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Trade build up times.

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12 years ago
Mar 11, 2013, 12:21:34 AM
A problem I have noticed is that trade isn't really worth the dust I fund into it.

So to amend this I suggest that trade routes become more valuable over time when trading with the same player (As to prevent trade routes from resetting when you discover a players colony that is worth more and everything resetting) to become 10 tomes more valuable over a 50 turn time span.

However this might not be achievable, so any additional suggestions on the topic below would be nice.
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12 years ago
Mar 11, 2013, 12:50:15 AM
Since im an Automaton player I support this action. Im also wondering if it would be viable to manually set up trade lanes, like selecting a System to Export its "Goods" to a particular system and then you could lock the lane in place and/or set a system to have a preference for trading with a particular player. Then again, i have no idea how the current trading system works other than both players exploring each other and having routes open for trade, from its initial cover it seems a bit random. Im pretty sure the Devs said they wanted to make things like trading and diplomacy better at some point in the future at some point.
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12 years ago
Mar 11, 2013, 7:24:57 AM
From what I remember in my peaceful games, trade really depends on who is out there. I know that is is not effected by the tax rate and they are automatically optimized to give the best yield. At the start of the game, they really are not worth it because the calculation also takes into account the population of your systems and the ones being traded to.

I just use trade as a way to fund my war machine versus my current enemy. I'll eventually get to them but until then I don't mind the extra dust or science.

Trade works at the moment. I don't think the Devs have any plans to look into expanding how trade works until they have improved or fixed the more pressing issues.
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12 years ago
Mar 11, 2013, 11:29:23 PM
Having trade "build up" would be a beneficial addition. It could then allow the player to manually set trade routes. By default, the auto selector will select/keep the trade routes that have the greatest current value.

For example. You have been trading with colony A for 30 turns and it is getting 15 dust.

Colony B is discovered, and it would give you 10 dust if you began trading with it.

The auto-selector will not trade with Colony B at this point. However, a player might notice that given 20 turns, Colony B would be giving 20 dust, so a player could manually pick Colony B. Or, when a new trade route slot is available, it will be used for this.
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 5:48:56 PM
The point I always wonder is, if you loose your trading lines due to war, there are still 2-3 other factions left, but never trade seems to be re-established to one of those.
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12 years ago
Mar 12, 2013, 7:56:43 PM
Trade was totally overnerfed in my opinion. Yes, it was strong, maybe even a tad too strong. But at least it felt like it had some impact.

Reducing the science-gain to a lousy 25% without any compensation was just too harsh.
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