I just finished a good 100+ turns in this game, and I think the one major issue I have been having is dealing with fleets. Specifically, it's rather easy to not realize that a scout or colonization fleet arrived at a system, and you can easily burn away turns that could be better used to develop colonies and explore other systems. I'm not sure if further orders are in development, but if they aren't, I would highly recommend it. If an auto-explore feature is added, I'd be quite happy. Same goes with developing orders for fleets to defend systems, and staying out of sight, or having a way to differentiate fleets on the galaxy map.

My last little comment does not have to deal with fleets directly, but, in the Support Tab of the Ship Design feature, it's somewhat easy to not notice that you can scroll. Seemingly, in my experience, you need to click before it would. Just a little scroll bar would be convenient.

For the most part, I think the game is a lot of fun. I'm actually quite happy that the Economic side of the game is rather fleshed out. Keep up the great work. This was well worth the $25 I spent today.