of its economy. It should be left alone like other MMOs in my opinion, ill never crawl back to them ever again.
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12 years ago
Feb 15, 2013, 6:31:42 PM
we need more weapon choices really.

Even if it just ends up being optical not mechanical.
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