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Design: Creating your own faction

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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:55:08 PM
Wotan wrote:
Hm...can i choose the race portrait myself? Or do i have to choose them from the presets?

I'm pretty sure you'll be able to use your own pictures, but we'll have to see.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 4:18:15 AM
Does anyone know if they will have extra images to choose from? Will there be traits not used by game factions for us to choose? Also, will I be able to choose the portrait of, say, a Craver, but the ships of the Amoebas? And lastly, I assume we will be able to save created factions, but what about being able to share factions with friends?
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 6:42:03 PM
KNC wrote:
As far as I understood you'll be able to do a lot more than that, hence if you can design your own ships you should be able to put them into the game as well. Trait customization is possible to a certain degree but I don't know how far the devs will take that.

Going so far as having a trait system with points (like Warlock) would be fine enough for me in this case

Looking at the beginnings of this thread I loved the idea of customization and such but why does every trait need a negative? Why not just make the more powerful traits have negatives and minor traits just be a small positive. You could even that out with a points system like Warlock has or just a number system. You can pick two major traits and three minors. Etc etc.

If this has been touched on already I apologize, I am in a rush and only read through a few pages of this bad boy.

Great thoughts all around though, very creative. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:45:07 PM
This may be old news but you could make it so whatever #'s it costs for the trait it = 226 or -226 but don't listen to me I'm too new....
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 3:06:09 PM
NickTheHolyPet wrote:
This may be old news but you could make it so whatever #'s it costs for the trait it = 226 or -226 but don't listen to me I'm too new....

Cost is defined as a negative value. Of your starting budget of 80, you substract all the costs. So for a cost 16 trait, it's 80-16. If you than add a cost -4 trait, you'll end up with a sum of 80-16+4 and so on.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 10:50:24 PM
This makes me so excited, customization like this in games is what I love. The more customization the better I say.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 12:21:43 AM
I honestly can't wait to use the faction customization feature in this. My only request is that ship aesthetics be completely separate from other factors (tech tree, affinity, etc.). I'd like to use the UE ship designs for a faction that isn't overwhelmingly oriented towards industry.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 11:40:05 AM
KNC wrote:
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to use your own pictures, but we'll have to see.

Just wait for the hordes of GLADOS / Space Marine / Other overrated character species.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 3:37:49 PM
Insani wrote:
Just wait for the hordes of GLADOS / Space Marine / Other overrated character species.

Or wait for something awesome. Like, someone actually drawing himself his own race and spending a lot of time planning it.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 4:05:06 AM
DrNightKOT wrote:
Or wait for something awesome. Like, someone actually drawing himself his own race and spending a lot of time planning it.

I might try my hand at a 'detailed race'. Not sure, though, as I am extremely unskilled in the field of artistry. Could probably whip up some 'artistic' portraits in MS Paint with some shading, but other than that? Meh.

I do quite enjoy writing, so the race editor could be a blast. Would it be possible for people to add custom ship designs, though? That could greatly liven up race designing. Custom race perks?
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 7:18:05 AM
My race will be an ofshoot of humanity some sort of distorted Hybrid who lost humanity except greed and other sins ...

who are corrupt to the bone and only want to conquer and exploit.

I hope the Race Editor , will be easy to acces.

I cross my fingers !!!
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 10:49:58 PM
I will create a race of evil Space Sharks who are bent on the destruction of the Ameoba for fighting them and winning for the Ameoba homeworld years and years ago.

But seriously I have soo many ideas. I don't know about making your own logo/picture though, I have always been stuck at the stickman stage of art.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 12:16:09 AM
Evil4Zerggin wrote:
Will the pirates be an option for visuals?

I hope so. I like their colour scheme.
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12 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 4:20:31 PM
Quick question, does anyone know how determining the starting planet is? Just because it would change what I have regarding my custom faction.

Anyways, I created stats for what I would have as a personalized faction. It is a more space militaristic geared splinter of the sowers and I dont have a backstory for them yet. Also, serious testing would be required before I settle on this.

Sower Affinity: -50% Food from System, 50% of Industry Value is also added to Food (im assuming starting planet is Tundra otherwise I would pick jungle and swap the xenobotony tech upgrade for more points elsewhere.


10 - Xenobotany: Unlocks the Eponymous Technology

24 - Builders: -30% Industry cost for system improvements and planetary infrastructures when being constructed

20 - Tolerant: Begin the game with the ablity to colonize all planet types, but with a malus in the FIDS production

of 25% until the proper technology is found

5 - Terraformed Planet: Home Planet has Rich Minerals

10 - Crowded Planets: +1, +1, +1 Max pop on Tiny, Small, and Medium Planets

20 - Optimal Structure: +20% Storage per Ship

8 - Militarists: -10% Industry cost for Ships when being constructed

15 - Deadly Weapons: +15% Damage per weapon mod

10 - Optimal Defense: +10% Efficiency per defense mod

-3 - Slow Travelers (Malus): -1 Warp speet per fleet

-4 - Power Masters (Malus): +50% Dust cost for Hero Abilities

-6 - Heroic Medicine (Malus): +80% Dust cost for Hero Healing

-6 - Feeble Warriors (Malus): -2 Ground Defense per Star System

-24 - Growth Plan (Malus): -30% Food per star system

Total Points: 79

Edit: Math Errors smiley: embarassement
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12 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 9:38:23 PM
Is there a limit to the number of negative points you can invest in your custom race?
I hope, there will be implemented a limit. Like a max of 2 negative traits pr. faction. The amount of positive traits then is logically limited as well, as you will have a limited amount of points to 'buy' for.
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12 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 9:44:09 PM
TheManInRoomFive wrote:
I hope, there will be implemented a limit. Like a max of 2 negative traits pr. faction. The amount of positive traits then is logically limited as well, as you will have a limited amount of points to 'buy' for.

With the current proposed point scaling for negatives, they really don't need a cap. The problems are mostly significant because of the implications of certain negatives that you should take basically every time(ground defense, etc). A huge number of negatives are very real problems, no matter how many negatives you have taken. They just need to limit the negatives you can take such that they are penalties that will always matter, instead of penalties which can be hidden by changing gameplay.
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 5:38:21 PM
They need a % buff to Invasion.

They have invasion buffs after losing a system or having allies in the system but they need a flat out buff to invasion. I can't recreate my MoO2 days without a ground combat race
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 8:13:55 PM
I'm very excited to make my militant pilgrims...

I'd like to see how this is going to implemented in game. If there is a point system to it, the game must handle it and not just created through an outside file. Has anything been done for the GUI? Is there a chance for ship coloration changes? I understand the models are pretty much set in stone, but later in the pipeline could variable colors be added? A possible (not sterile) sophos scheme.

Also, in terms of multiplayer as balancing is a female dog, I assume that custom factions can't be played unless a private game is created. It wouldn't be too hard to switch the cravers negative and keep a military juggernaut that makes friends smiley: biggrin.
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