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Government Systems as solar system exploitations

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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:27:40 AM
There are other threads about government systems, what make this thread different is suggesting government systems to be implemented as solar system exploitation.

Like Planatary exploitation, Each system can build one government improvement so are all mutually exclusive. They are upgraded automatically to the next level when prerequisite system improvements are completed.

Here are some primarily ideas on various form of government. All governments cost 200 build points.

Democracy Chain


A system gain +1 approval turn per under representation, up to +20, as well as and +1 food per turn per population

Democracy (Require colonial rights system improvement)

A system gain +1 approval turn per under democracy, up to +40, as well as and +1 food per turn per population

Virtual Democracy (Require Unlimited information highway system improvement)

A system gain +1 approval turn per under virtual democracy, up to +60, as well as and +1 food per turn per population

Strategy notes:

Useful for rapidly expanding / fast growing empires.

Autocracy Chain


A system's approval rating is fixed at 60% and gain +1 industry per turn per population, But has no influence Area and cost 1 dust per turn per population unit in maintenance.

Dictatorship (require stealth construction)

A system's approval rating is fixed at 60% and gain +1 industry per turn per population, but cost 1 dust per turn per population unit in maintenance.

Police State (require impervious bunker)

A system's approval rating is fixed at 60% and gain +1 industry per turn per population

Strategy notes:

Useful for running high tax rates and holding outlying systems in higher difficulty settings.

Corporate Chain


A system with Corporate goverment can trade with another system you own and earn +1 dust per turn per population

Corporate Republic (require Border's Guild bourse)

In addition to basic bonuses, Industry / Dust conversion effectiveness increased to 75% for a system with upgraded Corporate Government.

Incorporated State (requires space elevators)

In addition to other bonuses, a system will fully upgraded Corporate government pay no maintenance on its improvements

Strategy notes:

Useful for systems with small number of possible total population units.

Technocracy Chain


Systems under basic technocratic government produce science equal to 25% industry cost of any improvements or ships it completes, as well as +1 science per population per turn.

Automated Bureaucracy (Require Magnetic Field Generators)

In addition to basic bonus, systems under upgraded technocratic government gains double benefit from strategic and luxury resources.

Technocracy (Require Optical Research Labs)

In additional to other bonuses, systems under fully upgraded technocrat government gains 25% additional bonus from hero skills.

Strategic notes:

Useful for strategic system that builds a lot of ships.

This is a very rough drafts so names are awful and balances are likely very off. However the important message is governments can be implemented solar system exploitation.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 6:57:31 PM
I really like the idea.

I think that Democracy and Corporation are a lot better than the other two.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 7:59:51 PM
Hm. Can governments instead be an empire-wide factor, rather than associated with a particular system? I think that would make more sense, as governments tend to be something that affects an entire nation. Aside from that, I do like the idea of adding government policies to the game, similar to Alpha Centauri.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 9:13:50 PM

Lore-wise, a civilization seemed to be a alliance of nations from the same species, rather than a single sovereign entity. having different governments in star system does not conflict with this interpretation. It also makes a better game mechanic, because a player can choose appropriate government for each system.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 11:12:52 PM
I would have to label democracy just a tad OP since approval will raise allsmiley: fids in a system. Maybe a little slower rate?
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 11:26:53 PM
I always wanted to have government systems in the game. And your ideas are very good and different from what we've seen so far. Let's hope the devs think about adding it to the game.

It's really hard to choose between democracy, corporate or technocracy. Probably I would go for technocracy, since I'm obsessed with science. But a democratic or corporate government type are also good ones. smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 11:27:41 PM
HumanSpacer wrote:
I always wanted to have have government systems in the game. And your ideas are very good and different from what we've seen so far. Let's hope the devs think about adding it to the game.

It's really hard to choose between democracy, corporate or technocracy. Probably I would go for technocracy, since I'm obsessed with science. But a democratic or corporate government type are also good ones.

Just depends on faction and winning condition... but yeah, good ideas smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 11:33:57 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Just depends on faction and winning condition... but yeah, good ideas smiley: smile

Indeed. Technocracy fits for the Sophons and corporate government fits for the UE, for example.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 11:37:15 PM
HumanSpacer wrote:
Indeed. Technocracy fits for the Sophons and corporate government fits for the UE, for example.

Exactly what I meant!
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12 years ago
Mar 15, 2013, 11:04:29 AM
Way to Overpowered but the idea to add Goverment Systems to Endless Space is very good.

But it should be a global and there should also be negatives for any gov type,

also so that it can be influence to the Diplomatic System aswell...if there werent any other consequenzes it would just be another System Improvment.

PS: I LOVE goverment systems it makes every Turn based Strategy Game far far better! also in Role Play terms.
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12 years ago
Mar 18, 2013, 5:13:41 PM
I really like the Idea of system-Governments and most of your proposed bonuses seem fitting. However I think all Governments should have drawbacks aswell to balance them out and decreace the overall impact on Gameplay. I thought about some possible Drawbacks.

Democracy chain: +2% per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: industry cost for Improvements and Ships

Autocracy chain: 50% Faster Ownership loss

Corporate Chain: +20% Overpopulation malus

Technocracy Chain: -1 smiley: approval per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Planets with smiley: food ( or smiley: industry ) exploitation

I also like the Faction affinity towards Governments. I'm not quite sure how one would best implement that but in any case I think having the "wrong" government should considerably decreace smiley: fids and/or Approval. In addition to these Governments I'd also like to suggest a unique "Hive-Government" for the Cravers* that requires them to dismantle other governments and others to dismantle the cravers government everytime a system is conquered:


Tertiary Swarm Cluster**

-10% Improvement(/Ship***) industry cost ; +10 smiley: approval ; -1 Science per Population

Secondary Swarm Cluster (requires Intensive Cultivation Logistics)

-20% Improvement industry cost; +10 smiley: approval ; -10% Overpopulation Malus; -1 science per population

Primary Swarm Cluster (requires Revenue Zen)

-30% Improvement industry cost; +10 smiley: approval ; -10% Overpopulation Malus; -10% Expansion Malus; -10% locust points; -30 smiley: dust

Also I could imagine Automatons getting a +50 approval bonus for Systems without government.

*I'm not an avid Cravers player so my bonuses may be a bit off.

**Ok It's obvious where I got those names, and feel free to suggest improvements : D

*** I'm not sure but I think this would be a bit too much in line with their Faction traits(aka VERY cheap ships)
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12 years ago
Mar 18, 2013, 11:53:12 PM
Yes to Governments. Global or System. But, I don't particularly like the implementation described in OP.

You could even have both types of governments.. Just have to balance it correctly.

The problems with OP are both that some governments have no negatives, and some are just broken. 60% set approval means that that system would have NO use for many system improvements and you could simply play as UE, set your tax rate at 100% and have all governments to that type.
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11 years ago
Apr 11, 2013, 8:29:12 AM
They only need to be balanced with respect to each other. As long as there are some system more suitable for each government they should be fine.

The reason they have no drawbacks is the same as the lack of drawback for planetary exploitation. Because eventually every system will have a government, You don't have to worry about balance of system with governments versus systems without them.
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11 years ago
Apr 11, 2013, 4:07:11 PM
One area I always enjoyed in MOO2 and even MOO3 that I was shocked was missing from this game.

However your initial numbers are just too out there. What I would suggest it taking all the race traits we have now, fold them into each government type to balance them out, then work the customization system to where some traits are only accessible under government types. The long play issue that comes in is, can you change government types during game but how do you keep it so that one type wins out ? Perhaps initial government type keeps you in that tree forever. As in, the unification / hive mind /etc would only have those three choices, a parliamentary/republic/democracy. despot/monarchy/etc, and so on

Will have to play with numbers when I get home. I had long ideas about posting something similar to the forums but never figured out final numbers that didn't just make some choices required. I think that by removing traits from customization and baking them into government types THAT DO NOT change throughout the game would be the best route. It would simply balancing races. Traits that would remain would be related to your starting systems and such and maybe heroes. I would fold in all others under governments.
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