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Pirate appearance for custom race

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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 4:13:15 PM
I know there is no intention to make pirates an official playable race (I wish you'd reconsider, yet get creative and by all means make it a difficult race to master), but I'd like the ship models to be available when making a custom race. Some 2D art would be nice but not needed, could even just silhouette some existing art, or use some of the hero art.

The effort was already gone to in order to make the ships, it seems a shame not to use it.

At the risk of beating a dead horse further and going back to official playable race territory, and giving them their own unique affinity (something plunder related).

I think to fit the theme of the pirates the way they are in ES they would need almost every negative going, slow builders, slow science, probably start them off on a terrible home world (barren or asteroids), eternal war, Hissho or Craver affinity, etc. (I'm mid game or I'd give this more thought).

I'm an option/choice junky, and it would be great to see this as an option. Especially if you can then set an AI to play as the pirates as a main force.
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 4:55:16 PM
It's hard to gauge how the devs would take this. I like your idea but I highly doubt it will happen.

I hope I'm wrong.
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 1:03:53 PM
I would love to see something like this in-game it would make it far more interesting... I wish the developers will give some thought to this idea... Pretty please... smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 6:46:54 PM
I feel a little slow, but I guess one of the main reasons this isn't an option is because pirates only have one ship design, their destroyer hull at a guess.

Could possibly open it up to a competition regarding designing more. Colony ships are generally modified destroyers so they would be easy.

I'm not sure if the questionable legality of modelling software would be an issue regarding Amplitude being able to simply take the winners models and place them into the official game, but easy enough to set requirements there, there are plenty of free packages for .obj files.

Just a thought on how this could move forwards.
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12 years ago
Mar 17, 2013, 2:03:34 PM
I think it's good idea, today pirate have two ship design (destroyer and crusier) and two fairly good concept that can be used for other hulls (maybe corvette and battleship). Сome up with a couple more for transport and dreadnought should not be a problem.
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