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[Composite suggestion] Production and Research Queue Management

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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 1:16:48 PM
I've been really quite enjoying this game so far, and love this G2G initiative, so here's some of my opinions with regards to the production and research queues. (I did a quick search, and didn't really see this said by anyone yet)

System Production

The system production queues only needs a single change for me, and please correct me if I'm missing something here, a drag and drop queue re-ordering ability. Right now a left-click will remove something from the list, but if I hold-click and move the cursor, I feel that this should take the item with the cursor and let me move it around within the queue.

Further to that, you could add in the ability to drag a new production item into the list in the place that you want it, instead of simply left-clicking to add to the bottom. That would mean I then have to do only a single drag-click action to add something to the top, instead of click to add and then drag-click to re-order. (Or as it stands right now, clicking everything to remove it, then clicking to re-add everything)

My last suggestion on the system production queues would be for a resizable queue list. Once you get past building 3 or 4 ships in one go the area is just too small to handle it. So, when adding, re-ordering or even scrolling through the list, I think it'd be quite handy to have the list increase in size to fit all the items in the queue, up to half the height of the screen. This would only happen if the list is actually expanded, though.

Research Queue

The research queueing needs a much bigger overhaul, I think. Again, please tell me if I've got the wrong end of the stick on this, but I can't re-order the queue, and I can't remove a single research item without re-creating the queue all over again.

So, I'd like to see a larger research queue window in the bottom left corner that will let me drag and drop research items around in it, and see clearer details on what they give me and how long they'll take to research without as much need to mouse-over things. Of course, this one is complicated a bit by later research having certain requirements, so if an item would become invalid when moved too high, a simple tooltip should pop up stating that it can't be researched in that position, and that it needs to be below the particular research items, complete with icon, title and a highlight to show the highest possible position it can take in the list.

When it comes to picking what to research, I think that there is a bit too much back and forth between various areas. I can switch between the system view and research tree or ship creation and research tree multiple times before finding specifically what I'm looking for.

I propose that when a piece of research is required for, say, the colonisation of a lava planet, I can click on the research item's title in the planet view window, and this will take me to a medium-zoom research view with a pulsing glow on the research item and the quickest path to get there. Similarly, there could be some links shown from ship creation to research view that show a particular weapon's upgrade path, and in reverse what modules are currently in the research queue, and how many turns they will take. From the diplomacy negotiation screen indications as to when a particular negotiation option or research item for trade would become available.

In each of these cases, right clicking would take you back to where you were and what you were doing.

I hope those ideas make a bit of sense. Keep up the good work!
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 2:27:13 PM
Oh, sorry. I did do a search, but I guess the terms I used didn't throw up the relevant posts.
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