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[Updated] Summary of Suggestions / Ideas

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 9:32:22 AM
This is an updated thread created for quick glance reference for everyone concerned. To show everyones ideas and suggestions for the game. If you have an idea post it on your own thread link it to the discussion thread linked here (Please do not make long threads...keep it clear, short, sweet and to the point smiley: smile ) and I will look at it and add it to the summary list below.

If however, the idea is related to any to known bug or balancing issue refer here.

Ideas or Suggestion with a poll will be marked as [P].

You never know the Dev team may take an interest to your idea / suggestion for further development. It will be marked here as [***]. Also you will see it here. smiley: cool

Please be aware that not all ideas will make it through to development due a number factors, no mattter how good the idea is. So don't be dissappointed, if yours does not make it, as may well be used in the future.

Summary of the suggestions we have seen so far:-

Game play


Alert Notification - Fleet arrival / Blockade / Negative Economy [***]

Improved Tutorials - More player friendly and interactive

Revamp battle System

Idle job Notification - Notification no jobs in que

Tech Tree Randomiser

5th Tech Tree - Higher command points Research and Military abilities

Victory Conditions - Domination, Annihilation, Complete a Campaign and etc [***]

Minor civilsations - Minor races in co-living with major races

Amend Planetary Industry Science Conversion Production Priority

Post Battle Notification - Notification of battle to commence in designated system(s) [***]

Major & Minor Alomony - Black holes, Wormholes, Gas nebula, Ion storm, comets, meteors and etc

Clearer Research Types - Easy & clear identification of research types and clear sub techs [***]

Distant indicator - Notification how many turns between ship/fleet to designated system [***]

Revamped Movement - Improving ship/Fleet movement

Continued play after End game - Player to continue the game after Victory condition reached [***]

Razing Colony - Relocate Colony

Player Alarm - Notification how long being playing for and requested to take a break

Better Pirate Interaction - Pirate raid trade routes and avoid engaging large fleets, etc [***]

More Moons / Asteroids - Vary the amount of moons/asteroids belts orbiting planet or system

Planetary bombardment graphics - Animation of planet planetary seige/blockade/attack

Fleet Compostion Effect - Fleet graphic changes according to the size of the fleet

Fleet Composition Status - Compition of Fleet Before/During/After Combat

Fleet Assult points - Assault Point system for fleets to allow players to easily keep track of Fleet actions

Fleet Entry Warning - Notification and or audible warning that the player(s) fleet entering/invading oponents empire constitutes declaration of war. Player has choice to abort

First Contact Effect - First Contact animation and Notification [***]

Background Combat chatter - System and general combat chatter in background

Planetary Effect - Visual/Graphical representation during colonisation, infrastructure and exploits [***]

Realistic representation - More realistic representation of solar system, planets and other orbital objects

Similar Race Identifer - Colour code identical races

Leaderboard/Hall of fame

Detailed Players Report - Report notification sent periodically or end of game showing players abilities in FIDS/Military/Economic/Diplomacy against his/her rival

Seige Progress bar Improvement - Seige progress bar should remain visible until plyers decides to dismiss or end it

Auto Pool AI Ship/Fleet names - Ability for AI to auto choose ship/Fleet names from data pool

Terraforming protocol - Balancing type of enviroment suited to race from what the planet original traits were

Bombardment Estimater - Notiification for player of how long the bombardment will last

System Culture Bar - Staus bas to show make up local race population and race occupiers

Gas Giant Improvment - Improvment on gas giants

Planetary rotation effect - planet to be seen to rotate on their axis. Show both day and night side

More Galaxy shapes - More Galaxy shape types

System Taxation - Ability to Tax independantly from Empire control [P]

Interaction Dialogue - dialogue between player and AI

Events - Discovery of exclusive artifacts and or quests, etc

Battle Determination - AI to interagate conception of battle to go either auto/manual

Unique Planets/Anomalies - Add unique planets/anomalies to the galaxy

Population/planet Size - Determining population sizes [P]

Lazer Aestheics - How lazer should look [P]

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:05:31 AM
Continued Game Play > General../

Planet Surface Cities - City asthetics [P]

Gas Giant Improvements - Improvments to teraform Gas Giants [P]

Pirate Faction - Playable Pirate faction [P]

Hull Weight Ratio - Hull size relative to weight ratio of ship types

Different Government Systems - Ability of different Government traits [P]

Ground Combat improvements - More options in ground combat [P]

Orbital Enhancement Upgrades - Improvements on Orbital structures [P]

Linked Galaxies -Ability to venture neighbouring galaxy [P]

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:08:10 AM
Continued Game Play > General../


Enriched Hero Options - Hero Triats

More Heros - More variety of Heros [***]

Improved Hero Cloning - Clone Heros traits [***]

Hero Recruitment Options - More Hero Recruitment Options to the player

Visual Hero Identifier - Simple Hero Icon to represent Hero assigned to system/fleet

Hero Skill Tree - Ability to skill Heros

Hero Species - Heros of different types alien races both minor and major

Hero Stats and EfFects when Stationed - More benefits when stationed on Systems


In depth Political system - Internal Political system

Goverment/Empire Interaction system - Influences/Abilities/Bonuses of the Governement /Empire

AI Rapport Status - Relationship between AI and player

Improved AI Interaction options - Request Peace, Breakk trade agreements, Trade and etc


Espionage - Able to obtain intel on enemy Fleet / Tech / Trade / Research / Hero

Sabotage - Able to cause damage and or destruction on enemy Fleet / Tech / Trade / Research

Diplomatic Gifts - Bargaining tool to relax tensions and assist in a number dplomatic decisions

Diplomatic Posturing - Factor that may not be considered an act of war

Steal Technologies


Incite Rebellion

Incite Industrial / Economic Unrest

Diplomatic Embassies - Which provide different effects to border conflicts

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:09:59 AM
Summary suggestions Continued./


Longer Ship / Fleet / Planet names - Able create longer names (20 characters or more)

Sand Box mode - Testing Enviroment

Play by email - Play remotely

Choice of Target - Players ability to select a fleet priortise target prior to battle

Prioritising Targets - Players ability to prioritise targets during ship battles [***]

Spinable ships - ship build/ modification interface [***]

Customisation Diplomacy Screen - Player able to customise look and control of screen

Customizeable Hot Keys - Player able customise single key stroke commands

UI - Mouse Control - Zoom in/out map or system details

UI - Re-arrange build ques - Ability to re-arrange Construction/Research ques w/o cancelling them [***]

UI - End turn Button in sub-menus

UI- Page/Options - Menu Screen Hot Keys (F1 - F12) Empire, Research, Fleet, System, Main Menu and etc

UI - Muliple Fleet Movement option - Ability to move multiple fleets single turn / particular location

UI - Fleet Screen Improvement - Player able to instruct a move order fleet(s) by selecting any system owned without refering to the galaxy map

UI - Fleet Mouse Over - Move Mouse over to display Fleet/ship detail (inc Hp, Caps and etc) [***]

UI - Fleet Cycle - Hot key to cycle through each fleet

UI - Retreat/Counter - Ability for player to request fleet/ship either counter attack or flee [***]

UI - Immersive System Screen

UI - Survey Enhancement - Survey Icon to represent whether or not been planets/moons/astroids been surveyed [SystemScreen] [***]

Appoint Emipre Leaders - Player able to create or promote and maintain leadership of the Empire

Game Speed - Player able to control pace of the game

Fleet/ship Key Assignment - Assign Fleet/ship pre assigned key (CTRL +0-9)

Continue Button - Play last saved game direct from main menu

Controlable Camera Angles - Player able to control camera in all directions during combat mode

Custom Game save location - Player able to save game to preferred location

Battle Re-play - Player able to save replay battles

Cancel Research Button - Assign key to cancel research que

UI - Rally Points - Ability to set a point for freshly created ships to be sent

UI - Waypoints - Ability to create multi-step movement plans for fleets to allow taking paths other than the fastest (to avoid hostile systems for instance)

UI - Escort - Ability to ships/Fleets to escort other ships. If escorted ship is attacked the escort ship will retaliate

UI - Patrol - Ability to assign ships / fleets to travel repeatable waypoints and if any enemy ships/fleets enters their signal radus will be attacked

Tracker - Ability for the player to track what they looking it by Highlighting the production or fleet for Empire Management and Fleet View

Globle Improve Function - Upon Reseach being complete to add the improvement to every queue in my empire

UI - Government/Empire form - Player able to select the status or type of Government/Empire has direct or indirect on Military/Economy/Trade/Research/Population

UI - Rescource Hover Help - Mouse over rescource Icon to show what benefits the resource provides, what technology unlocks it and includes luxury items

UI - Empire wide Research/ Production Enhancer - Ability for player to 1 click all the highest population systems within the empire to set system-wide F/I/D/S planet exploitations

UI - Survey All Moons - Ability for player to 1-click to survey all Moons in the empire

Saveable Planet List - Ability for player to save the order of the planets list within Empire mode

Ship Design Comparison - Ability for player to compare before & after ship modifications

Saveable Production chain - Ability for player to save his/her production method on summary list

UI - Green Planet - Identification on galaxy map if planet if fully populated

UI - Auto Fleet Creator - Player ability to customise fleet build que with different types of ships

UI - Tech Assistant - Aid for player what Tech they need for colonization/ esploitation of FIDS

UI - Combat Timer on/off - Ability to disable combat timer prior to engagement

UI - Remove Ship Modules Button - Ability to remove ship modules (in addition modify button)

Hide Mouse Cursor - Hide Mouse cursor during Battle mode

UI - Construction Minimap - Ability to see the according planet in the construction tab on a minimap

UI - Improved fleet composition bars - Equip all windows with improved fleet composition bars to allow players to easily keep track of own/enemy fleet composition

UI - Academy Proposal Change - Improvement on Academy functions

UI - After Combat Report - Detailed Fleet Combat report [P]

UI - Planetary Info Improvment - Planetary improvement asthetics

UI - Hide User interface - Ability to hide user interface with HOT Key [P]

UI - Tilt Animation of Planets on/off - Ability to disable tilt animation of planets [P]

UI - Preview galaxy Map - Ability to see thumbnail of Galaxy map on creation of game [P]

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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:14:29 AM
Continued Summary Suggestions ./

Mod / Techs

Salvaging -Tech to salvage ship wrecks [***]

Boarding - Tech to board and take control enemy ships [***]

Cloaking - Tech to able to cloak ship [***]

Trade Ships - Tech to trade commodities and transport goods / passangers [***]

Planetary Ground Combat - Mobilising planetary based ground armed units for attack/defence

System defence & Orbital Structures - Planetary defence sheilds, weapon arrays, base sturctures

Stellar Contructor Mod/Tech - Ability to build Starbases, Mega Construction, Stellers Construction around blackholes, Nebulas, etc

Artifical Moons Tech - Ability to create an artificial exploitable moon oribiting any planet

Larger Ship Classes - Tech to develope Dreadnaughts, Carrriers, Titons, mobile platforms and etc

Customisable Ship Skins/Colours - Tech to provide new skins / faction colours to ships

Fighter / Bomber Squadrons - Tech to create Fighter / Bomber Squadrons for carriers and orbital structures

More Pulse Weapons - Greater varity of Pulse weapon Techs with varing degrees of HP strength

More Beam Weapons - Greater varity of Beam weapon Techs with varing degrees of HP strength

More Missile Weapons - Greater varity of Missile Techs with varing degrees of HP strength

More Ship models - Corvettes, Escorts, Destroyers, Frigates, Cruisers, Battle Crusiers and Battle Ships

Customisable ships designs Mod - Player able to design custom ships

Doomsday Weapons - Specialised weapon Tech of mass destruction of both system and empire

Weaponsied Terrafoma - Specialised weapon Tech that Terrafoms systems already populated

Star Fusion Distrupter Ship Mod - Abitity to harness the star energy and either the destroy the system or improve planetary FIDs (Restricted to Capital or Titan ship types)

Planetary Bombardment - Tech enable weapons to bombard planets

Mine field - Tech for Ship to deploy space mines and hinder passage of any enemy ship / fleet

Adaptable Ship Engines - Tech to make engines to fit any type of ship

Wormhole/Cyno Tech - Tech enable ships to create localised wormholes/ portal/cyno to travel great distances (Restricted to Battleships/Carriers/Dreadnaughts/Capital/Titan class ships)

Hero Bonuses Tech/mod - Hero bonuses abilities (+25%) on Industry/Military/Diplomacy

Combat Resolver Mod - Allowing modders manipulation of the Combat systems

Mass Production Tech - Ability for industries to increase mass production

Variable Tech Tree Mod - Ability to provide best suited tech tree progession for Military/Industry/Science maximising bonuses

Rescourse Approval Tech - Ability to maximise system rescources at same time decrease approval penalties

System Luxury/Strategic Enhancement Tech - Improvement to empires atributes of certain strategic and or resources

Repair Mod - Ability to fully repair ship/fleet at cost of dust

Reset Locust Points - Ability for non-craver race to reset locust Points

Faction Weapons - Specialised Faction trait weapons

Cravers Trade Tech - Useful Trade Tech for Cravers

Zero Point Mod - Overhaul ships capacity without adding weight

Special Battle Cards - Ability to Self Destruct / Ram / Colide by overiding all safetty protocols [P]

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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:15:09 AM
Continued Summary suggestions ./


Custom Video settings

Improved Battle Sound Effects

Multi-Screen support

HD Screen support

Larger Memory Aware - Game engine support for greater memory useage using greater than 32bit excutable support

Colour Blind Option - Ability for Colour Blind users customise colours suit their needs while playing the game

Digital Art Book - Expansion showing all design that and did not make it [***]

In-game Music Variation - More variety in-game music

Save Game Notification - Lack of feedback when saving the game

Steam cloud - Allow to play save games on other PCs through Steam Cloud

UI Scaling - Improved resolultion displays

The above list will be updated on or after 19:00 GMT Thursday 18 October 2012.
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:20:43 AM
This Thread is only meant as a summary from jetkar for you people. Please do not post in this thread, but in /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13003-summary-of-suggestions-so-far-discussion instead. Posts not by jetkar, a dev or a mod in this thread will be deleted, so this thread does not get cluttered.

Thanks for your attention!
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