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Proposal submission rules

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13 years ago
Jun 10, 2012, 2:46:00 PM
Proposal-section posting rules

  • Proposals start off as Suggestion. Please name your thread "Suggestion Topic". Topics with nonsense-titles will be moved to the archives without being linked.
  • If you post a proposal, post only one suggestion topic per thread. Mixtures of different topics like: "I want icecream for the amoeba and like my ships toasted with real beams, not pesky pew pew lasershots!", will be exiled into the archives without being linked anywhere, being tagged as Composite suggestion
  • Proposals that are found to be only a slight variant or even a duplicate of an older proposal, will be moved to the archives. They will be linked by a moderator-post inside the original proposal. Please refrain from willingly proposing duplicates. Spam of duplicates will be considered as an infraction and result in a warning by a moderator.
  • If proposals are recognized as originals by a mod or jetkar, they will be listed in the Summary of Suggestions and Ideas and get their title edited from Suggestion to Listed. To apply for a listing, you can hasten the process by making a post with a link to your thread and a summary of your proposal here.
  • Once proposals are recognized by the developers, they'll be tracked in this list and the devs will normally comment on the idea, when and if it will be implemented. The original thread will get a new title, from Listed to Tracked.
  • The final achievable status is, if an idea gets implemented into the game. The thread will then get the prefix Implemented.

  • [/LIST]
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