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[Composite suggestion] Some Ideas:

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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 12:19:16 PM

New memeber here smiley: biggrin Thanks for this and good luck with the project!

I just would like to suggest to add some RPG elements and ideas to the game.

- Inventory - Yeah, it is obvious, but what I propose is to have objects that really affect the way things happen. I do not want to see a Gun +5, I want to see Artifacts that can affect in a wider range of events. This kind of objects could be vert important for the adventure, tradeable and also the target of desesperate attacks. They should look like amazing power. It could be the earth of a civilization or the born seed of another.

- Diplomacy - This is a a standard thing I guess, but let´s add it with a twist. What about betrayal? what about family? Can you really trust your family? Let's add some family lines and do some "game of thrones" things with it smiley: smile Can I really trust my brother who is fighting alonside with me?

- Weapons - I would looooooooooooooove to see a weapon that noone wants to use. That kind of weapon that will not end your game but destroy almost everything. This weapon could be something unstable or something not well developed. but in the end the results of using it would be catastrofic for most.

From a Graphic/tech point of view:

- What about a ship editor? I would love to be able to have a ship editor like in Spore, but with mechanical pieces. Could that be possible?

I have a ton of ideas more smiley: biggrin

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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 8:27:38 PM
What sort of RPG elements You wish to add ?

In X4 games exp is nice, i hate lose experienced crew/ship but can understand Zerg-like players smiley: smile Non Hercules contra plures.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 8:57:48 PM
Hey jhotun,

welcome and thank you for your contribution.

So far we have heroes that can lead your fleets our take command of your colonies, and when going up in levels you can choose their skills and new abilities. inventory would be nice though smiley: smile

we have also experience for ships, but their going up in level is simpler. they mainly gain a bonus to their fighting abilities (we are still working on that part)


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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 11:00:59 PM
In diplomacy betrayals have never been done in 4x game as far as I know, at least not in a way that the AI can use. In many games there are pacts of cooperation against a single enemy, but never the option of betraying ones ally. It would be cool to have the option of bribing an opponents ally to turn the tables against them swiftly in mid war, you could even plan it with a turn counter and catch them in a specific operation without their "trusty" allies. That would be cool.

I don't know about game stopping weapons, but having technologies that can get out of control seems more plausible to me. AI and Genetic Engineering are two branches of research which can get pretty dangerous for any species threading after their secrets. Something semi-random with either big payoffs or big problems could easily be integrated here for additional gameplay mechanics and some nice immersive setting(robot rebellion for example).
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 5:26:13 AM
reynanuy wrote:
In diplomacy betrayals have never been done in 4x game as far as I know, at least not in a way that the AI can use. In many games there are pacts of cooperation against a single enemy, but never the option of betraying ones ally. It would be cool to have the option of bribing an opponents ally to turn the tables against them swiftly in mid war, you could even plan it with a turn counter and catch them in a specific operation without their "trusty" allies. That would be cool.

This is something we were rambling about in another thread somewhere. I most recently found this kind of depth of diplomacy and backstabbing in Crusader Kings II. It is a real riot (based on reality cause you just can't make some of humanity's quirks up).

Which makes me wonder, will the Heroes have different 'traits'? Obviously you will be trusting them with your whole fleet so having them switch it to the other side would be a keyboard breaker. But, other than absolute fanatical loyalty to your esteemed personage... what drives them? Do they have a dark side your super spy chick (blue-skinned of course) can exploit? Perhaps as part of stealing their Death Star plans? Obviously some races would have stronger traits in certain areas. But can your 'Hero' be of another race? If so, how would they deal with you bombarding their home planet? 12 yr olds w big guns tend to be depraved but a believable game AI should have some personality, no?

These kind of deeper layers beyond see alien-shoot alien with bigger and bigger guns are what lose me in game for a long time. They aren't necessarily game changers but they give you alternative ways to achieve your objectives.... so much easier to be the idea mongers than the coders.
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 9:05:41 PM
I would like to see a ability to adopt enemy tech to your own tech tree, if posible in aspect to some parametars to combine elements of one tech tree to another.

And I have a question about the heroes. Are heroes going to have specific ways of leading fleets, adding more firepower, more sheelds, more manevers, special weapons depending which hero is leading it (hiding ships, tractor beams, etc.)?
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