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Design: Creating your own faction

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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 7:55:54 PM
Well I'm not a 100% sure on the lore in this universe yet, but I gave my hand at making a fanatically religious, rapid expansive, and xenophobic race.

The Scions claim to be direct decendants of The Endless. Whether this is a confirmed fact or not is still unproven, but The Scions carry their supposed ancestory with extreme pride and reverence. The Scions see The Endless as the rightful creators and gods of the universe, and as such, see themselves as The Endless' torchbearers. The Scions Spread fast and bring with them their ferverent faith, either converting planets in their vast influence, or crushing them with holy fury.

The Scion society operates one a three-tiered class system. At the top are the religious and military castes, formed of the most ferverant priests and tactically brilliant generals. The second caste is the civilian class, formed of the mass populace which the Religious caste controls via indoctrination and hinderance of knowledge. The bottom class consists entirely of slaves captured after military raids and conquests. Members of the slave caste are forced into working the back breaking labor camps that produce the Scion vessels and weapons.

The Scions see themselves as the only true descendants of The Endless, and as such see the other races as 'imperfect' or 'failed' creations of their forefathers, or impure if they evolved on their own.

Traits: | Costs:

Big Fleets +2 | 25

Militarists +2 | 16

Optimistic +2 | 15

Stellar Guardians +2 | 12

Fearless Warriors +2 | 12

Fast Travelers +2 | 10

Deadly Weapons +2 | 10

Builders +1 | 8

Power Masters | 26

Merchants -1 | -3

Eternal War |-10

Optimal Defense -3 | -10

Scientists -3 | -24

Total 75 points
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:20:13 PM
Sounds great to me, a perfect race for trading, exploring and researching. Also you could make some awesome looking biological ship skins.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 7:29:19 PM
So I can create a class myself? Ingame with a little editor or what smiley: biggrin

I'd like to see some shipdesigns with organic parts, too. But it would also be nice to see some ships with asteroidparts as a camouflage?

Maybe the ships with the organic parts could be build by a sort of insect race like the rachni from ME (yes im a mass effect fan as you can see smiley: biggrin) or the scrin from command and conquer. But I would preder something like the rachni with a swarmconsensus and queens. Maybe with a bonus on population growth, I mean they reproduce very fast.

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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 10:37:48 PM
Wotan wrote:
So I can create a class myself? Ingame with a little editor or what smiley: biggrin

I'd like to see some shipdesigns with organic parts, too. But it would also be nice to see some ships with asteroidparts as a camouflage?

Maybe the ships with the organic parts could be build by a sort of insect race like the rachni from ME (yes im a mass effect fan as you can see smiley: biggrin) or the scrin from command and conquer. But I would preder something like the rachni with a swarmconsensus and queens. Maybe with a bonus on population growth, I mean they reproduce very fast.


You can create own factions, but that is not yet implemented in the Alpha. There's a contest going on for a created faction, though: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13099-official-amplitude-studios-endless-space-faction-creation-competition
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 10:08:36 AM
I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but I will just post it here and perhaps someone is kind enough to point me in the right direction. smiley: wink

For other factions in the Game, there should be a AI Race. I mean a machine-Race that - perhaps was born from the first Civilisation - and now is on their own. It can be descendants of a Seed AI or just a normal General Artificial Intelligence (AGI). They act diffrently, whether they are basically against Biological Organisms or not. For example like the Geth from Mass Effect, or Skynet from Terminator.

Opposing this idea, there could also be a pure biological Race (like hyperintelligent Plants, or Arachnoids), relying on bio-technologies, like the Bugs from Starship Troopers for example. That would mix up the factions much more, but would also call for new Techtrees, exspecially for those races...
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 12:53:50 PM
I want to add another suggestion about races - what if there will be races, which can't normally live on Earth-type planets?

I mean like a race of thinking Lava worms, which start on Lava planet and in the beginning can colonize only other Lava planets? Or same with Gas planets... To make it easier for implementing in Tech tree, maybe the technology, which allows other races to colonize Lava planets, will allow such races to colonize opposite planet type (ie Terran). It will be interesting, not only to play for such race, but to fight against them - while normally system with 1 Barren, 1 Tundra and 3 Lava planets is not very attractive to player (especially without high technologies), it'll be very attractive for lava-living race. There are 2 other planet types, which can be used as homeworld for such unusual races - Arctic and Ocean.

Upd: I know that other races start on other planet types, but that's not the same - they can colonize Terran, and just have technologies for their homeland type of planets. And I want to offer races, which will have to research a way (maybe it'll take much time) to colonize Terran and other common types... They'll get other bonuses from planets - like opposite effect on happiness...
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 2:44:58 PM
Is the list of traits complete, or an example of things to come? There is an number of traits that I would to be added, such as research rate, miniaturizing weapon mods, expanding ship tonnage, gravity preference, and so forth. I am really hoping that Endless Space could take the traits from MOO2 and Stars! to make an great successor to both. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 3:59:02 AM
This is great...but is it implemented yet? Or are there some files we have to edit to make this work?
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:01:26 AM
Not yet implemented, I believe. Wish it was, because I tend to only play customized races in my 4X games, which I why I like MOO2 and Stars! so much.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:27:44 PM
Organic Insect Race with Organic Ships!!! smiley: smile

Like the Rachni:

Or the Zerg:

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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:30:01 PM
Wotan wrote:
Organic Insect Race with Organic Ships!!! smiley: smile

seems like a nice idea to me.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 3:08:52 PM
Wotan wrote:
Organic Insect Race with Organic Ships!!! smiley: smile

Yup, I think every scifi game like this need 100% organic species, though you should be careful not to overdo the biological look/design.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 3:49:31 PM
I completely agree. I would love to see one of these in the game, though with ships that look different from the Zerg or the Tyranids. Maybe something vaguely plantlike? Either way I hope that there will be a species using organic ships in the final game.

By the way, could you please release some info on the Sophon and Hissho affinity effects for those who don't have the Alpha yet?
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:14:36 PM
Back Story: A race of fury critters created as a joke by one Endless to another. They were merely meant only to be house pets and a source of entertainment but over time they grew in sophistication and uses. As the Endless opinion of the Virtuals increased on the planet the Feralin were turned into ITs to support their masters. They were taught much about the virtual world and how to use it. It wasn’t until the Dust Wars did the Feralins reach the status of sentient beings. A single enemy vessel orbited around their planet Variken and unleashed a volley of EMP missiles that killed all the Endless who inhabited it. Many of the Feralin who had some sort of implant were killed too, only a few groups of feral Feralin were left on the planet. The EMP however caused an alteration of the Feralin who still lived. They became sentient, just like flipping a light switch, but as soon as they gained self awareness the world around them just as suddenly died.

The Feralin became nomadic and explored the ruins of their old masters. They lived in a tribal society that would reach a certain population limit and then splinter again. They lived peacefully with one another at first, having a whole world to just a couple of thousand Feralin. But, they did have a problem they entered their world with no skills except the ones they were trained for. None of them knew how to farm or even make a fire. Many starved just because they didn’t know how to open a tin can. Those that remained learned how to survive not by farming or harvesting, but by scavenging. It was not long before one scavenging group stumbled upon a laboratory. The laboratory contained the Endlesses secret weapon against anyone who tried to colonize this world. It was a horrible mutation of the Feralin which stud 3 meters tall and was breed to kill and terrorize anyone who lived on Variken. They terrorized the Feralin and became the mythical in Feralin folk tales. They called them the Karvik, these beast reproduced rapidly and devoured anything. The Feralin tribes were forced to unite and merge and leave the metropolises that the Karviks claimed.

The Feralin moved into the jungles and learned to survive off nature. In time the Feralin developed weapons and tactics to destroy the Karviks. The Feralins who are very clever were able to capture a few Karviks and turn them into beast of war that followed the Feralin. In time the Feralin reclaimed the ruined metropolis and had a domesticated and loyal Karviks. Their society grew but held onto the tradition of tribes and loyalty to it. The Feralin started to explore the remains of the ruins again, but this time to look for technology that could help them expand and help sustain their home. Like all society it grew to a point where no matter how much they discover in sustainability would it help them in their population and recourse crises and like all civilizations it looked to the stars for its answers. They scavenged through the metropolises and found the blue prints for a ship. The Feralin tried the best they could to replicate it, but let’s say it took more than a dozen attempts to get a ship of the ground and many poor Feralin astronauts, but they were able to lift a ship off the planet finally and thus begin their exploration of the stars.

Behavior: Feralin are curious by nature and love to play. They have a fast metabolism and fast reproductive system. They avoid conflict when possible but if backed to a corner it will fight. When Feralin see alien life they view it with curiosity and playfulness. They would much rather meet someone with an open hand rather than a closed fist. Because they lived in the ruins of the Endless they lack the ability to create or have original ideas. So they are not the best builders of ships or cities. The Karvik are the brute force of the Feralin’s military might. They lack the ability of critical thinking like the Feralin, but make up for it in sheer physical force. Both of them have become very cooperative since the domestication of the Karvik, Karviks can be playful with Feralin during down time.

Visualization: A Feralin has the furriness of Captain Teemo from LoL and an appearance and clothing style kinda like a Kroot from Warhammer 40,000. They grow as tall as five feet and have short bushy tails. The tails are a symbol of which tribe one comes from, so some look pretty ordinary and some look pretty funky. The Karvik is about 9 feet tall but looks more like a werewolf but still has the tail and furriness. Both dye their hair into patterns and shape for personal expression

Affinity: Scavengers, The Feralin are the best when it comes to exploring and finding stuff. They have a higher chance of discovering relics and resources on planets. They also have the ability to discover enemy technology by conquering and enemy system.



Builder -20% -8

Militarist -10% -4

Heroic Medicine +80% -6


Fast Travelers +2 +10

Knowledge Gathering +50 +10

Dust Recyclers +20 +10

Naïve +16 +10

Terra Formed Planet C +8

Optimistic +20 +15

Crowded Planet 2 +20

Growth Plan +10% +15

Fearless Warrior +1 +6

Science +10% +15

Equals = 79
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 7:57:23 PM
I'd love to see a completely organic race with organic ships and everything. Make their specialty swarming, give them a -25% weapon power, -25% ship defense, -25% ship cost/up-keep, and +60% fleet size. Maybe give them a -30% science production and a +25 food production and +25 fleet speed. Basically a less intelligent/technological race that specializes in quickly expanding and that relies on numbers to win battles. (aka the zerg....)
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