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GOG , It seems something i have miss?

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8 years ago
May 12, 2016, 6:28:27 AM
Hello I am noob in this forum. I have got this forum from one friend. He plays games and told me if i need to know more, i can get what i need in this forum. LOL

After read and learn from posts. Most players choose this game. I am a late guys for this game ? Anyone did same as me ? I was played other games on PC . I think i should be a success guy in Call of Duty, which i started playing last year from scdkey. It is a shooter game. But some players in it told me to play gog game.

I think i have miss a nice game and nice time. Will it be best time again for next game ? What game should i try now ?
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5 years ago
Mar 18, 2019, 10:25:08 AM

wait wut? :D try playing again may be that sparks some ideas on your mind there is no trending for 4x games if you get pleased you can play sid meier's dos games :D

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