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Overall New Features Suggestions

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12 years ago
Mar 26, 2013, 2:13:09 PM
I can't wait for the expansion and I am very excited for the new changes! They inspired me to post my own ideas in hopes that some of them will be used in a future add-on or expansion. It will be a huge thread but please bare with me.

Faction Specific Battle Cards:

This is something that I thought was missing form the start. They should also get the respected visual effects. It would be enough to add just one to each faction to make each combat even more unique, and I have a few ideas:

United Empire:

Nuclear Warheads: Have a 35% chance of irradiating the crew of the enemy ships thus destroying his invasion forces.

Explanation: Weeeell since they always where a generic required human race in my eyes why not give them the most cliché human weapon.


Cloaking Technology: Become invisible for one battle phase.

Explanation: Men of Science and the only race advanced enough to have such a technology, it would mean a lot for strategic porousnesses either to avoid deadly missiles in one turn or run away in the last.


Honour in Death: If this card is played your ships will plunge themselves in the enemy ships thus destroying them. Note: Smaller ships won't destroy larger ones just damage them for instance a scout vs Dreadnought will only damage the dreadnought by 25% of it's full health.

Explanation: One of my favourite factions I think it fits them quite nicely.


Tranquillity: EMP bombs are launched at enemy ships which pacifies their engines and gives you 2 options, you can continue the battle with increased accuracy of all weapons by 50% or run away safely.

Explanation: Non needed really.


Locust Swarm: All the locusts surrounding the Carver ships are launched at enemy ships dampening their sensors and decreasing they accuracy by 50%.

Explanation: GO BUGS!


Boarding Crew: Launch the invasion modules at enemy ships whit a chance of a boarding success the next effects could be gained 50% chance of dampening the sensors and lowering the accuracy by 20%, 25% chance of sabotaging the engines and raising your accuracy by 20%, and 5% chance of killing the crew and making the ship self destruct.

Explanation: If the Horatio have anything in abundance it's man power so why not put it to good use. smiley: smile

I currently have no idea what to suggest for Sowers, Pilgrims, Sheredyn and Automatons factions but please feel free to make suggestions.

New Planet Types:

Well just for more interesting gameplay and variety it would be nice I have a few ideas:

Swamp Planet:

A planet with Swamp ground, riddled with diseases and in reality not much can be grown there but it is a marvel for scientist.

smiley: approval: - 10; smiley: food: 1; smiley: industry: 1; smiley: science: 8; smiley: dust: 2.
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12 years ago
Mar 26, 2013, 2:16:11 PM
Tempest Planet:

Most people would mistake the Tempest planet for a Gas Giant because of their thick atmosphere. But the difference is very clear, Tempest planets are made of barren rock and their atmosphere is rich and more intricate and has more rare and unique chemicals than that of a Gas Giant.

smiley: approval: - 20; smiley: food: 0; smiley: industry: 2; smiley: science: 25; smiley: dust: 1.
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12 years ago
Mar 26, 2013, 2:17:43 PM
Shattered Planet:

A world that has gone through a mayor catastrophe, it's core is wide open which is a huge source of ore and fuel.

smiley: approval: - 20; smiley: food: 0; smiley: industry: 15; smiley: science: 5; smiley: dust: 10.

Also I was thinking of unique planets, like forbidden worlds, Library Worlds, etc... Please leave more suggestions. smiley: smile

And since everyone is doing it I might as well suggest a faction:

Zelesh Host

Concept art is not mine and I do not take any credit or responsibility for it, it is just used to show what I have in mind for this faction.

Planet Type: Arid

Diplomatic Alignment: Evil

Gameplay: Erradicate

Main Victory Type: Military

Affinity: Zelesh know no emotions, with that, the "happiness" level on planets in content no matter what and no "happiness" bonus or malus effects them.


The Zelesh prophecy states that one day the End Time will come and the universe will be reborn in a new Utopia with no wars or hate. But for this to be so The universe must be prepared for it's rebirth and cleansed of all the evils that would bring hate and war to the new world order. Sophons, Carver, Horatio all must be purified and cleansed so that the Utopia may come true, a clean universe and a Paradise where Zelesh will be gods.

Well that is it from me for now I will update the thread if I have any new ideas, please feel free to express yourselves and comment. smiley: smile

P.S. It is in 3 posts because of the image limit I'm sorry for this.
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12 years ago
Mar 26, 2013, 4:25:54 PM
I like the idea of race-specific battle cards although I would think of others than yours.

About the planets, we already have something like a swamp planet although it's only anomaly.

The other two have a bit unbalanced FIDS-values. Also the 2nd one is more like an anomaly than a real planet.

Do you already have an affinity for your race in mind?
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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 12:22:31 PM
Yep, just updated the faction post. The card I came up with are just concepts to show faction uniqueness please suggest your own and I will update that post with them.

And one more faction:

The Kirin Syndicate:

Concept art is not mine and I do not take any credit or responsibility for it, it is just used to show what I have in mind for this faction.

Planet Type: Jungle

Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral

Gameplay: Loot

Main Victory Type: Military\Economic

Affinity: They are slave traders so they can convert planet populous in to smiley: dust or smiley: industry or smiley: food boost. Also they have a small chance of taking over enemy ships if the enemy retreats.

Description: Pirates, looters, slave traders, scum of the Galaxy, are just a few words to describe the Kirin Syndicate. The Kirin are the most deceitful race found in the galaxy but there is honour amongst them and they respect people with the same pirate-like views, so the syndicate was born. While mostly composed of Kirin there are rouge Sophons, Humans, Hissho and various other races amongst them. The universe is full of treasure and acquisitions to be made and the Kirin Syndicate will be there to grab it by the planets!
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12 years ago
Mar 27, 2013, 11:11:06 PM
Now I absolutely love the game at the moment, but there's always this one thing that instantly starts to bug me. Whenever I barter with other AI They don't seem to think for themselves much, an example of this is no matter how much they make you can always get them to give you their entire income and plus some. This is more likely the biggest issue I have with the game and would love if it was fixed somehow. If anyone reads this then thank you smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 3:48:53 PM
Don't know about the other ideas and suggestions, but we definitely need more and particularly more interesting planets, asteroids etc to be colonizable!
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 4:11:12 PM
I'll try to... explain? some of the stuff here. 1) UE warheads: doesn't make sense since nuclear warheads don't have as much of an effect in space, vacuum and all that.. 2) Cloak I believe is already being added in the expansion (read on that mate) 3) the cards for the next 4 races are pretty overpowered imho 4) Why is swamp disease ridden smiley: stickouttongue they're perfectly good areas. And if it's filled with disease why would anyone colonize it..?

For your races, there are several people proposing their races, (not to be offensive or anything!!) so don't get your hopes up for both smiley: stickouttongue (wait for a new empire competition)
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 5:36:28 PM
n18991c wrote:
Don't know about the other ideas and suggestions, but we definitely need more and particularly more interesting planets, asteroids etc to be colonizable!

Yes more Asteroid variants, like crystal, ice, etc... smiley: smile There is a thread about unique planets so I hope that those will be implemented sooner or later especially with the expansion coming, Harmony should have a crystal planet.

stasik28 wrote:
I'll try to... explain? some of the stuff here. 1) UE warheads: doesn't make sense since nuclear warheads don't have as much of an effect in space, vacuum and all that.. 2) Cloak I believe is already being added in the expansion (read on that mate) 3) the cards for the next 4 races are pretty overpowered imho 4) Why is swamp disease ridden smiley: stickouttongue they're perfectly good areas. And if it's filled with disease why would anyone colonize it..?

For your races, there are several people proposing their races, (not to be offensive or anything!!) so don't get your hopes up for both smiley: stickouttongue (wait for a new empire competition)

1.3. You have a point the cards I suggested are in no case the ones that I think must be in the game the main idea is that race unique cards should be included.

2. Really? COOL! smiley: smile

4. Because.. It is! :P Swaps are the most disease overwhelmed places, and they are also a scientific gold mine for research. So one would colonize a Swamp planet because of the research\scientific value the same way as one would colonize a Lava planet because of the production value. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2013, 6:32:31 PM
Swamps contain standing (non-flowing) and stagnating water, together with decaying plant life; this is ideal conditions for bacteria to breed, and therefore swamps are likely to be hazardous places for health reasons.

However, in the ES future, better protective clothing and improved anti-biotics (presumably) will render most known swamps a danger of the past. An alien swamp, however, is likely to contain new hazards, which may or may not be threatening.
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12 years ago
Mar 31, 2013, 9:36:50 PM
Ah, I get the anti biotic... but with a race like the endless and their terraforming devices, I guess you can see why there ARE no swamps smiley: stickouttongue. What I don't get is, for the same reason, why it isn't a galaxy like Halo, all terraformed and habitable planets...
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 1:47:05 AM
MasterNecromancer wrote:
Tempest Planet:

Most people would mistake the Tempest planet for a Gas Giant because of their thick atmosphere. But the difference is very clear, Tempest planets are made of barren rock and their atmosphere is rich and more intricate and has more rare and unique chemicals than that of a Gas Giant.

smiley: approval: - 20; smiley: food: 0; smiley: industry: 2; smiley: science: 25; smiley: dust: 1.

Hum, sound a lot like Venus, minus the scorching heat at ground level due to the greenhouse effect.
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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 8:11:12 AM
Foraven wrote:
Hum, sound a lot like Venus, minus the scorching heat at ground level due to the greenhouse effect.

and relatively easy to terraform, if you have the time and cash!
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