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Some questions/suggestions

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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 9:00:27 AM
Hey, first day on forum so just a few questions and suggestions for game. Sorry if they are repeating things that have already been discussed or are just plain stupid.

Firstly, will the game involve any RTS battles similar to Total War series. From what I have read so far I infer that there isn't although I think this would be a really good thing to include but I understand that it is a fairly major change for a game so far into development.

Secondly, I read in another thread that it won't contain custimisation/building of ships. I have found that this is something missing from most 4X and other strategy games so far (TW series I'm looking at you), so this is something that I would really like to see in a game. This would not be limited to the specific weapons etc. on a type of ship but also aesthetic customisation or extra bonuses for e.g. a veteran ship that has seen many battles or the flagship of a distinguished admiral? On this topic will you be able to give individual ships names as well as specific fleets names. e.g. the 'Alien's Bane' battleship of the '23rd Attack fleet' of earth. To add to this will ships/fleets/admirals(if there are such beings) have an RPG aspect to them in that they will gain experience and become better fighters, faster, cheaper to repair, etc.; similar to traits and ancillaries in Total War.

Finally, will there be any non-spaceship type units;ground units in other words. It seems unrealistic that an invasion will involve only an orbital aspect. I know that scale of numbers for ground units would be massive in a space based game but I like being able to have that.

If you haven't noticed already I am a massive Warhammer 40k and Total War fan.
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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 9:11:21 AM
Ships and design

The game allows you to produce a vast array of ship types and sizes. Some ships are designed to colonize, others are designed to fight, or only to scout.

You produce ships on a solar System basis, selecting a ship design in the system factory. New designs are unlocked by your progress in new technologies, and can be completely customized. Custom designs are created from the assembly of ship Modules of different types, selected by the player in a special interface. Of course, available Modules will depend on your technology progress.

The combination of the ship Modules will determine not only its basic attributes such as damage, speed, and hit points, but also its passive capacities or possible actions.

Space battle

When fleets from opposing Empires meet at a system, the acting player has the opportunity to start a space battle by selecting one of the fleets at the system where they have met. The defending player is then prompted to select a defending fleet.

Both players can chose between an automatic (instant resolution) or manual battle. The automatic battle computes the outcome from the ships statistics of the opposing fleets.

The manual battle is a special game mode. The opposing fleets are presented in a 3D view near the system center planet of the system. The battle is broken into battle phases where each player plays one or more actions (up to three) to attack the enemy, defend his fleet, or apply modifiers to the battle.

The battle ends when one of the fleets is destroyed or retreats, or if there is no conclusive winner at the end of the combat phases. If both fleets survive a space battle, the fight can resume at the next galactic turn.

Taken from here /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13131-design-overview

There is currently no info on fleets and non-ship units/bases. And info on both ships and battles is a non-vivid one and requires more clarification. I guess it will be posted soon.
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13 years ago
Mar 12, 2012, 1:11:56 PM
I think it's fairly safe to assure that they will. People will want to be able to tell different ships of the same type apart if they're equipped differently.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 2:17:09 AM
Checked a few placed but couldn't find anything, will they let you upload a custom badge for your fleet? Homeworld 2 is what comes to mind. Would be nice for multiplayer.
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