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Community Suggestions Amplitude is following

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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 3:51:25 PM
Hello Everyone,

We wanted to give you a little heads up on where we stood on your feedback regarding what we want to improve and give you a vague idea on our priorities.

Priority lists are made to change, but I hope you will appreciate it.

Notice also that there are a lot of things that we want to work on over time, that are not necessarily in that list.

A big thank you to JETKAR for compiling the original list that you can find here:


And certainly a big thank to all of you for posting your suggestions during the past weeks.

If you need more info on a specific point please see jetkar's list that will have a link to the original discussion.


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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 4:00:04 PM
Here's how we will answer to your ideas:

DONE in game already, or will soon be implemented

**** Master must have

*** Master nice to have

** Post release must have

* Post release nice to have

X Never - either not possible or simply not in our vision

U Undecided


Game play

Planetary Effect - Visual/Graphical representation during colonisation, infrastructure and exploits DONE In progress.

Clearer Research Types - Easy & clear identification of research types and clear sub techs DONE

Planetary rotation effect - planet to be seen to rotate on their axis. Show both day and night side DONE Need to check.

Planet Surface Cities - City asthetics [P] DONE

Improved Hero Cloning - Clone Heros traits DONE

Diplomatic Gifts - Bargaining tool to relax tensions and assist in a number dplomatic decisions DONE

Seige Progress bar Improvement - Seige progress bar should remain visible until plyers decides to dismiss or end it DONE

Alert Notification - Fleet arrival / Blockade / Negative Economy DONE except Fleet arrival (to avoid spam)

Continued play after End game - Player to continue the game after Victory condition reached DONE

First Contact Effect - First Contact Animation and Notification DONE

Invasion Estimator - Notification for player of how long an invasion will take DONE

Interaction Dialogue - Dialogue between player and AI. If first contact. DONE

Add "auto - Scout" which basically tells the ship to always automatically travel to the closest unexplored system DONE

heroes cost are hard to control for a player DONE

No ressources at the beginning seems a bit odd DONE

Automatically updates non-built ships in queue with the latest design DONE

Random event does not clearly state the effect and for how long DONE

Strategic Resources Monopoly DONE

Enriched Hero Options - Hero Triats DONE

Visual Hero Identifier - Simple Hero Icon to represent Hero assigned to system/fleet DONE

Hero Stats and Effects when stationed - More benefits when stationed on systems DONE

Gas Giant Improvment - Improvment on gas giants DONE

Amend Planetary Industry Science Conversion Production Priority***

Fleet Composition Status - Composition of Fleet Before/During/After Combat ***

Victory Conditions - Domination, Annihilation, Complete a Campaign and etc Annihilation, yes. G2G WAITING LIST

Razing Colony - Relocate Colony G2G WAITING LIST

Better Pirate Interaction - Pirate raid trade routes and avoid engaging large fleets, etc **

Planetary bombardment graphics - Animation of planet planetary seige/blockade/attack **

Background Combat chatter - System and general combat chatter in background **

Leaderboard/Hall of fame **

Detailed Players Report - Report notification sent periodically or end of game showing players abilities in FIDS/Military/Economic/Diplomacy against his/her rival **

System Culture Bar - Staus bas to show make up local race population and race occupiers **

More Galaxy shapes - More Galaxy shape types **

More Heros - More variety of Heros **

Hero Recruitment Options - More Hero Recruitment Options to the player **

Hero Skill Tree - Ability to skill Heros **

Goverment/Empire Interaction system - Influences/Abilities/Bonuses of the Governement /Empire **

Idle job Notification - Notification no jobs in que *

Minor civilsations - Minor races in co-living with major races *

Major & Minor Alomony - Black holes, Wormholes, Gas nebula, Ion storm, comets, meteors and etc *

Distant indicator - Notification how many turns between ship/fleet to designated system *

Player Alarm - Notification how long being playing for and requested to take a break *

Fleet Compostion Effect - Fleet graphic changes according to the size of the fleet *

Fleet Entry Warning - Notification and or audible warning that the player(s) fleet entering/invading oponents empire constitutes declaration of war. Player has choice to abort *

Similar Race Identifer - Colour code identical races *

Auto Pool AI Ship/Fleet names - Ability for AI to auto choose ship/Fleet names from data pool *

Events - Discovery of exclusive artifacts and or quests, etc *

Unique Planets/Anomalies - Add unique planets/anomalies to the galaxy *

Lazer Aestheics - How lazer should look [P] *

Gas Giant Improvements - Improvments to teraform Gas Giants [P] *

AI Rapport Status - Relationship between AI and player *

Espionage - Able to obtain intel on enemy Fleet / Tech / Trade / Research / Hero *

Sabotage - Able to cause damage and or destruction on enemy Fleet / Tech / Trade / Research *

Diplomatic Posturing - Factor that may not be considered an act of war *

Steal Technologies *

Assassnation *

Incite Rebellion *

Incite Industrial / Economic Unrest *

Improved Tutorials - More player friendly and interactive U

5th Tech Tree - Higher command points Research and Military abilities U

More Moons / Asteroids - Vary the amount of moons/asteroids belts orbiting planet or system U

Battle Determination - AI to interagate conception of battle to go either auto/manual U

Diplomatic Embassies - Which provide different effects to border conflicts U

Revamp battle System X

Tech Tree Randomiser X

Fleet Assult points - Assault Point system for fleets to allow players to easily keep track of Fleet actions X

Realistic representation - More realistic representation of solar system, planets and other orbital objects X

Terraforming protocol - Balancing type of enviroment suited to race from what the planet original traits were X

System Taxation - Ability to Tax independantly from Empire control [P] X

Population/planet Size - Determining population sizes [P] X

Pirate Faction - Playable Pirate faction [P] X

Hero Species - Heros of different types alien races both minor and major X

In depth Political system - Internal Political system X

Status X

Revamped Movement - Improving ship/Fleet movement ** / done

Improved AI Interaction options - Request Peace, Breakk trade agreements, Trade and etc *** / ** / * Too many different suggestions - we'll have to prioritize

Post Battle Notification - Notification of battle to commence in designated system(s) ? Not clear
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 4:00:21 PM
User Interface

Hide Mouse Cursor - Hide Mouse cursor during Battle mode DONE

Choice of Target - Players ability to select a fleet priortise target prior to battle DONE

Spinable ships - ship build/ modification interface DONE

UI - Re-arrange build ques - Ability to re-arrange Construction/Research ques w/o cancelling them DONE

UI - Muliple Fleet Movement option - Ability to move multiple fleets single turn / particular location DONE

UI - Retreat/Counter - Ability for player to request fleet/ship either counter attack or flee DONE

Game Speed - Player able to control pace of the game DONE

UI - Survey Enhancement - Survey Icon to represent whether or not been planets/moons/astroids been surveyed [SystemScreen] DONE Screenshot by Mathias (he's the guy who did it! smiley: biggrin)

UI - Waypoints - Ability to create multi-step movement plans for fleets to allow taking paths other than the fastest (to avoid hostile systems for instance) DONE

Controlable Camera Angles - Player able to control camera in all directions during combat mode DONE In progress / Free camera during battles.

Customisation Diplomacy Screen - Player able to customise look and control of screen DONE

Cooperation agreeement are not explained and their state not displayed DONE

First contact effect - notification DONE

Reformat the Star system information and its tooltip in the galaxy view DONE

Sounds when moving around in different game menus - on a separate volume slider DONE

The total of science gathered each turn is not displayed in the empire management screen DONE

Resource trade feedback/usability improvement DONE

Shift-Clicking on a selected tech removes it (relinking the ones before and after) DONE

UI - Fleet Mouse Over - Move Mouse over to display Fleet/ship detail (inc Hp, Caps and etc) DONE

UI - Rescource Hover Help - Mouse over rescource Icon to show what benefits the resource provides, what technology unlocks it and includes luxury items DONE PARTIALLY

Prioritising Targets - Players ability to prioritise targets during ship battles ***

UI- Page/Options - Menu Screen Hot Keys (F1 - F12) Empire, Research, Fleet, System, Main Menu and etc ***

UI - Remove Ship Modules Button - Ability to remove ship modules (in addition modify button) ***

UI - Fleet Cycle - Hot key to cycle through each fleet ***

UI - End turn Button in sub-menus **

Continue Button - Play last saved game direct from main menu **

UI - Rally Points - Ability to set a point for freshly created ships to be sent **

UI - Escort - Ability to ships/Fleets to escort other ships. If escorted ship is attacked the escort ship will retaliate **

UI - Government/Empire form - Player able to select the status or type of Government/Empire has direct or indirect on Military/Economy/Trade/Research/Population **

UI - Empire wide Research/ Production Enhancer - Ability for player to 1 click all the highest population systems within the empire to set system-wide F/I/D/S planet exploitations **

UI - Survey All Moons - Ability for player to 1-click to survey all Moons in the empire **

UI - Green Planet - Identification on galaxy map if planet if fully populated **

UI - Tech Assistant - Aid for player what Tech they need for colonization/ esploitation of FIDS ** Tutorial tech assistant to help choose the next recommended tech

UI - After Combat Report - Detailed Fleet Combat report [P] **

UI - Academy Proposal Change - Improvement on Academy functions ** Great job, by the way.

Customizeable Hot Keys - Player able customise single key stroke commands *

UI - Mouse Control - Zoom in/out map or system details * *

Fleet/ship Key Assignment - Assign Fleet/ship pre assigned key (CTRL +0-9) *

Ship Design Comparison - Ability for player to compare before & after ship modifications *

UI - Improved fleet composition bars - Equip all windows with improved fleet composition bars to allow players to easily keep track of own/enemy fleet composition *

Sand Box mode - Testing Enviroment U ??

UI - Fleet Screen Improvement - Player able to instruct a move order fleet(s) by selecting any system owned without refering to the galaxy map U

Battle Re-play - Player able to save replay battles U

Cancel Research Button - Assign key to cancel research que U

Globle Improve Function - Upon Reseach being complete to add the improvement to every queue in my empire U

Saveable Planet List - Ability for player to save the order of the planets list within Empire mode U

Saveable Production chain - Ability for player to save his/her production method on summary list U

UI - Auto Fleet Creator - Player ability to customise fleet build que with different types of ships U

UI - Construction Minimap - Ability to see the according planet in the construction tab on a minimap U Don't understand.

UI - Planetary Info Improvment - Planetary improvement asthetics U Nice work again!

Longer Ship / Fleet / Planet names - Able create longer names (20 characters or more) X

Play by email - Play remotely X Come on! It's freaking 2012! smiley: biggrin

UI - Immersive System Screen X

Appoint Emipre Leaders - Player able to create or promote and maintain leadership of the Empire X

Custom Game save location - Player able to save game to preferred location X

UI - Patrol - Ability to assign ships / fleets to travel repeatable waypoints and if any enemy ships/fleets enters their signal radus will be attacked X

UI - Combat Timer on/off - Ability to disable combat timer prior to engagement X

Tracker - Ability for the player to track what they looking it by Highlighting the production or fleet for Empire Management and Fleet View X
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 4:00:34 PM
Mod / Techs

Trade Ships - Tech to trade commodities and transport goods / passangers DONE In progress: you can move population by using Colony ships.

Adaptable Ship Engines - Tech to make engines to fit any type of ship DONE

Hero Bonuses Tech/mod - Hero bonuses abilities (+25%) on Industry/Military/Diplomacy DONE

Cravers Trade Tech - Useful Trade Tech for Cravers DONE

Boarding - Tech to board and take control enemy ships **

Planetary Ground Combat - Mobilising planetary based ground armed units for attack/defence **

System defence & Orbital Structures - Planetary defence sheilds, weapon arrays, base sturctures **

Stellar Contructor Mod/Tech - Ability to build Starbases, Mega Construction, Stellers Construction around blackholes, Nebulas, etc **

Larger Ship Classes - Tech to develope Dreadnaughts, Carrriers, Titons, mobile platforms and etc **

Fighter / Bomber Squadrons - Tech to create Fighter / Bomber Squadrons for carriers and orbital structures **

More Pulse Weapons - Greater varity of Pulse weapon Techs with varing degrees of HP strength **

More Beam Weapons - Greater varity of Beam weapon Techs with varing degrees of HP strength **

More Missile Weapons - Greater varity of Missile Techs with varing degrees of HP strength **

Customisable ships designs Mod - Player able to design custom ships **

Planetary Bombardment - Tech enable weapons to bombard planets **

Repair Mod - Ability to fully repair ship/fleet at cost of dust **

Cloaking - Tech to able to cloak ship *

Artifical Moons Tech - Ability to create an artificial exploitable moon oribiting any planet *

More Ship models - Corvettes, Escorts, Destroyers, Frigates, Cruisers, Battle Crusiers and Battle Ships *

Doomsday Weapons - Specialised weapon Tech of mass destruction of both system and empire *

Star Fusion Distrupter Ship Mod - Abitity to harness the star energy and either the destroy the system or improve planetary FIDs (Restricted to Capital or Titan ship types) *

System Luxury/Strategic Enhancement Tech - Improvement to empires atributes of certain strategic and or resources *

Faction Weapons - Specialised Faction trait weapons *

TechnologiesPrerequisite not working/unused

Wormhole is applied to the whole empire, not ships

Players can't launch custom XML maps

Customisable Ship Skins/Colours - Tech to provide new skins / faction colours to ships U

Weaponsied Terrafoma - Specialised weapon Tech that Terrafoms systems already populated U

Mine field - Tech for Ship to deploy space mines and hinder passage of any enemy ship / fleet U

Wormhole/Cyno Tech - Tech enable ships to create localised wormholes/ portal/cyno to travel great distances (Restricted to Battleships/Carriers/Dreadnaughts/Capital/Titan class ships) U

Combat Resolver Mod - Allowing modders manipulation of the Combat systems U If technically possible, of course.

Mass Production Tech - Ability for industries to increase mass production U

Variable Tech Tree Mod - Ability to provide best suited tech tree progession for Military/Industry/Science maximising bonuses U

Rescourse Approval Tech - Ability to maximise system rescources at same time decrease approval penalties U

Salvaging -Tech to salvage ship wrecks U For now, it's only faction related.

Reset Locust Points - Ability for non-craver race to reset locust Points X

Zero Point Mod - Overhaul ships capacity without adding weight X / U


In-game Music Variation - More variety in-game music DONE Composed 4 new tracks.

Improved Battle Sound Effects DONE On-going.

Colour Blind Option - Ability for Colour Blind users customise colours suit their needs while playing the game ***

Digital Art Book - Expansion showing all design that and did not make it WORK IN PROGRESS

Steam cloud - Allow to play save games on other PCs through Steam Cloud **

Save Game Notification - Lack of feedback when saving the game **

Larger Memory Aware - Game engine support for greater memory useage using greater than 32bit excutable support U

Custom Video settings U

Multi-Screen support U

HD Screen support U
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 10:36:42 AM
We updated the list. A little.

Also, keep in mind we have not discussed the Post Release Must Have ideas, as the "Expansion Pack" thread is still in progress.
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