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Play by Email

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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:18:07 AM
I searched around and I didn't find this answered anywhere:

Any hope of getting a play by e-mail multiplayer mode?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 9:30:20 AM
[APOLLISNOWUPONTHISISSUE] --> /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11555-discussion-poll-for-real-time-mp-avoiders-would-you-try-play-by-email

Having played games like Dominion (See link here --> http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=145 you can see how well organised and popular it is!!!), PLEM can be a LOT of fun - providing a good server system is implemented, and the save system works well. I would go so far as to say, the only multi-player game I would play is PLEM in nature, as I like to take my time and really make it a decent game of strategy and skill. Love the idea.

Until they try it, many don't get how much fun it can be, especially if you play with 6 civ's, 2 teams with 3 - The plotting that goes on is IN DEPTH AND MEAN. (And terrific fun!)

I will clarify how this might work, for those that can't quite see it.


Stage One - Group formed via forum posts, who 'posts' what they want.

1. The host creates a thread tagged with a 'MP' icon, a title "Axis of Greed" and and "Recruiting 2 more" in the heading.

2. He sets up the game, and uploads the settings to the MP Server.

Stage Two - Players Sign Up, and first turn is sent out

3. Players sign up, and the thread creator adds people, as he approves them, adjusting the heading until it is full. He then changes the heading to "Started" or "In Progress".

4. New players can upload their 'avatars', or 'race' to the MP server while they wait. When the last one uploads his file, the game starts, and everyone is sent '"Axis of Greed - turn one" via email'.

Stage Three - Turns and Submitted and Processed and next move is emailed to all players

5. Player loads the file, and does his turn, and uploads the resulting save file to server as "Axis of Greed"

6. When all moves have been made, or the set time elapses (for instance, a house rule might be to move within 18 hours, with a timer set to 24 hours to automove). Players can ask the game host for an extension, which he has the settings and passwords to do.

7. When the game finishes, the thread is changed to "Axis of Greed - Finished".

That's it!

Players can agree to send turns every 12 hours on weekends, or whatever they want.

The 'host', when setting up the game is given a variety of options as far as length of time that players may take before the host moves, options to have another party 'fill in' for an absent/retired party and so on.

I can't emphasise how this changes the game - It makes it INCREDIBLY strategic and well thought out, and creates a real depth of play with players themselves forming groups, guilds and so forth. It can coexist with other MP options, and SP flawlessly. For those that have never played Dominions 3- there is no game quite like it.

Here is an actual example :

As can be seen in this example, it includes the 'challenge level' desired, configurations of the map, even 'banned nations' (which the host has the right to set), diplomacy rules and the host started listing those who had already joined. Fun Fun Fun!!!

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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 12:11:49 PM
I have thought about the multiplayer a lot too. They could include many different ways of playing it online. The turn based gameplay itself is possible to be created in many ways. It would be lovely to see an e-mail option too where you got all the time in the world to think of your moves and strategies. I've also searched the forums for description on the battles when playing online, are they done by RTS or are they too turn based like in HOMM? And will the multiplayer have servers or is it done by joining in game considering your experience and ranking?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 2:48:41 PM
What I would love to see is something along the lines of Civilization's "pitboss" server. Playing turn-based strategies like this with a server setup like that was just perfect. Something like that would be awesome to have.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 3:59:31 PM
I didn't think this was possible for ES. I thought one of the key factors was that the "turn" could be used by everyone, that's why you still see enemy ships moving around at the start of your turn. So it's not just: Team1->Team2->Team3. Instead it's everyone move and then click end turn.

This doesn't quite match everything I've seen in the game myself, but I'm sure I saw this was the system used, either in a trailer or one of their webpages.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 1:09:36 PM
Maclardal wrote:
I didn't think this was possible for ES. I thought one of the key factors was that the "turn" could be used by everyone, that's why you still see enemy ships moving around at the start of your turn. So it's not just: Team1->Team2->Team3. Instead it's everyone move and then click end turn.

This doesn't quite match everything I've seen in the game myself, but I'm sure I saw this was the system used, either in a trailer or one of their webpages.

That is indeed an interesting idea, but i don't think it is going to work. It would be like turn based and real time at the same time. Really doesn't make sense? Or does it : o
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 2:28:55 AM
I would love to see a PBEM style multiplayer feature, and it could probably be implemented without too much trouble. The turns could still be simultaneous, the devs would just have to figure out some way to program a work around (maybe set battle cards in advance so your fleets have a default load out to use if intercepted?) to streamline play. PBEM adds a lot of longevity to strategy multiplayer games, because not a lot of people have the hours it takes to sit down and play from start to finish.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 5:30:52 AM
As a parent with little free time that coincides with my friends, I would love to see this feature implemented. Even if it was only for co-op games to make the combats run easier.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:05:53 AM
Separating fleet movement from empire management would be the best way to go. You are required to move your ships, then you hit next player, and another player starts moving his/her ships. While waiting for others to finish, you are able to give build/colonization orders and such, then you hit the real end turn button. No need for players to wait each other player, queuing movement/combat while allowing everyone to manage at the same time is a step forward in turn based stuff. Not allowing everyone to play at the same time and call it turn-based afterwards. Civ5 multiplayer sucks because everyone plays at the same time. In other words, if you are first one to bombard with your long-range units, you win the combat. If this game is going to have something like that, they should think twice.
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12 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:59:16 PM
lyravega wrote:
Not allowing everyone to play at the same time and call it turn-based afterwards. Civ5 multiplayer sucks because everyone plays at the same time. In other words, if you are first one to bombard with your long-range units, you win the combat. If this game is going to have something like that, they should think twice.

That is certainly not good turn based management, but with play by email, the turn is fairly processed by the server. You can resubmit your turn as many times as you like (if you change your mind) until the last player submits their turn or the time expires. I really think that this option will allow many people to experience MP fun. What usually happens is you do your turn, then get back to your regular SP game. Because it is a long term commitment, you really work hard on your game and learn a lot.

You can also resign at the end of the game and hand over to AI if you 'give up' though good form is to continue to the bitter end.
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 10:02:10 AM
This thread is the origin of discussions about asynchronous multiplayer.

Other threads about this have been archived:


Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Jan 21, 2015, 3:29:59 AM
I used to play this game a long time ago called "Stars!" it was an awesome 4x game. It is in many ways a spiritual precursor to Endless space. In most ways, endless space is better. There is ONE thing that I really miss.

Asynchronous turns.

I just don't have hours on end to play. I don't think email is the right format, but a listen server would work. There's definitely a solution gameplay-wise, it's just a question of how much of a change it would take to the codebase.

Without this I'll probably play these games for a while as single player and then move on.
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