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Ship Capture

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11 years ago
Oct 2, 2013, 2:08:41 AM
It would be interesting for ships with Troops to be able to capture enemy ships. If successful, it would show where the ship has been on the map, though not a current view. For example, if a system belonged to a specific Empire when the ship passed through it, that allegiance would be shown. Of course, if that system was subsequently conquered by another Empire, that would NOT be noted. Also, it should be possible to take captured ships to a friendly planet and disassemble them for their cost in Dust. Further, when the ship is dissembled, it should give a reverse engineering research points boost to the techs the ship has, if they are better than what the player currently has. That way, when the relevant techs are actually researched, the cost in research points for that SPECIFIC tech to be researched is less than it would otherwise be. Not sure of any of these are GOOD ideas, but would like to see them, all the same. God bless to all who read this, and the Amplitude staff.
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11 years ago
Oct 12, 2013, 3:23:47 AM
I shouldn't think so. It should simply expand upon an idea that's common to many 4X space games, the ability to capture your opponent's ships and use them, rather than being forced to the wasteful expedient of always destroying them, with no benefit except to the experience of your ship.
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11 years ago
Oct 13, 2013, 7:36:55 PM
What would you about CP limit make into a separate fleet if it exceeds your current limit? What about Capital ships like dreadnought and cruisers will you be able to capture those or are you thinking of smaller ships?

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11 years ago
Oct 13, 2013, 7:49:31 PM
DarkMeph wrote:
What would you about CP limit make into a separate fleet if it exceeds your current limit? What about Capital ships like dreadnought and cruisers will you be able to capture those or are you thinking of smaller ships?


I still think it would be cool if Pirates could capture ships, and if they captured a colony ship they could become an empire lol
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11 years ago
Oct 13, 2013, 9:42:54 PM
I think pirates are more like kill everyone and strip anything useful from the ship and then sent into the nearest sun. True some could become a small empire.

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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 4:37:24 PM
Actually, those are REALLY good questions. A separate auto-created fleet if the CP limit is exceeded for the capturing fleet sounds like a really good idea. What you could capture should probably depend on how many troops total in the fleet attempting the capture, if you have insufficient troops you probably shouldn't be able to capture the ship.
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11 years ago
Oct 15, 2013, 4:41:43 PM
I agree that the pirates should be able to form their own society as a competitor to the other empires. How many worlds they hold should also determine how many ships they can field, the same as any other empire. The current system might benefit from the rework, because pirates can become a game-ending problem really fast the higher the difficulty of the game. Also, I think it would make sense for pirates to capture ships instead of destroying them, then adding them to their fleet if they are better than what they already have. Other ships they should be able to simply disassemble and add to their dust reserve for building more ships and improving their empire.
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